Quote: Originally Posted by Theresa08 Julie,
Thanks so much, this was so helpful. But I have a few more questions for you, if you don't mind.
1. Did you use the house DJ? Did you like him?
2. When you booked, was the "new" wedding guide out? I booked when the old wedding guide was available and I was confirmed for the Seaside Grill, outdoors, private event (because I want a DJ, which means they have to close the restuarant) and I am just trying to find out of they honor that. I did read in one of these threads that the are not allowing any new bookings to close the restuarant, but if confirmed prior, can I still get it? I am more concerned that I get to have my reception outdoors with a DJ and I see that they added so more outdoor areas for weddings, so that may be ok.
3. Just trying to understand what you meant when you said you couldn't eat all of the food given, were the portions that large, etc.? Also, what else did you mix in?
4. How many hours was the reception?
Thanks for the tips on the appetizers, we changed ours to what you had.
If you have any pictures, I would love to see them.
Thanks again!!!!! 1. Did you use the house DJ? Did you like him? I did use the house DJ and he was fine played anything that we asked, mostly popular US music.
2. When you booked, was the "new" wedding guide out? The new guide was not out when I booked and I made up my mind on where I wanted things after I arrived and had a chance to walk around a bit.
3. Just trying to understand what you meant when you said you couldn't eat all of the food given, were the portions that large, etc.? Also, what else did you mix in? The portions were perfect they are not huge and not small, but I think it was just the number of courses and being out in the hot sun. We had lots of food that we did not eat.
4. How many hours was the reception? our wedding was at 5:00-5:30 we had the cocktail hour from 5:30-6:30, then went over to El Patio for our dinner and mariachi (for 45 minutets) 6:30-8:30 then the DJ played from 8:30-10:30. I hope that helps!
All of our pictures (both professional, our and our guests) can be viewed on my husband's website: Donnie Franzen :: PowerMove Central I will warn you there are TONS! But it gives you a great idea of how much fun we had.