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Everything posted by MTruvillio

  1. Congrats to the three newest brides MissKady, Bfrisk, and Butterfly913 . Hope you had fabulous weddings. Looking forward to hearing all about it and seeing your pics! MissKady: 7/6/2011 Bfrisk72: 7/7/2011 Butterfly913: 7/9/11 Barefootidos: 7/29/2011 MrsSylvester-8/10/2011 Trimalusta: 9/24/2011 HandCinTandC: 10/7/2011 KimTerrance-10/13/2011 Michelle-2: 10/21/2011 Nicb1rd: 12/2/2011 Mrszahakos: 12/3/2011 Melissa43: 1/18/2012 Lizzdee: 1/21/2012 Avelyad-1/21/2012 CandM2012: 2/2012 Jillvella: 3/10/2012 Soxi-5/4/2012 Jessimd-5/5/2012 Beachbride0519: 5/19/2012 MTruvillio - 6/4/2012 Urmysunshine: 6/22/2012 Kirsten: 7/7/2012
  2. You looked beautiful in your pictures. I loved the pics of the kids and you and your hubby drawing hearts in the sand, Very cute. Which photographer took your pictures? I know you said the pics were just ok. I have heard that Patrick Grant is the best Beaches photographer and people have requested his as thier photographer. I sent him a message on FB asking if we can request him for our wedding. He also has his own photography FB page too, While we will be using TI for the majority of our pics, we still want decent ones for the ceremony.
  3. Hi, beachbride0519 I was wondering the same thing. What have others done. When we first started looking into Beaches a few months ago their listed price was $85 for a day pass....now I see it has gone up to $150 pp!! WTH? That's a substantial cost increase and for what? It's not like the guest is going to be eating and drinking more than they did a couple months ago. I wonder if they will negotiate this down if we ask Beaches (or better yet complain about the pricing!) ,Mary
  4. Welcome Wendy5512. You're right - this is such a great site! Everyone is so willing to share information and wonderful ideas.. The past brides are super too and many have remained on here after they get married to give input which really helps us newbies. I'm getting married one month after you on 6/4. One of of these pages there is a list with all of the upcoming wedding dates. Be sure to add your name/date and post it for here for all of us to see so we will have the latest & greatest. Lizdee do you have that list? Happy wedding planning! Mary
  5. Congrats Timswife! How exciting. Hope you have the wedding of your dreams! Can't wait to hear all about it and see your pictures. Be sure to update us all when you get back! Mary
  6. HI Lauren, I love the look of your bouquet in your pics. It's so bright and stands out against the tourquise water. How did you end up liking the flowers once you received them? What size did you go with? Lastly did it look a little odd with a purple boutineer but red/pink bouquet? Just courious. Thx mary
  7. I just got my Maggie Soretto - Lydia this weekend for 50% off at a bridal show - whoo hoo! I love the bling. The pics do not do it justice!
  8. Brandy - ditto on what everyone else has said. You did an awesome job! The ideas and links are so helpful! Thank you! I do have two questions. How did you get all of this stuff to the wedding? I have been stalking the "knock off dress thread" and am so confused as to who to go with for my TTD . I have read some good and bad reviews of vendors. I previously looked at dhgate at some of their Maggie dresses. Like you my wedding dress is an original Maggie and I'm not sure if I want to trash it. It has lots of Swarovski crystal beading - I think I read somewhere that the water tends to rust the back of the beads. You mentioned you ordered one from earlybird. The dress looks really pretty in the picture. How did it fit? Was it pretty close to the original Maggie in terms of fabric, beading, etc? Did they deliver on time, etc? And most importantly were you happy with it? Thanks much!
  9. Carol - i"ll send that friend request. So glad you mentioned you did the BB package and just added upgrades. This is what I am thinking about doing too. Did you end up saving money with the add on's? Can I ask you what arch you went with and what the cost was? Did you do a DVD too? Sorry for all the quetions. Thx!
  10. Timswife2b - Hope you have an amazing time. I'm sure it's going to be beautiful! I can't wait to hear your feedback and see pics! I added myself to the list below - June 4, 2012 - Yipee!
  11. Congrats Carole! Thanks for posting your experience for those of us yet to be married. I too would love to see your pics. Do you mind if I send you a friend request ? I agree with what you said about Brandy. Her feedback was great! Thanks Brandy!!
  12. Stella5511 , Great site for the cocktail hor dourves hour. Did you do both hot and cold hor dourves ? If so, what kind of food is served?
