We didn't have a hard time getting through customs, actually. I was fully prepared, though!  I had read on the Mexico Customs Website that you’re allowed to bring up to $300 a person so we split the goods between our suitcases and made sure to have receipts for everything we had purchased. For the things I didn’t have receipts for (thank you, Chinatown parasols), I made them with this template - http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/te...423521033.aspx
I'm sure you know this but as you're clearing customs in Mexico, you have to press a button and if you get green you get to go through but if you get red, you have to allow your bags to be inspected. Out of the five of us, only my sister got the red button and she grabbed a suitcase that wasn't even hers to have them inspect! Sshhh. It was my suitcase of clothes, not one of the ones with stuff in them. Â This is a much better plan than shipping them there because that stuff NEVER seems to make it!