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Everything posted by LIW

  1. LIW


    Congrats on your wedding and congratulations to your friend. I'm sure you'll find this site very helpful.
  2. LIW


    Congrats and welcome! I would love to have been able to get married in Ireland. I actually looked in to it, but it was too expensive and the non-residency requirements were too difficult to meet.
  3. I really like the Alfred Angelo with the spaghetti straps, but if you haven't found one that calls to you yet, keep looking. Plus, half the fun is trying on as many dresses as you can! Just don't keep looking after you've bought "the one", lol.
  4. LIW


    Congrats and welcome!
  5. All these ckaes look great. I know I won't be able to get a cake that looks like that. I wish I could bring an artifical cake with me. I like the look of the cake for pictures, but I actually hate the taste of wedding cake.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by finzup I think this applies not only to cruise vacations but even when flying -- I mean the baggage handlers at the airport could copy down the information and use it, too I agree. It's really awful to hear of such things happening. It makes me angry that people would do this, but unfortunately it happens, so you have to take measures to protect yourself. Thanks for the tip.
  7. Congrtaulations and welcome! Be sure to come back and post pics!
  8. I'm sorry to hear about your situation. I can't really offer any new advice, but take it one day at a time and hopefully everything will work out for the best. However, just remember, at the end the of the day you will be spending time in paradise with the man of your dreams. Enjoy your wedding!
  9. Thank you for sharing your planning thread. The first dance with your father was so touching and beautiful. I'm happy that you had that chance with him.
  10. This is a good post. Last time I was in Cuba, we used our safe. We kept our passports and 50 CUC for our departure tax in the safe and that was it. Nothing was stolen. Our wallets with our money and our camera, being the only other valuables we brought with us, were kept on us at all times. We left a few CUC everyday for the housekeeping staff and for the most part they took the tips. However, there were 1 or 2 days where the room was cleaned and they didn't take the tip. One thing I would like to mention, is you should be careful what you pack in your suitcase because the place it might actually be stolen from is the airport. Our suitcase was searched when we arrived in Cuba. There have been incidents where items have been stolen by airport staff, even in your home country. Your best bet is to not bring anything with you that is not absolutely necessary. Also, I think we should always remember, that if someone wants to steal from you, they will. You can take all the measures you want, but if they are determined, they will take it.
  11. Thanks for the link. Do you know if they ship to Canada?
  12. LIW


    Congratulations and welcome to the forum!
  13. I'm not in the US, but FH and I just registered today at Sears. For us, it was the most logical choice. My family is from all Canada, the US and Europe. For us, Sears is available in North America, and it's really easy to purchase online from them. FH's family is from Northern Ontario and they don't have any Bay stores or access to any (or least that's what FH told me). Sears is readily available for everyone.
  14. LIW


    Congrtulations and welcome to the forum. I'm sure you'll find lots of useful information here! Happy planning!
  15. LIW


    Congrtaulations and welcome to the forum.
  16. Congratulations. You look beautiful. Your dress in gorgeous!
  17. Congrtaulations and welcome back! You look beautiful! It looks like you had a great time!
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