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Everything posted by hanna

  1. Just found out that Coast Guard is restricting travel to Mexico until further notice. (my fiance is in the coast guard...) So.. our worst case secenario has officially happened.. We also logged onto United.com to see they have announced they will be canceling most of their flights to Mexico through May.. however it won't be reflected online until May 5. So, now the dilemma: Option 1: wait it out for another week - although the longer we wait the harder it will be to set up something new. Option 2: change locations to Dom Rep. The Grand Palladium where we were getting married in Mexico also has one in Dom Rep and said they could accommodate our group of 40ppl.. however flights there are more expensive and very long... Option 3: postpone until December or something.. but there is no guarantee that this will all be over by then... I am drained and disappointed. If all of our guests could just get refunds on their flights, then I wouldn't feel so bad. Just knowing that everyone would be losing $ makes me feel really bad. Also, one if my bridesmaids work told her she would have to stay home for a week upon her return.. although not bad cause it would be paid as she can work from home..
  2. huh? You are getting charged a 42% SC? That seems like a lot. I used to work at a resort- but in California.. but when they tipped on a banquet/wedding, it was distributed based on our breakdown to the service staff: waiters, bartenders, bussers, housemen(set-up/breakdown), and coordinator. If you are already paying 42% on your wedding, then I would say you have paid enough. Perhaps bring some extra cash if someone really goes above and beyond and you want to reward them specifically.
  3. BlakleyBrideToBe- thanks for that link, some great styles on there! One of them was already on my inspiration sheet!
  4. Ya, either Kelly is just really dumb.. or has actual mental problems. I think she is so annoying and she looked so ugly in her photo shoot.. you think if she was such an experienced model she could manage to make a decent pose.. Also, her halloween partly looked lame.. I liked the frat party analogy.. all crowded and boring... I think Bethanny is so funny.. I used to not like her that much, but she is so sarcastic and funny.
  5. ajas3531 - Great to hear about your friend is having a great time down there. I am trying to look past all of this and invision us all hanging out at the pool bar with our bubba kegs and frolicking on the beaches.. I can't wait to get down there and have some fun and relax.. Just need to get through these next few weeks yet. But- thanks for that post, made me feel great just putting that mental image in.
  6. That is pretty frustrating and pretty rude to not ask you if that would be ok. I am sure his brother is just turning the trip into a vacation with his friends, so could your FI talk to him about his friends coming, but perhaps not to the wedding? Maybe they wouldn't mind as I am sure his friends are just coming to party it up down there, not specifically to attend the wedding? Also, April is still a long time away and you know how people will get all amped up about attending.. only to never book anything.. maybe they will flake out anyway. Best wishes!
  7. Just FYI - I went to my doctor yesterday cause I was getting a prescription for motion sickness patch for the wedding in case we go out on a boat. Also asked if I could get prescription for Tamiflu and she said sure. It is just a regular anti-viral that you would take for the regular flu, although I wouldn't take it unless I got really sick. But - I have gotten sick bunches of times and never thought I was going to die... so as long as fever stays under 102.. whatever, it is the flu, will pass.. So, hoping to keep forward as planned. Going to send the guests an email today - an adaptation from the ones posted on the forum (thanks ladies!). As long as the military will allow my fiance (coast guard) to travel, we are going to have our wedding June 5 (we fly out May 29). As of now, we can't change our flights to Dom Rep without change fees, although if this continues airlines might keep extending the dates. Who knows.. Just trying to stay positive and push along with my wedding projects.. Have my dress fitting today...wish I could be more excited. If the military says he can't go to Mexico.. will have to either swich locations or postpone.. neither of which I really want to do. And, only 4 cancellations so far: SIL & 2month nephew, and another couple (although he is coast guard too and I think he is getting resistance from his work on getting travel clearance). So, that is fine, will still be super fun! Does anyone else feel like this has been the longest week ever! Monday seems like forever ago.. I remember last weekend feeling so excited that our wedding was coming up in a month and getting stressed about finishing up all my DIY projects.. Now.. trying to stay positive.. but under it all just really sad and dissapointed. Happy to hear from you brides who were able to change locations or move forward with your weddings. I wish Key West had an all-inclusive, as I really love the relaxed vibe at them. Although, love love love Key West, and Duval street is a blast!
  8. Thanks Ladies, ya, he had to submit his international travel request.. so it will all come down to that anyway. We will have back-up outfit ready and hopefully we can still have our wedding.. sigh..
  9. Where is it about military travel banned? My fiance is in the coast guard.
  10. My fiance is in the Coast Guard and he always planned of wearing his CG Whites to the ceremony (their official dress uniform). We are getting married in the Riviera Maya. But, in light of the drug wars, he is starting to wonder if it is a good idea to draw attention to the fact he is in the coast guard. Especially because they interdict a lot of the drugs coming up from the Mexico coast. It is a long shot it would be a problem.. but with everything going on.. don't want to risk something else bad happening. So, have any other brides gotten married with their fiance in their military uniform? Anyone planning to? Thoughts....
  11. So cute! You look beautiful and so happy! Looks like everyone had so much fun. Love your dress, looks perfect on you!!!
