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Everything posted by zorlack76

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by SIMBASIM This is definitely where a travel Agent comes in handy. We are taking travelers checks and cash to pay for the wedding. I have no idea how much I will owe. I have made so many changes. I am bringing all my documentation so when she adds it up, I can have something to double check her numbers. Be sure to bring all correspondence with you. I emailed the Spa directly. They are very responsive. Claudia told me to email them and make any appointments. [email protected] As for the dinner, this should be scheduled with your wedding coordinator. How soon would you recommend making your hair and makeup appointments at the spa? Do you have any idea if they book up quickly? You think I should book them now or just wait until we get down there to take care of that?
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by itsfinallyhere I had them too. What was suggested to me was buy a pair of VERY good runners/sneakers the are very comfortable and give good support. Maybe a walking type or cross training. Anyway you need to wear these all the time, or as much as possible. I think the filp flops are comfy because they have molded to your feet but are not helping because they provide no support. As far as walking on the beach I think you will be ok because of the surface and textures that is a beach (it gives, not like grass or concrete). Good Luck I hope this helps. This is absolutely correct. There is no support and with foot related pains, the pain generally stems from lack of arch support. I dont know if you are looking for a quick and cheap fix, or a more sustained approach that will cost a bit more. You could talk to a podiatrist. They can take a cast molding of your foot and custom make you some arch support. The down side is that you cant really wear them with flip flops. They are more for tennis shoes, boots, work shoes, etc. A cheaper way would just to buy those Dr. Scholls inserts, but they dont really do a whole heck of a lot for me. Maybe you could start "gelling" Also, stretching helps a bit. It may sound odd, by try doing calf stretches. Dont over extend when you stretch though otherwise you will be in a lot more pain. Hope this helps!
  3. Just curious if anyone knows how a company can tell their employees that they are not allowed to travel to Mexico. I can understand the military ordering their soldiers to stay in the U.S., but Id tell my company to pound sand if they ordered me to stay in the States. Short of the US closing the border to Mexico, everyone has the freedom to go where they please. What happens if the employee breaks that rule? Is there any way for a company to find out whether their employee went to Mexico?? ...Just a thought.
  4. I know you wanted a small private type place, but have you considered doing a wedding through Sandals? Based on what I have seen from their website, they have beautiful weddings and they are relatively inexpensive. Their TV commercials seem pretty convincing too. They have several different resorts in St. Lucia, Bahamas, Jamaica, etc. If you want to check it out, here is the website: Caribbean Luxury Vacations at Sandals Resorts Let me know what you think.
  5. Destination, I totally agree with you. The media is totally blowing this WAY out of proportion. In 6 weeks, this should be totally under control and I believe all the borders will be completely opened up. As soon as the media has a new and improved story/controversy, we wont hear anything else about the Swine Flu. Good thing is that I havent seen or heard anything on the news about anyone in Cancun being diagnosed with Swine...but maybe you all have heard something different. I am just taking it day by day and trying to keep the stress level down. Thats about all I can do.
  6. Thats kind of the same mentality we have at this point. We think that if you dont want to go, and all you want to do is make excuses, then piss off! At least we are gonna be there enjoying the beautiful white sand beaches, sipping on our Coco Loco's, eating a ton of great food, getting a nice tan, etc, etc. To us, there are more "pros" to going than "cons." I am horrible at mathematics, but I guess Im just a numbers person...what is the liklihood that me or my family are going to catch the "Swine Flu." We are more likely to catch Montezumas Revenge than anything. (For those of you who dont know what that is, its an illness some people get when they travel to Mexico because they eat bad food off their resort, or drink unbottled water, etc, etc. You basically have flu-like symptoms...fever, stomach aches and pains, dehydrated, diahrrea, etc.) But it is aggravating, hearing all the lame ass excuses people come up with. Last month, my mom wanted to cancel because she was worried about the drug cartel people shooting her. WOW!!! Cancun is a tourist destination!! Ok, im done now
