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Everything posted by JBinjour

  1. I have my doc appointment next month. I will weight my options with her. I just wanted to know everyone's opinion in this situation. I also wanted to educate myself. I may not be the only person on this board with this question/fear. Prior to the shot, my menstruation cycle was like clockwork (before, during, and after). I want to say thank you again! =)
  2. Okay, I am going to be the odd ball. I HATE her dress. I actually think it looks stripper-ish from the front. It is absolutely beautiful from the back.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Pug3636 Okay, I have to admit that i'm not sore from doing them three days in a row? I did 50 reps of all three. I can now do 50 at once but I struggle to get there. I for sure feel it while I am doing them. I wonder if I am doing something wrong? Are your heels touching during the butterfly position or slightly a part? My heels are touching each other in the butterfly position.
  4. I was married at Hibiscus Lodge Hotel in Ocho Rios. I had a traditional Jamaican food at my wedding. My wedding planner quoted me for 60 guests. 4.DINNER SELECTIONS:- MENU # 1 – Buffet Service SOUP Pumpkin Soup – Jamaica Style SALAD Fresh Garden Greens Tropical Coleslaw Potato Salad Choice Dressings ENTREES Grilled Barbeque Chicken Curried Goat Fillet of Fish Escoveitched Jamaican Peas & Rice Steamed Market Vegetables DESSERTS Fresh Fruit Salad Blue Mountain Coffee & Select Teas. Cost: US$35.00 per person x 60 persons = $2100.00 Cost is inclusive of a 4 hour local Bar. Local Bar includes Red Stripe Beers, Local Alcoholic, Non-alcoholic Beverages & Champagne for Toasting. TIER CUSTOMIZED WEDDING CAKE (Flavours include: Chocolate, Carrot, Vanilla, Coconut Cheese, Strawberry etc.)US$250.00 I worked with Michelle Levene-Phillips Wedding Planner Plus www.wedingplannerplus.com email: [email protected] I know her pricing is a little different now, but still reasonable. You should check out her website.
  5. I purchased my wedding planner a few things; a pen and pencil set with her name engraved on it, victoria secret gift set, and a nice tip at the end. She made my life so much easier. I thought it was appropriate. LOL, I used to send her multiple spreadsheet, word .docs., and call all the time with the craziest request. She was able to accommodate me at any time. She was also easy to reach. I didn't break the bank with these purchase. In addition, it was the thought that counted. She made my dream come true.
  6. Did you get chance to view the property on tripadvisor.com? I believe that website is also a great source of information, because it gives the traveler's perspective (positive and negative) of a destination, resort, staff, etc. Here's a link to their reviews on tripadvisor.com Breezes Runaway Bay Resort & Golf Club (Runaway Bay, Jamaica) - Resort Reviews - TripAdvisor. There is a user name Sdbrantley. She was recently married at Breezes. You should PM her and get her opinion too. Plus, she posted some of her wedding photos on tripadvisor.com. You can also search through their forums too.
  7. I was able to scan my documents and send them to my wedding planner as a .pdf. She should be able to accept the documents in that format as long as it has the notarized seal/stamp visible.
  8. I didn't want to change my last name. LOL, I still haven't changed it. My husband's last name is so generic (Lee). I've told him this already. He reluctantly agrees with me. I love my last name (Binjour). Actually, I love my entire name.
  9. LOL, you don't have to do it all. You shiould do what you can; pick and choose what fits you. LOL, I am only giving you a range of exercises that I do throughout the week. I cannot do everything, everyday. LOL, I would pass out too. I at least run everyday. You should just keep increasing reps and adding exercises as your body adjust to everything. When you get into your hot mama bikinis and look super hot, you will thank me.
  10. I am so sorry! I wish I could hug you too. Thankfully, Kai left this world knowing that someone loved him as much as you did.
  11. LOL, they truly work. It will get easier for you. I'm glad that you are sticking with it. Basically, you are using your body as a weight like running with weights on your legs. You won't bulk up with this exercise too. I forgot to tell you to stretch at the in the beginning and also stretch at the end. If you are experiencing some soreness, you also need to drink more water to ensure that your muscles and body are hydrated. I believe that my increase in water intake helped with this issue too. I tend to stay away from weight lifting, because I bulk up very easily. When I ran track, my coaches modified my strength training to deal with this fact. I was a sprinter; naturally the extra weight slowed me down. As I am getting older I hated working out, but I needed to. I decided that I can accomplish the same results within two 15 minute workouts. Before, I get ready for work, I run a mile in the morning with sprint intervals within 15 minutes. 3 min : Moderate run 1min: Full out Sprint 1 min: Light Jog Recoop 3 min : Moderate run 1min: Full out Sprint 1 min: Light Jog Recoop 3 min : Moderate run 1min: Full out Sprint 1 min: Light Jog Recoop ______________________ 15 minutes 200 Crunches 50 Each Side (100) 100 in the Middle I do suicide crunches twice a week. This is a partner exercise You start on your back with your legs together, feet flat, and up in the air. You push your legs as hard as they can. It your mission to stop your legs and feet from hitting the floor. You keep repeating the exercise. I can only do 25. You should feel the muscles in your stomach and hamstrings working. You must stretch well at the end. 50 Push Ups (Guy Style) (LOL, at my own pace) I have one more leg exercise. You lay on your back, legs together, and hands side by side under your bottom with your palms on the floor. You will start with your heels on the floor. You will raise your legs off the floor by two to four inches, keep them side by side, feet flat, and tighten your muscles. You will hold that position for 3 minutes. Then, you will lower your legs back to floor, relax, and rest for one minute. You should be able to do 3 reps of this exercise with each rep add 1-2 minutes to the rep. I think that's it... Good Luck!!! Keep me updated!!!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Pug3636 I heard almost all of it, except the very end. Ralph was driving me crazy! He's so annoying! He kept mocking Ray and Ben and speaking over everyone. I cannot believe he is Howard's best friend! It was such an interesting group and I wanted to hear from them all. Ralph's an asshole. I can't stand Ralph. I think he's secretly in love with Howard. I would take Sal over Ralph in a hear beat. Sal was up to his usual antics this morning. He sniffed the back end of the Penthouse Game participant. Did he say it smelled like potpourri? When is wife going to divorce him? I swear his wife is going to find another special friend.
