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Everything posted by *Nadine*

  1. Happy Wedding Day friend!!! Thinking of you and hoping you are having the best day EVER!
  2. You looked beautiful, real and happy! And I say real b/c you just looked like yourself on your wedding day and I looove that. Congrats
  3. holy crap, my wedding is in under 2 mths and I havent done anything that you have done Props to you for being so organized!!
  4. yah i love it too Meg! Good thing I am not one of your bmaids though b/c I think my hoo-ha and a** would hang out of that thing! ahha
  5. I dont remember what your bustle looks like Aut.. can you show again?
  6. Thanks Rachel! I knew I had seen that somewhere and Im so happy I found it again!
  7. We haven't even gotten our marriage certificate yet.. we should get on that. I think we will wait until about a week before we leave for our wedding to get legally married. And we won't be telling anyone. I haven't done much lately, b/c I have been studying to take the GMAT this week but after this is done I will be full steam ahead!
  8. I apparently didn't even think of this but my dress is metallic so I dont even know what color it is, and my FI is wearing a white shirt under his linen suit. I just assummed it would look ok?! All the groomsmen are wearing white shirts and beige pants as well.. I think it will work out. I dont like the look of ivory shirts personally, they don't look as clean
  9. I feel the same way! But I have heard from so many brides that they take care of everything so I am sure it will all look fantastic! Make sure to let me(us) know how it goes and show us some pics!!
  10. Yah I also wired the money to him. I have NO idea how I would get it back. I kinda think its a lost cause to be honest but my FI wants us to try. Gabriela was asking me how much it was for and if I had the contract..do you think dreams might work it into our pkg or something?? I know thats highly unlikely but im hoping for anything. are you excited?! How many people do you have going?
  11. Wow Kim. Thanks so much for letting us know! I cannot belive it, thats awful. I dont understand how they won't be giving us refunds though, it was a contract? Either way I will take care of my end on my own. Make sure you come back and give us an update on how your wedding goes!!
  12. yah I agree with jess.. Having that dance instructor and cocktails and appys would be awesome. I guess it depends how big your bridal party is, but if its bigger you could play a 'get to know each other game'.. for example we played one here at work where everyone submitted a fact about them that was interesting like 'I played on the Canada softball team in high school'.. and then you go around and try to figure out whos facts are whos. Gets people talking and interacting. But then again if there are only like 5 of you it might be silly!
  13. I would definitely try selling it.. i wouldnt feel right asking for a friend to pay for a shirt b/c of uncontrollable issues preventing them coming to my wedding.
  14. Wasnt a transfer to and from the hotel included in her package? I am assumming not. I say, BE HONEST, otherwise things will get ugly. You cant read each others minds adn this is something that is bothering you. Me personally, I would just give her a gift/hair/makeup and pay for her cab, but thats cause I dont know how to say no and im too nice sometimes, which blows. She still is making the trip down to your wedding, which is huge in itself for someone with money issues.
  15. ARe your guys wearing dress shirts with a pocket? Maybe you could do like a pocket scarf to add some color? I dont know how that would look tho? good luck either way
  16. I know..i have stalked there before. I not only am part of the slacker month but im also part of the 'nobody gets married at dreams huatulco' club.. sooo im basically screwed. Ill be the first person to review it. fack. ok off to check out that link! ps. my thoughts are if someone complains about something missing or going wrong at my wedding, they can take another shot of tequila and shut up
  17. mine have already been nominated too! I am surprised every time I see my name so thank you for the noms
  18. I have been searching and looking for fun christmas beach ornaments that won't break the bank. I didnt even think of making them! Hmm, gonna have to look into that. Also- remember how long ago i copied your to do list? Well I have done nothing
  19. I am in the same boat.. I have 7 bmaids and 7 groomsman, although we werent going to give the groomsman bouts anyways since they aren't wearing jackets. SO just FI will wear one. And for my girls, I was thinking of still getting them bouquets but then using their bouquets as the centerpeices for the reception. I dont know if that is 'cheap' or wrong to do but thats probably the way I am going to go. I have been a bmaid enough times to know that once I get to the reception I drop my bouquet and never touch it again.
  20. Hey girls I am going to opt out of this now (my old name was Cdnvb9). So it will now go from EDRBride2009 to Kpruckin.. thanks
  21. We ordered FI's tie from seller Rabbitstop- great quality, came fast and looks exactly like it did online. Definitely recommend!
  22. ah crap.. this is butting it too clase to when I leave so ill be out.. thanks tho!
  23. yah platinum is a much softer metal than white gold and therefore scratches way more easily. Depending on the karat of white gold you get, it might have to get re-dipped eventually. My FI and I will have dif metals as well so I dont think that matters.
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