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Everything posted by Trice

  1. Jogged 3.5 miles on treadmill last night. Please let me do it again tomorrow morning. I felt like a hampster.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by katedoeseurope Oooh very nice. Who's the designer? Thanks girls. Its a Galina gown from David's Bridal.
  3. I had my first fitting today. She will let it out 2 inches on both sides so it will fall over my enormous hips and thighs. Otherwise it went well.
  4. I have the same time schedule at RMB. I plan to do cocktail hour. I will probably do it then.
  5. Welcome back Indigo! Thanks for the review and posting pictures. You looked beautiful. I love the picture of you two on the rocks. I'm glad everything turned out nice. I'm sure I will have some questions for you as my day approaches. Congratulations!
  6. Congrats Indigo! Thanks for taking time out of your trip to update us. Enjoy yourself. Can't wait to see your pictures.
  7. I heard of them from the Tai Flora website. They are listed as a partner on the site and it says some of the photography was done by Saab. That's all I know.
  8. I hope everything went well. Can't wait to see your pictures.
  9. We are using the Tutu's also. My flowergirls are younger. My sister will make them the mid calf length.
  10. Ok, he sent me the same price list. The initial package includes 45 minutes. The free cost $180 and you get 6 prints. The Classic cost $210 and you get 10 prints. If you are doing doing the Free wedding package over to the left of the chart it says you can choose between the free & classic picture package. The Classic is more because you get 4 more prints for a total of 10. So say you go do the Head package then you will have 2 hours plus the 45 minutes in the initial package so a total of 2 hours 45 minutes. I hope this helps. I had to look it over a few times also. Still deciding on if I will need an extra hour or two.
  11. Ok, he sent me the same price list. The initial package includes 45 minutes. The free cost $180 and you get 6 prints. The Classic cost $210 and you get 10 prints. If you are doing doing the Free wedding package over to the left of the chart it says you can choose between the free & classic picture package. The Classic is more because you get 4 more prints for a total of 10. So say you go do the Head package then you will have 2 hours plus the 45 minutes in the initial package so a total of 2 hours 45 minutes. I hope this helps. I had to look it over a few times also. Still deciding on if I will need an extra hour or two.
  12. Nice pictures. The flowers are beautiful. Trolley is priceless! Congrats!
  13. Your welcome. No, I don't think it matters since they can hang out and get drinks on their own. I didn't plan to have the cocktail hour until I was put in the 2nd dinner seating since the first seating was already booked. My wedding is at 4pm and we won't have the reception dinner until 9pm. Yes, 9pm so I decided to do the cocktail hour. I am still deciding if I want to do my cake cutting during the cocktail since dinner will be so late. I didn't want to rent the conference room for a private reception. I am considering an option off site but it really depends on the number of guest I end up with.
  14. Free dinner. Jamaican cocktail hour after the ceremony. Considered the beach reception but after Chantelle told me it was a 60 person minimum I was done with that.
  15. Hello Lipaisley, Seems like I was just viewing the pictures of the resort you posted around the time it opened. Boy how time flew by. Your big day will be here before you know it. Just keep breathing.
  16. Thanks montegobay09. It took me a while also to get a response back from Tai Flora. I ended up calling the 800 number on their website and talked to someone. Then I got an email reply with prices for what I wanted. I will email Michael next.
  17. Either one will be a great choice because the both look nice on you. I vote for the dress#2. Show off those curves.
  18. Indigo, Hang in there. These 3 weeks will fly by. Try to enjoy yourself. We will be thinking of you.
  19. I love your pictures. Congratulations!
  20. I think its fine. Straight to the point. It makes me want to change my website.
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