  13. Wow, that's steep. My cake was $250 and it served 150-175 guests.
  14. Congrats. You are going to have a great time! I am also not a girly-girl. I was very girly-girl on my wedding day. LOL, my mother was thrilled. It's you day....So enjoy it to the fullest!
  15. This morning, I got up late. So, I was able to run my mile and do my stomach crunches. I wasn't able to do my leg presses. Every morning, I park my car and catch the bus. I was able to do my leg presses at the bus stop. You don't have to limit yourself to your home.
  16. Thanks everyone for your help! I'm glad that I am not the only with this concern or question.
  17. Good Evening Ladies, I am going straight to point about this situation. I am better talker than typer, please be patient with me. I am due for my depo shot next month. My hubby and I want to get pregnant next summer '09. I am going on my 7th year on depo. I decided to do some research (i.e., surfing the internet) prior to my doctor's appointment. I wanted to know whether it's easy to get pregnant after depo or at least how long will it take to get pregnant. According to the America Pregnancy Association & other sites, it will take 12-18 months for my cyle to return a.k.a to get pregnant. I read posts from other websites it has taken as long as 2 years or more. There were others that gotten pregnant immediately. I decided on depo as my birth control, because in the past (younger) I couldn't remember to take my birth control pills. So, depo was the best alternative for me. I also didn't have any side effects with the shot i.e., weight gain, hair loss, etc. I only had to adjust my salt intake. It was a perfect fit. I am going to the doctor next month. As I previous stated, I am strongly considering getting off of Depo. I spoke to my hubby about it, he said it's my body and our decision, but there are also consequences to this decision. If I get pregnant outside of what we planned, we are ready for him or her. Now, we want to expand our family, I am worried about Depo's prolong side effects on my reproductive system. Did I damage myself? Is it going to be harder for us to get pregnant? Am I alone in this situation?
  18. This is my engagement ring and wedding band. My engagement ring is 2ct. My wedding band is 1ct. The rings are both white gold. The wedding band is princess cut like the engagement ring. My hubby likes yellow gold. I wanted him to have a ring similar (metal: white gold) like my own. swo, we decided on the one noted below.
  19. If I am purchasing from a shady site or a shady ebay auction, I always use PayPal. They always put their customer first. You will get your money back from them. No worries!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Pug3636 Wow, thanks for the tips! I just tried to do all of them and could only do each one 33 times! I guess it's a work in progress . It will get easier for you. I go through them quickly. When you do them, you should watch tv, to take your mind away from the pain.
  21. I really want to try it. I was sick a few years back with a nasty bacteria that attacked my digestive system. I haven't been the same after it i.e. horrible heartburn, permanent prescription, etc. I had to modify my diet and eliminate many things that I likei.e., no juice, no caffeine (it doesn't bother me. i don't drink it anyways), etc. I think that Colonic would help me become more regular.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by kristina&kevin I got this recipe out of a magazine the other day and ever since then my FI and I can't stop making/eating it!!! It literally takes 2 mins to make: 1 Jello Pudding Cup, Sugar-free any flavor 1/2 cup of sugar free cool whip Mix the two together in a bowl and then cover it and put it in the freezer for about 45 mins. Take out of the freezer and eat! The outside will be really icy and the inside more gooey. If you like the icy consistency better that leave it in the freezer longer. I just made two new flavors for our desert tonight..... Banana Chocolate and dulce de leche (vanilla carmel sunday)...and they were AMAZING!!! The plain ol' chocolate is great too!!! Enjoy!!!! my friend has a similar receipe. 1 Instant Jello Sugar Free Chocolate Pudding (follow directions & let cool) 1 cup of sugar free cool whip (to mix with pudding) 1/2 cup of sugar free cool whip (topping for pie) 1 Oreo Pie Crust Mix the two together in a bowl, fill the pie crust, cover the pie with the remainder cool whip, and put it in the fridge for about 1 hr. Then, slice and enjoy!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by Tiffiney01 Really I'm going to start that tonight and I will keep you updated..now one question would the butterfly be the opposite of pigeon toe? Pigeon toe: toes touch Butterfly: heels touch
  24. i had that picture too, but it wasn't my only face. it was my arms too. they looked like cow legs. my head looked like a bowling ball.
  25. I got married a little over a year ago. I gained a crap load of weight. I lost a lot prior to the wedding. Then, I managed to put it all back on and more. LOL, my head was looking like a bowling ball. I decided to go on a diet prior to my one year anniversary trip. LOL, I had to get into my vacation clothes and my hot mama bikinis. I started dieting hardcore with the help of Alli (15 grams of fat/meal). Plus, I worked out 15-20 minutes/day about 6 days/week. I would run 1 mi in the morning and 1 mi in the evening. I was able to drop the weight (25+ lbs) and then some. I've been a little lazy lately, but the weight hasn't come back. I also eat more normal now (i.e., more than 15 grams of fat/meal). Actually, I lost 5 more lbs.
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