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by rabutler816 Zorlack. we are on the same weekend! We definitely have to keep each other updated and keep hope alive! (Rabutler) Oh alive and well!! On the topic of stress, especially with this new Swine Flu kick-off, I just want to send out some special comments to all of our fellow brides. Though I may have some confort in knowing our wedding is a few months away...and I certainly feel horrible for those brides going to Mexico from out of the United States, my prayers and deepest sympathies are with you. However, to everyone, please keep a cool and level head about this. This is a stressful time, and in my opinion, there is no need....no sense...in worring about the unknown. Lets deal with what we know and make no assumptions. Take things day by day, and know that your fellow brides are here to support you. Look at the numbers. i dont know how many of you watch CNN or any of the other news channels, but fromt what I gather, this Swine Flu is not as dangerous and deadly as the regular flu. All countries world wide are taking substantial steps toward getting this resolved. If anyone needs someone to talk to, turn to your fellow brides. We are all here for eachother....some more than others of course....but we can understand, sympathize, and offer any input if you need it. With all that said, on a similar topic, everyone on this site has a lot of stress to a certain extent. At least those of us with upcoming weddings. Please, please, please....everyone watch your tone with your comrades. Some people say things they dont mean, others just use a poor choice of words. If that is the case and you notice it, be polite and professional about it. Making someone feel like crap because they used poor judgement in wording is counter productive. Rather, if you have something mean to say, say it in a private message or bite your tongue. Stress creates poor judgement, and stress can be cured by support. So lets all be friendly and kind with eachother, though, sometimes we may not want to HAPPY PLANNING!!!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by TA Maureen I think the dispute did get resolved peacefully so no need to further the dispute with your comments. The best thing about this forum is the way we can all respect each others' views. Let's not get too "Knot like' and catty. Take your own advice and let it be. Now back to helpful info on making a wedding ceremony unique. The irony in this escapade is remarkable, is it not? I cant help but chuckle at it. But in all seriousness, just trying to get people to take a step back and take look in the mirror....or should I post a new thread about that? Im always for the underdog, and Im sure some of you have noticed through my comments in other threads where people take on the same defensive tone, antics, and propoganda.
  9. I am thankful and glad this dispute got resolved. Being an understanding person, one has to not always take things at face value. Anyone who thought that bumblebee was trying to intentionally insult anyone needs to get a grip. Sometimes people use a poor choice of wording as we have seen here. It doesnt mean they are malicious and certainly doesnt require a snotty/pissy/bitchy response. Rather, why not respect their views and try to help them as I am sure you were in need to advise while planning your wedding. Though some of you may be senior or VIP members, you needed help too...and may have said some inappropriate things when you were a noob or junior member....maybe whomever felt insulted just let it be and didnt bother responding. Just something to think about.....
  10. I certainly dont mean to sound insensitive...but for those of you whose wedding isnt any time soon, has anyone thought about trying to cash in on this swine flu deal. It sounds like some hotels are going to be losing a lot of business. May be a great way to renegotiate the prices a little bit. Just curious if anyone has thought about it. Of course, my heart goes out to all who have been affected by this. I cant imagine how difficult it would be to cancel a wedding or move all of your reservations elsewhere. I hope it gets under control very quickly.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 Jesus I need a bottle of vodka! I second that motion!! Good Call!!!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by sunitam i sent my WC Cecilia about the Eternity honeymoon package too, and she said this: Dear Sunita: Yes you can have this honeymoon Packaged complementary, just please give me before all the room confirmation numbers, so I can send those to the reservations department in order to give you that complementary Package. they cant argue with something thats stated right on their dreams website. nice deal with the romantic dinner and the facial and massage! Does that only apply if all your guests book directly through Dreams? What if some of my people book through Apple vacations, or Expedia, or something like that? How do we send room confirmation numbers? Any thoughts?
  13. Well if you are looking to shed pounds/inches, dont rely on the scale. Always go by how your clothes fit. The scale certainly helps...but always remember that a mirror never lies. Keep in mind, if you drink a ton of water one day, and you didnt pee it all out, the scale will say that you weigh more than you actually do...just cuz you have the extra water in your tummy.
  14. Since you got a Wedding Tropics shirt, maybe you can help me. My FI purchased one of their Custom shirts. I had to take his measurements and for some reason they just dont seem right. His chest is naturally big (44), but all of his other parts are average size (Large catagory.) When I matched up my measurements to the "Standard" measurements they have, everything was between 1/2 inch and 1 1/2" bigger. Do you know if the shirt is baggy? I just dont know if I did them properly, though, I followed all of the measurement instructions they gave me. Please let me know if you experienced the same thing! Thanks a bunch!
  15. Ooh, thank you so much for the Cake Price List. That helps a ton. I was under the impression that they were gonna charge like 500 bucks for some cheesy cake!! Those are actually awesome prices!
