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Everything posted by Beach_Bride_09

  1. What a great idea! It's always a pain carrying your room key - especially when you're swimsuit bound!!! How much were the holders, if you don't mind me asking.
  2. I also wanted to do the DIY mugs, but it was just a nightmare! The paints kept rubbing off my sample mug and washed off in the water. I even used an etching product for stainless steel, but it was so messy. I ended up ordering my stainless steel travel mugs from discountmugs.com If you join their mailing list they'll send you coupons for 10-25% off the regular price of the mugs. If you live in the US, you can often get free shipping too. I should get mine next week in the mail, I can hardly wait! When I get them in, I'll post pics for you to see.
  3. Wow! Thest passports looks amazing! You did an incredible job. What size of paper did you print them on? Did you buy the paper from a store like 'Michael's?' They are stunning!
  4. Hi ladies! I heard about this site from another destination wedding forum and it looks like there is a lot of great information posted on here! I'm getting married in March 2009 on the beach and can hardly wait! I see lots of great ideas for DIY projects!!!! Can't wait to get to know all of you!
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