  12. We are scheduled to fly down May 29 for our June 5 wedding at the Grand Palladium. We are trying to stay positive and hopeful that this situation will continue to stabilize. Currently we have 45 guests scheduled, and the only cancellation so far is my sister in law and 2 month old baby – which I completely support since he is so young. My 2-yr old niece might not come as well, but depending on the severity of the situation. At least my brother said he would still come even if the kids and wife can't. Other than that, our guests have been supportive and optimistic. My father is flying from Japan, so hopefully they don't restrict his travel to Mexico. Unfortunatly he also has a layover in Mexico City, so if the airlines allow, will try to see about changing his itinerary. 3 of my bridesmaids/friends have a 6 hour layover in Mex City - and they are flying on Mexicana. As of now, they are only allowing changes through the beginning of May, but if they extend, will encourage them to try and change to direct flight to Cancun. We are giving ourselves 2 more weeks before we make any sort of decisions, as this situation continues to change. Plan B: Move to Punta Cana. I emailed the resort to see about back-up plan in the event of travel restrictions to Mexico, and Olga at the Grand Palladium was very supportive. Told me she would check on availability in Punta Cana and would not charge any penalties. I would rather try to switch locations first before we had to postpone to a later date. Although, another concern is if this continues to worsen, most people won’t want to sit on a flight for 3+ hours in re-circulated air with a serious flu breaking out. Plan C: Postpone date. Since hurricane season is approaching, we would probably postpone to December/January. That is obviously what we don’t want to do, but we threw around the idea of trying to move it to California (where we used to live) or something like that, but trying to put together an entirely new wedding in 2 weeks doesn’t sound like the experience we want for our wedding. Not to mention, most places in Central California / Santa Barbara will be all booked up for June weddings.. All we can do is try to stay positive and create our back-up plans in the event the worst happens. I am very sorry to hear about the May brides that are having their weddings cancelled. I can only imagine what you are going through and I am glad we all have each other to talk to and come to for advice and support.
  13. To reserve your wedding date with Rocio you have to sign and fax in the contract. You have up to the week before to cancel without penalty, and charged $200 within one week of your wedding. We also did a room block through Olga (but have to pay entire balance for all 25 rooms on our credit card and collect checks from guests) but helped secure a lower room rate. We are getting married June 5, and flying down there May 30. We are hopeful that the swine flu scare will calm down and continue to be controlled. We have inquired about availabilty at the GP Punta Cana for our same wedding date, and just waiting to hear back. In 2 weeks we have to decided because that is the cut off for our room block, so if worst case scenario travel is restricted and we have to cancel Mexico, hopefully we can switch to Punta Cana.
  14. omg...omg...omg... crossing my fingers Thanks guys for such a great contest!
  15. That is a great idea! We actually printed our guest's address labels and put them on there pre-return addressed already, so that worked well.
  16. Yep, us too. Rented a Jeep and drove from Cancun to Xel-Ha.. got pulled over around Playa. We were scared.. and my fiance didn't want to seem like he was bribing the cop.. so he asked if there was any way for us to pay for the fine now.. and the cop just told us to give him what cash we had.. unfortunatly we had about $100 in his wallet.. wish we would have known ahead of time and only put a $20 or so in there... So, for our wedding we had a couple guests rent cars. We advised them it probably isn't worth it.. especially one you add up rental fee, insurance and possible fines.. So, luckily they listened to us and cancelled their rental cars.. so not worth it down there!
  17. A few years back.. a movie I rented was going to be late if I didn't return it that night, but I had already gotten ready for bed - took my contacts out, put my pj's on and some face mask on a few blemishes on my face.. So, decided to jet over to the rental place really quick and drop it off. Felt embarassed about my glasses, so I took them off before I hopped out of my car to drop the video in the box. When I got back to my car realized I locked myself out.. I was in my pj's, blurry vision with weird stuff on my face. I had a hide-a-key under my car.. so I was crawling around under my car to find it and some people came to see if I needed help. I was so embarassed.. ended up having to borrow some change to call my brother from a pay phone and bring my spare key... all so I could save $4 on a movie late fee..
  18. Awesome, thanks!! I never win anything.. but who knows
  19. Emily Giffin series is great, highly recommend - although I still need to read Love the One You're With.. I am reading Remember Me by Sophie Kinsella, it is awesome so far. I read her Confessions of a Shopaholic which I thought was ok. Just starting a Book Swap Club with my friends in DC. Rather than doing a traditional book club where we all read the same book, we are doing a swap. So we will get together for some wine and food, hang out and swap books that we have liked. That way we have a reason to all get together, and can swap out our fave books for some new ones. I have really gotten back into reading, especially since I live in DC and I have a 45 minute metro commute each way.. so I go through a book a week.
  20. 10 weeks before our June 5 wedding I started working out 40 minutes M-F in the mornings before work. Been sticking with it for a few weeks now and feeling great. Plus trying to keep my eating under control. Goal is 5-10 lbs..
  21. Which dress did you choose? I don't think that David's allows exchanges or returns, although you can probably re-sell it online since it is brand new w. tags still on.. I like my dress.. a lot.. but I am not in love with it, but like you, my mom bought it for me and it is a lot of the things I wanted. So, I know I will like it and not sure if any dress would ever be perfect, so just staying positive and moving forward with the dress I have. But.. if you really feel like you don't want that dress anymore, you should follow your heart and you can always sell your old one..
  22. Love those! I will PM you with my info
  23. Any June Palladium brides want to share vases? My wedding is June 5, Ashley's is June 12th. I am purchasing about 12-15 tall square vases from walmart when we get down there. We are using them for our private reception at La Laguna. I plan to put sand on the bottom, sink a real-touch orchid, and then float a candle on top. Are there any other Palladium brides needing vases around then that wants to split the cost with us? We didn't want to lug vases down there, so just purchasing when we get there. You can also email me at hannaono@gmail.com
  24. They are so gross! Spencer is horrible! I hope for her sake that he acts like a huge jerk just for TV.. otherwise she is pathetic for being with someone so manipulative and rude. I feel like without Spencer, Heidi could be slightly more normal.. except that she looks more and more fake by the day.. I totally agree that they are like a bad accident. I think they are obnoxious.. yet I can't stop watching..
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