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Everything posted by meghanmbm

  1. Hey girls hoping you can help me find a cheaper dress that looks like this on. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it, but already bought my dress which cost 1,000. I cant pay 2,200 for this one to, but i seriously cant stop thinking about this one. http://www.nicolemiller.com/bridal_09.html
  2. Here is a link to my dress. http://www.mcbridals.com/CollectionP...14&did=502056&
  3. I am getting a litttle frustrated with our TA. A few guests have found cheaper packages through other TA or buy booking online. We want everyone to book through our TA because if we book so many rooms we get free stuff for the wedding ie: food, and some night free. I talked to my TA about this and i didnt get to far. How do i get her to get us all the best price?
  4. For all of you that mailed out your boarding pass invitations, did you have to use more than one stamp to mail out your invitations?
  5. Hi ladies, yes i already bought my dress but am still looking daily at dresses. I love my drees, but i feel like i am going to get hot. When im hot i sweat, so im looking for a reception dress. I fell in love with Jenny Peckham's papillon dress, but my bank account doesnt like it that much. I am looking for a similar style. where i can find a similar style for under 1000 dollars? Please help.
  6. You can say you are haveing a small wedding with immediate family and super close friends or you need to send invites to everyone. I know its a waste of money but it will be worth it not to hurt someone you care about. I am sending invites to people that i dont even want to come, but i know that if i didnt i would be hurting their feelikng. I think that with the economy the way it is if you think that someone wont come they probally wont. You can also only send out invites to the AHR to the people you dont really want at the DW. In the end its your day so do waht makes you happy. : )
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by becks Okay, it's not exactly a secret, because I'll tell anyone who will listen, but I'm at the point with this planning thing that I really just want someone to come in, tell me what hotel I'm going to be married at, what day to be there, what I'll be wearing, eating, listening to, etc.! And, I am completely and utterly astounded that those of you who managed to get through all of this and marry the loves of your lives did NOT end up in an insane asylum. Oh, and I love you all, because without you, that's exactly where I'd be. YOU READ MY MIND!!!! I WAS THINKING THAT I WAS GETTING COLD FEET, BUT I THINK THAT PLANNING THIS WEDDING AND ALL THE CRAP THAT COMES ALONG WITH IT IS DRIVING ME F-ING CRAZY! I AM SO SICK OF HEARING EVERONES OPINIONS, WHINING,DISSAPROVALS AND BITCHING. I WISH I KNOW THE WOMAN THAT CREATED ALL THE WEDDING REGULATIONS SO I COULD KNOCK HER OUT. IT MY WEDDING AND I SAY SCREW ANYONE WHO DOESNT AGREE WITH MY DECISIONS! PLAN YOUR OWN F-ING WEDDING THEN! OK I FEEL BETTER NOW. (sorry i just realized i had the cap locks on, but they fit the feel of my speel)
  8. Wanted to let you ladies know that target has a mini spanish for dummies in their $1 bins. It has the most used spanish words. Perfect for a DW OTT bag.
  9. Is anyone else getting cold feet? I am starting to really freak out about the whole wedding/marriage thing. Not sure why, my man is the most wonderful person i have ever met. I think money is playing a big part. Please tell me i am not the only one.
  10. I am wondering if anyone is on or has tried the south beach diet. I just ordered the book off amazon and was hoping someone would be able to give me their views, opinions and advice regarding this diet. I hate thinking about dieting because i love food and cooking. I never had to worry about my weight untill recently. I am just getting bigger by the minute. I know i need to start hitting up the gym again, but i also want a healthy yet tastey diet. Any help?
  11. There are tons of knock offs out there of this necklace. Google tiffany starfish necklace knockoff. You will save tons and no one will know the difference. I have been in a few weddings and would not expect someone to spend that kind of cash on me. I would rather have had the brides pay for my dress, so if you want to chip in for their dresses and buy them the cheaper knock off necklaces. Thats what im doing.
  12. We dont really have a "budget" for our OOT bags. What i am doing is if i find a bargin i will buy 30 of the item. we still have about 8 months so i am buying thing slowly so its not such a big hit to our wedding buget. I am not even noticing 30 dollars here or there so I like how this is working. It is working for us. Good luck
  13. I love the earings, but i think the braclect is to casual. I would look for something else, but keep it vintage looking.
  14. Is it ok to have use white as your BM dress color? The dress i like comes in all different colors, but i think white with a navy ribbon looks so classic. I know that no one but the bride should wear white to a wedding, but does that include the wedding party? Will this draw attention away from the bride. Opinions please.
  15. Ok, i started my "wedding diet" and all i think about is all the yummy food i cant eat. I try munchin on healthy snacks buti t doesnt help my cravings. Any suggestion?
  16. Hey ladies, I just wanted to shrae a great web site: Calorie Counter Database - Free Online Diet Program it allows you to track all meals and gives you the calorie count. It is really helpful.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by jkcz0702 I try to eat between 1500 and 1600 calories a day. My workouts are usually like this: Monday - spin 60 min and WT back and bicep and abs Tues - bootcamp 60 min and WT chest and triceps Wed - Run 5 miles and abs Thurs - Spin 45 min and WT shoulders Frdiay - either bootcamp or spin and WT legs and abs Sat - if I am up to it 5 mile run or 75 min of Zumba My goal is to loose about 10 - 15 more lbs so I am currently playing with my workout and food habits to see come changes. Wow, I wish i could get my ass in gear like you. How do you fing the energy to do all that? I feel like i will never be the beach babe i want to be for the big day. I guess you just have to start and not stop.
  18. Hey girls, I am hoping you will share what your pre wedding diet consists of. How are you counting calories, what are you fav low fat/cal meals and snacks? Also what are you doing at the gym?
  19. Has anyone tried the karatin hair Tx system for staightening your hair? My stylest was suggesting it, but i do like my curls just not the frizz. I hoping someone out there has a real testimony.
  20. I am looking for a knockoff of a Jenny Peckham dress. Does anyone know where you can buy designer knockoffs?
  21. Hey ladies, I just wanted to give you an update. Last week i got a email from our wc @ the palace resort. She has sent me menu lists asked about our colors and has answered all my emails within 15mins of me sending them. Our wedding is still 10 months away!! I just have to say she has made me feel a lot more comfortable with the whole thing. She is honest and very helpful!! so all of you worried out there keep your head up. ill keep you posted.
  22. It looks like the metal color is yellow. I would like them if they were white metal. Let me know
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