  16. Like the last post said, it really depends on a lot of things. If you have a big frame, you probably have more poundage coming from your bones and muscles. Some people are "big boned" and that is certainly a consideration. If you are trying to maintain your weight, I dont see why 2200-2400 calories a day wouldnt work. Since you hike for about an hour, depending on the intensity, I am guessing you burn 200-250 calories...but you are keeping your metabolism up. If you are looking to drop a bunch of weight, keep up with an excercise program and drop your calories to about 1800 per day. Its tricky though...it cant be 1800 calories of brownies (ooh, that would be so yummy.) Its gotta be lots of fiber coming from wheat grains, or veggies. When I was dieting, I actually measured my portions. 1 serving of everything. If that meant I had a quarter cup of cereal, thats what I did. I had an average breakfast, lunch, and a bigger dinner with snacks between each meal. I lost a ton of weight in about 3 months based on 1800 calories per day. Well, good luck and I hope that helped.
  17. Yeah, we get the same thing. Phone calls, emails. I have been telling eveyone that calls to just take us off their list. The phone calls have dropped tremendously in the past month or so. Another thing about Davids is it seems as though after they make the sale (and get their money,) they are less likely to help you and try to make you happy. I tried on a size 4 dress when I went there and the consultant told me I should order a 0 which they didnt have in stock. So based on her recommendation, I ordered and paid for the 0. When I got it, I found it was really tight. There is no way to make the dress any bigger...and they told me they dont do returns. Arrrr...ok, Im done complaining about Davids. To anyone who reads this, I dont recommend them!
  18. ...but if for some reason you couldnt find your answers, it has been mentioned to check with your airline about whether it is considered a carry on or not. A lot of brides have been able to take their dress as well as a carry on, and the flight attendant can put the dress in the captains closet, or another place where it will not be tampered with. Best of luck!!
  19. Check out the following web sites. The Bed Stu brand shoes and sandals are some of the most comfortable things I have ever worn. I definitely recommend Bed Stu. The Buckle is a mid-west clothing store. They carry brands like Lucky, BKE, Bed Stu, and a lot of other popular brands. But I can tell you, if you get one of the Bed Stu products, you wont be disappointed. Here are the links: Bed|Stu Buckle.com | Designer Jeans : Men's and Women's Fashion Clothing Let me know what you think!!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by bbpacco Thanks, I am having symbolic only, I guess I'll email Cecilia and see what she got. Ha, if Cecilia gets back to you in a timely manner please let me know. I hate emailing them cuz it takes so long for them to get back to me!!
  21. Hey There, I dont know if you are looking for advise or sympathy, however, I have both. About 2 weeks ago, both my sisters lost their jobs and will be moving "back home" with my parents. My dad was on the verge of losing his job and keeps getting his hours cut at work. My mom called me and said that none of them were going to be able to make it. I snapped off HARD on her. Im sure she felt bad about giving me that news, but guess what, this is MY WEDDING!!! My father IS walking me down the aisle. We had some long group discussions and gave them the option to come at least for 1 or 2 days. They were originally going to pay for themselves, both my sisters, and their boyfriends to go (oddly enough she wasnt going to pay for my and my FI.....) But anyways after some long talks, I pretty much demanded that my dad still show up to walk me down the aisle. The changed their booking and both my mom and dad will be coming for a few days, however, my sisters arent coming at all. I understood financial burden on them, but that is no excuse for not getting down there for at least a day or two. Hell, my FI was in the police academy about 4 years ago when his brother got married. He left the police academy Firday night, flew out od Ohare to Seattle on Saturday morning, stood up for his brothers wedding on Saturday, then flew back on Sunday morning. So realistically, there are no excuses for missing a family members wedding. With all that said, if things still dont go your way, you might want to snap off like I did. Laying a guilt trip can work too...and talk to your dad. Communication is key, and you have to tell your parents exactly what you are thinking. Well, best of luck to you and Ill keep my fingers crossed for you!
  22. Well, one thing is for certain, the cops are grossly underpaid in Mexico. That is prolly why they have to be crooked. They need to feed their families too, and I dont think they are stealing your money maliciously...just trying to be able to eat. Keep in mind...their crooked bosses too...they prolly have to give their bosses a cut of the money they take from you. If you give them 50 bucks, they prolly gotta give thier boss 50% or more of that, so Im sure they dont get to keep the whole thing.
  23. I know a lot of people shop at Wedding Tropics online. They have a great assortment of shirts (long sleeve and short sleeve.) They have customized as well as already made shirts. As for pants, they only do custom pants to the best of my knowledge, so whatever you do, make sure your measurements are accurate.
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by cancunbride I wish the dance floor was included, lol its a total of $647usd for 3 hours of DJ plus an additional cost for the dancefloor OK, either way, thats still a good price considering what they already had in my contract!!! Now its just a matter of getting Cecilia to correct the contract Hahahaha...im not going to hold my breath.
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