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Everything posted by meghanmbm

  1. Old Navy has them right now for 2 for $5 = $2.50 each. they have them in every color under the sun.
  2. Ok so I feel like I am a laid back bride that really just wants this whole wedding process to be an excuss to have FUN! I told my mother that I had only 3 things that I needed her to do: 1.) wear a one piece bathing suit 2.) Not wear a dress that has her breast hanging out 3.) throw a bridal shower that is FUN IE, not tea and mini sandwiches, I would rather margaritas and nachos. Now my mother tells me to stop making demands and hangs up on me WTF?!?! Am I being a bridzilla?
  3. Thanks ladies for all your support! It is so nice to have a group of people who know what you are going through. I just wish my mother would zip it! I dont know if I can take much more of her. Deep breaths and count to ten Thanks again!!
  4. We did a mass email, and I had my mother call her side and my cousin who is one of the BM's call my fathers side, I also put a little note on our website saying April fools Please RSVP by june 1st. I still fell like a bonehead though. I worked really hard on these and I wanted them to be perfect, but the are like me made with love with a few flaws what can I do, It will keep people buzzing about the wedding. Its not the invite that matter anyway.
  5. So we sent out our invitations on wed, I called our travel agent to give her a heads up that she might be getting calls. When I got her on the phone she said "wow Meghan I have been getting calls left and right, April 1st is coming right up." APRIL 1ST!!!!!!!!!!! we put april F-ING first down for people to rsvp by, I started crying, that gives people like 14 secs to decide if they want to travel to Mexico!!!! OMG I could die!! This is just my luck, and what i get for doing this invites myself!! AHHHHHHH
  6. The resort we are staying at works with a DJ company, but we didnt want a DJ, all we wanted was a speaker system and someone to make sure the music kept flowing all night long. we bought a package for $400 that includes a sound system and a person to keep the music flowing. I thought that was a reasonale price. We wanted all our guest to have a good time so we didnt want to ask someone to man the ipod all night. We are still working on a play list. What I was planning on was doing a few playlist IE: Cocktail, Dinner, first dances, party tunes. on our wedding website we ask poeople to put down a few of their favorite songs so that we could add them to the palylist. I am thinking of buying a new ipod, just to keep things organized.
  7. My Mom said she would buy us luggage for my bridal shower gift so that we have it for our trip to PV Mexico. I want to know if any of you have a good brand that you use. I am looking at samsonite or Liz Claborne(only b/c I think it pretty ) Any other brand reviews would be great.
  8. I would love to hear where you all are planning to have your receptions. I really want to have it outside, but we are getting married in August at 5pm so I am worried that it will be to hot outside. I cant imagine getting married on the beach then heading into a reception room..?.. What do you all think? I also dont want to pay a fortune on flowers to decorate, we were planning on using the mexican beach as our decor.
  9. i have recently noticed that when I am out in the sun I develop sun spots, they are so gross!!! I normally tan and get a few more freckles, but this is larger than a freckle and it isnt as dark. I wear uv 15+ daily, but I am hoping someone has another tip.
  10. Hi Chanti, This sounds like a great idea. I am getting married 8/8/09. I am 5'1 and want to loose at least ten lbs by then. I will be your buddy!!! Tell me how this works? I just started looking at my diet and exercising (a little) I am working two jobs and taking 3 classes right now, so I could really use someone to kick my ass a bit. Let me know. you can PM me for my email Meghan
  11. OK, I am starting to freak out about my weight. I want to loose at least ten pounds before my wedding, but i have been so stressed out and tired that all i want to do is eat and sleep when i am not working my two jobs or going to one of my three college classes. I dont have the time or energy to go to the gym, so I am looking at diet pills ect.. It looks like hoodia is a non stimulant diet pill without any side effects, but I want some honest feedback. If any of you have any info on hoodia or anything else that might help me i would be forever thankful.
  12. WOW, everything look so great. your guests will love them!!!!!!!!!
  13. So everyone kept telling me to register for china, so we went and pick out a set that we both really love-we didnt think that we were that into it, but after putting everthing together it was really beautiful. After checking the prices we found it all to be very pricey. So I asked my friends and they said not to register for it if we wanted other big ticket items? I feel like I want everything now! What should we do? How many of you registered for formal china? Are we being greedy?
  14. I bought mine here: Seashells, Starfish, Sharks Teeth, Sand Dollars - SeaShell Co They are beautiful and i found cheap. Good luck.
  15. I know there is already a thread similar to this, but lets list our favorite songs here. Strictly SONG TITLES please, It will be nice to have a tread with only song titles. Name your favorite dance songs, slow songs ect. I cant wait to see all your titles. Favs: DMB: Two step, Best of whats around, Satalite, Van Morrison: Domino, Moon dance, Brown eyed girl U2: With or without you, she moves in mysterious ways The who: Teenage wasteland The police: Everything she does is magic Steve Miller Band: Come on and dance, Joker, jack and diane Fall out boys: Dance dance Red hot chilli peppers: Dani california, Hey Oh, under the bridge Rolling stones, Start me up, Guns and roses: Paradise city Billy Joel: Shes got a way Im all over the place and looking for a master playlist, including some of todays/80's/90's top hits that people can dance to. Let keep it to only songs Thanks
  16. Just wondering if it is proper to put your address in the corners of your wedding invitations. I dont want to put it on the backs.
  17. I want to have a welcome party for everyone when they arrive, but I am confused as to when to have it. not everyone will be coming to Mexico the same day so when should we have it? I also dont know how to tell people about it or if we can afford it. We are staying at an AI resort so i was thinking cocktail party. How are you all planning this stuff!?!? Help please:)
  18. Hey Ladies, what are you wearing for jewels on your big? I am looking for ideas as well as where you bought the items you will be wearing. Pics would be appreciated. I cant wait to see all your jems
  19. SPLURGE!!!!!!! you need to feel like the most beautiful woman on earth the day you get married. If that means 2 dresses than do it! The tears say enough. I say GO FOR IT!
  20. I like the idea of a welcome cocktail party, but people are spending a lot to be at your wedding. IMHO you should deed them dinner. Call me old fashion
  21. I haven't really given this much thought yet, but here is what I was planning on. cocktail hour while pic are taken. 1hr Dinner with light music in the background.1hr First dance father daughter dance mother son dance then party time. We are going to do the ipod thing, but the company we are using has a man that will control the songs for us and a speaker system. I think it is $400, but less stressful than us or someone else fussing with it all night.
  22. You should check out a jcrew outlet store. They have last seasons dresses for half the price. Good luck.
  23. I am getting married at one of the palace resorts, but we decided not to use the musicians due to expenses. We were leaning toward to trio. If you are going to pay that much $ you might want to use them during the cocktail hour to get your moneys worth. During the ceremony how long do you think they would be playing? I would just use the CD player for that part unless your heart is set on it. If that is the case I would go with the violin it is softer and more romantic.
  24. I am finishing up my boarding pass invites, but we cant seems to find nice envelopes to mail them out in. We are looking for a pastel blue color and i am worry to purchase online without seeing the actual color in person. Please help
  25. Dont even ask me why I need to know this b/c I will rant endlessly, but who is supposed to throw the bridal shower? The Mother of the bride or the bridesmaids?
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