Ok so I was a good bride I was told I had to wait until Friday to find out if my wedding was double booked and if I was the bride getting the boot. I was patient, I did not call Mr. Hilton with my woes, and I did not go bridezilla on their butts...So I took off from work a little early Friday, made no plans for Friday night and sat by the phone (I felt like I was single again waiting for a boy I like to call me). 1 hour no call, 1 1/2 hours no call, Now I am getting mad so I call and she is gone, the person who was supposed to call me went home I am sure to have a nice dinner with her husband while I was waiting by the phone afraid to use the bathroom because I may miss the call. I left a message that she must call me first thing in the morning Saturday. I wake up Saturday still no call hours go by no call finally I call leave a message and get a call back...Everything is OK!!! I don't know why or how but it is. I am not sure if they lied or if there is another bride out there as sad as I have been the past few days (which now I feel bad). There is one problem with the storms they lost the part of the beach where they perform the weddings so they had to move it no big deal sand is sand and blue water is blue water. I am so happy and hopefully this will be the last of my problems with this resort but I am sure it will not. Thanks for all your support and kind wishes and good luck to everyone in their planning