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Jennifer Davis

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Everything posted by Jennifer Davis

  1. We also did a honeymoon registry with Traveler's Joy because we've both been on our own for the past decade and don't need any "house stuff"
  2. If your guests are paying for themselves then I have to play devils advocate here (please don't hate me). Attending a destination wedding is expensive, time consuming and asking someone to travel by themselves to a foreign country by themselves can be intimidating and lonely. It is always good to have a "travel buddy" to go through customs with and room with, get ready with, etc. I just attended a destination wedding and believe me, you will not be with the wedding group the whole trip. There was a lot of time at this wedding where couples went off and did their own thing. I doubt you guys are all going to be eating 3 meals together for your entire trip! Plus, it is a lot more money for someone to stay at a resort as a single occupant than it is to have two or more people in the room - especially if it is an all inclusive. I am inviting all my guests with a date - even those that are single and not in a relationship because I want to give folks the option to bring someone. Attending a wedding alone is not very fun IMO. I do not mind paying for the dates of all of my guests will be making such a large committment of both time and money to attend. I feel the extra $150 bucks for their dates is the least I can do since all the people I invited are my close friends and it is important to me that my guests have the best time they can at our wedding. It is just as important to me to make this a memorable occasion for my guests as it is to make it a memorable occasion for me. Think of the positive, maybe some of these "dates" will be cool people and add to the fun of your event! On the other hand, if you are paying for your guests rooms, then I think you have every right to ask your single guests not to bring anyone.
  3. We used Traveler's Joy for our registry. We have registered for some fun excursions to take while on our honeymoon. We have recently emailed the resort to get their wine list and plan to also put bottles of wine on the registry which people can buy for us to drink while we're partying up in Cancun! We've been happy with Traveler's Joy so far but no one has given us anything yet so I can't give you a full review. It was easy to set up the site though. Very usuer friendly.
  4. Great job! I was planning on doing beach towels in my bags. If you don't mind my asking which towel did you choose and were you happy with the quality?
  5. We chose Excellence Playa Mujeres for the following reasons: 1.) It's adults only 2.) We've stayed at other Excellence resorts and been very pleased 3.) Many flights into and out of Cancun making it easier for guests 4.) No reservations policy at the restaurants 5.) Only 2 weddings per day maximum 6.) I loved the decor at the resort 7.) Didn't want something in the crowded hotel zone 8.) Great review on trip advisor 9.) It is a new resort 10.) It is an All-inclusive
  6. I was sick in bed - have had a terrible cough and fever for about 3 days now. My fiance was working. What a way to bring in 2009!
  7. Here are the stores I've purchased (or gotten samples) from that I've liked. Card Stock, Vellum Paper, Envelopes, Metallic Cardstock, Invitation Cards Specialty Wedding Stationery - Paperandmore.com Envelopperinc.com: Handmade Specialty Papers - Wedding Envelopes, Invitations & Stationary Cards & Pockets Kate's Paperie : Home
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by BC Bride2be Thanks Jen! I get what you are saying, but I have been there for her - for the past two years. I have had long conversations (many) about her life and where it is going, I have supported her 100+% and only hope for the same.. this time for once, its not about her and I wish she would see that, that’s all. Thanks again She is probably too engrossed in her own self pity and doesn't even realize how negatively she is affecting you by how she is acting. What does she tell you when you ask her about how she feels about being in the wedding? Have you come out point blank and told that you feel like she is not interested because she has been so aloof and it hurts your feelings?
  9. Wow! I would have seriously freaked out! Did she forget her glasses or something? Thank goodness they're fixing it!
  10. I am sending out official invitations in order to get a count of how many attending plan to go on the catamaran cruise we're booking and I also need to ask people for their dinner choice to give to the hotel in advance. I am asking for an RSVP 6 months out too which will help me finalize my budget numbers for OOT bags and such. If you don't need to get this information, then I think you're probably good with a STD and a website.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by BC Bride2be She’s definitely not jealous. As for why she isn’t thrilled - I’m really not sure, our whole life she’s been a naysayer. She went thru a divorce two years ago (her decision to end the marriage) and is extremely unhappy. I spent months coaching her through the transition to single hood, supporting her emotionally/financially.. I am at a lost. But you’re right, it would be wrong for me to tell her down there in front of our friends & family that she isn’t a witness; that would make me just as selfish/rude as she has been and I don’t want that. Thanks ladies for helping me see beyond the anger/hurt.. You should try and talk to her and give her some sisterly support. I know it is supposed to be about you right now, but unfortuately, it sounds like she may not be fully healed from her divorce. You said it - she's unhappy. She's sad. Even if it was her idea to end the marriage she still may feel some sense of failure that it didn't work out. I'm sure you did a great job trying to help and support her but two years is not a long time to get over something like a divorce. I think shutting her out if the worst thing you can do for her right now. Maybe you can speak to your Mom and ask her to help out with your sister? I'm sure she is very happy for you on the inside but is having trouble coming to grips with alll her emotions - the happy ones for you and the sad ones about her marriage. It's probably easier for her to step back rather than step up knowing it may remind her of her own situation right now. It sounds like she really needs you right now. If you guys are close like I interpret from your post, maybe you can help her come to grips with what she is feeling and why she is being so distant. I think you'll be sad if you shut your sister out of your wedding even if you guys are going through a rough patch right now.
  12. I'll join the rest of the girls when I say "don't panic". Takee a deep breath! If she shipped it vis regular mail, it can take up to 10 working days to show up.
  13. If you "have no idea", you've definitely found the right spot. You can easily suffer from information overload after a while on these boards. The women on here know EVERYTHING about destination weddings! I felt like I won lotto when I found this place!
  14. My Dad is giving me 5K towards the wedding. My fiance's Dad is not giving us anything - except for sh*t that we moved the wedding from Sept to Dec - don't think we'll be getting any help from him =0) When Kenny and I started out, we assumed we would be paying for the entire wedding ourselves, so my Dad chipping in was just an added bonus. We'll use his contribution to hire an outside photographer and have a catamaran cruise for our guests.
  15. Fantastic review! Thanks you! So kind of you to take so much time out to write it! Even though the pink nail polish and the "great hair debocle" were probably not so pleasant during, the thought of it all made me smile while reading and I'm pretty sure will end up being lasting fond memories and conversation pieces for you both! Comgratulations on an awesome wedding! Looking forward to seeing the pictures! P.S. I have to admit I'm more than mildly freaked about my hair and makeup next year now after hearing your story!
  16. I emailed the resort and asked them to send me a list of available excursions with the prices on. This is what we used to do the registry.
  17. Thanks for the review. Very detailed! We stayed at Excellence a couple years ago. We loved it! They were upgrading rooms in one of the buildings while we were there. Maybe they're working through the resort to do some improvements. We had no issues with our room. Everything in it was pretty new.
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