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Everything posted by *Nadine*

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by sjmacphe Erica, that's too funny - my BMs are all wearing the second dress in the same color (clover right??), I think they are going to look great on them - have your girls tried them on yet? Only one of my has ordered hers, I hope it fits her well ! Three of my girls are wearing that second dress in clover too! I have 7 girls so I went with three styles, the strapless, the twist tank and the sophia. All my girls love them Are you doing purple and green? or what color of bouquets are you having and centerpeices? I havent decided what color to put with the green yet?! I have went back and forth from white and green and yellow.. to fuschia, purple and green..
  2. I would check out jcrew.. they have some good ones on sale right now. I buy ALOT of my dresses from there. Also check out LULUS Fashion Lounge, Cute Shoes, Trendy Clothes, Fashion Apparel, Teen Clothing, Junior Shoes, Accessories, Jewelry or else True Religion Jeans, Juicy Couture, Seven Jeans, Citizens of Humanity at Revolve Clothing, Juicy Couture, Marc Jacobs, True Religion, Seven Jeans, UGGs, Fashion, Style Shopbop.com They usually have some good sales!
  3. Stop making me cry at work damn it!!! My mother taught me, as early as I can remember, to live by the golden rule 'Do unto others as you wish others do unto you'. I have never forgotten it and being on this forum has showed me that there are many wonderful women out there who live by the same rule. I am so happy there are so many people supporting and caring for you through this difficult time. It's the least we can do when we are scattered all across the world and can't be there in a physical sense. love love.
  4. We aren't doing any excursions for our group. We feel our guests are paying alot of money to come to our wedding we don't want to also tell them what to do while they are there. I know some brides do sunset cruises tho? And i would probably book it in advance if you were going to do that.
  5. no lipstick Would you rather have a visible mustache (as a female) or BO
  6. I love the flower on it actually but agree a sweetheart neckline would be the perfect final touch. It looks very flattering on you!
  7. Im less than three months out and I still have no idea!
  8. Yah Ang, I agree love this idea.. Im doing all dif dresses but in the same color. I originally was going to go with that inspiration picture that girlkin posted though cause i looove it but changed my mind last minute. Natalia is actually using that as her inspiration pic so you will get to see pics from her wedding before yours.. just one more thing for you to decide, hey
  9. Ah I second guess mine all the time, but I dont really even care about my wedding dress.. its just a dress! No matter what you wear you will look beautiful and everyone will ooh and aw over you. Then again I never get those 'its the one' feeling about anything in my life thats material, so I could just be different.
  10. you guys posted at the same time so ill have to answer the first one! i would rather gain 5lbs! I could hide it better than my face! would you rather have five good friends or one best friend?
  11. HANDS DOWN #3. Its by far the most flattering on you. And dont worry about the 'this is the one feeling'. I dont think that happens for everyone, it sure didnt happen for me and I tried on about 100 dresses. I just bought something I liked and thought flattered me. Don't stress
  12. holy crap Autumn.I just copied and pasted your list, and will see what I am doing thats similar and go from there! hehe
  13. 7 months is still a long ways away, esp to book for a destination wedding. I would wait till more like 3 or 4 mths before you really start to get upset. Thats my $0.02!
  14. holy moly, everyone is so far ahead of me. I think I have started to come to grips that I am ok with an o.k. wedding but an awesome vacation.. less stress! I booked my first fitting for Nov 23rd, bought my wedding earings, and went to look at bands recently. Still to do: Making welcome pamphlets Buy advil/pepto for welcome bags Buy wedding shoes (this has been the death of me) Purchase wedding bands Pay for remainder of trip Buy MC outfit Buy groomsman gifts Buy my neices dress (Not having a flower girl but still buying)
  15. So awesome yael.. better late than never, and this was just awesome. I forgot how awesome your centerpeices were
  16. hehe love that you got a cupcake! Both your dresses are going to be stunning on you, nice work
  17. Beautiful dress! I cant wait to see pictures and your review when you get back!!! I agree with the other girls, it would get tricky alternating b/w heels and flats b/c then your dress would not be the right length for one or the other. Definitely just pick up some heels for a couple of the other nights, like the rehearsal dinner or if you are doing a welcome dinner. since it sounds like you dont normally wear heels, i wouldnt choose your wedding night to wear them cause you want to just let loose and have fun, and ballet flats seem like they would be more comfortable for you. Good luck!
  18. Id rather wear ear muffs! would you rather go to a party with everyone you know buck naked for the whole night, or never eat your favorite food ever again in your life?
  19. If they ask, then just tell them not to worry about it, but otherwise I wouldnt go outright and tell them. My bmaids asked me and I said they could get anything gold, whatever they wanted, b/c I am not buying their jewellry for them as their gift.
  20. I think all those same people that who were at your first wedding and now will be at your second wedding will just be absolutely thrilled for you and happy to share in your day again. I wouldnt think twice about going or giving a friend of mine a gift, even if I had given them one 10 years earlier. A gift is just that, a gift. And if people want to give you one, they will, no matter what.
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