  13. Thanks! This is very helpful. I thought I read somewhere recently that Beaches is or might be purchasing The Veranda. Do you know if that sale has gone through?
  14. So glad you posted this beachbride0519. I have a lot of the same questions. Would love to hear from some of you married brides or brides to be on what you did around the cermemony , reception etc if you did BB. I am wondering if it would be cheaper to purchase one of the other themes or just go with add on's to BB. Would love to see pics if anyone has them. Thanks!
  15. Thanks for the information Brandy. You mentioned a private reception, is there another alternative? Sorry just now getting into all of these planning details and not sure about the packages, etc. BTW, I love the way you wore your hair and just might have to use one of your pics to show the hair dresser . Your photo's are beautiful. TI really did a great job. I bet you are really pleased.
  16. Hi Krys, Can you recommend a hotel that's close to Beaches that is nice but less expensive for guests who prefer not to stay at Beaches? Thanks
  17. I am so excited, I just booked Ileana at Tropical Imaging for my Beaches Upgrade Package Trash the Dress photo shoot after our wedding. I originally thought about doing the TTD a day or two after the wedding but I knew I would want my hair and make up done again and it would cost more. Plus I want to spend some time just chillin on my honeymoon. We are going to get married at 4 and then do the photo shoot as the sun sets. I am not sure if we are going to have any guests yet but if we do, now I am trying to figure out what to do with them (especially if they don't stay at the resort) for 3 hours while we are gone. Is anyone else planning a photo shoot right after the wedding and if so, what's your plan? Will Sandals let us postpone the reception until later that night?
  18. Hi, I am excited to be a part of this great site. My Fiance and I will be getting married at Beaches in beautiful Turks & Caicos June 2012. It's a 2nd marriage for us both. I have two teenage boys (I'm hoping they can eat enough at the all inclusive resort to get my money's worth - lol) that will be walking me down the sand isle to marry my honey on the beach. I look forward to hearing all about everyone's plans and sharing the excitement.
  19. Melissa43 I will join you on the Beaches T& C thread. Thanks for letting me know. I am thining about doing the exact same thing as you. I just emailed Ileana today to find out pricing. I would love to book her. I hear she is hard to get. Are you providing any examples of pics you want to Ileana? I also am thinking about using Shenque I'm sure they will both do a great job for you. Let us know what you think about both experiences. Thx! . ..II'm Quote: Originally Posted by melissa43 Hi, Join us on the Beaches T&C thread. Lots of info. I booked Ileana from TI for the photos. I am so excited the pictures are great. Lots of brides on other thread have shared their pictures.. I also booked Shenque for my hair and makeup. I had heard that some of the hairstylists at Beaches are good and some not so. I did not want to take a chance since I am uncertain of exactly what I want. Ileana works with Shenque so I figured she would know what looks great in pictures. Pictures are very important to me. I have a wall devoted for these pictures. I am jealous of your room. I have my fingers crossed for an upgrade. I would love the Parrot Cay suites. See you on the Beaches Thread.
  20. Hi TheHogans, love hearing about your experience. I wanted a later wedding time since the light for pictures is the best and was told by my TA/Wedding Coordinattor that 5 pm was the latest wedding that Beaches does and I had to pay $600 for that time. I see you got married you were married at 6:45 pm. How did you swing that? Did you have to pay extra? I would love to see pics of the ceremony and the arch you described. Thx!
  21. Hi Melissa43 and the other ladies getting married at Beaches T&C. I am new to the threads. I am getting married on June 2, 2012 to Beaches and am so excited. I started looking at rooms in March and after spending hours looking at pricing, pictures and room info, and trip advisor reviews we orignially decided to book 2 rooms for me and my FI and my two teenage boys (16 & 14) in the French Village. We really wanted some privacy since this was our wedding and honeymoon ; ). Our room was going to be the One Bedroom FV Suite which has a separate living room and the boys were going to have the lowest priced room in the FV. The one bedroom suite does count toward the premium room and thus the free wedding. The rates were pretty good although somewhat high. I got really busy at work and didn't book the rooms at that time like a dummy. When I went to book the rooms in the beginning of May the rooms had gone up $2K!! For that price, it was almost the same as booking an Imprerial Sutie with a butler in the Italian Village for just a little more so I booked the Medici Imperial Oceanview Suite. I can't wait to be spoiled by the butler . The room will have two separate bedrooms with separate doors so it will give us a bit of privacy but not as much as having two separate rooms. Sandals sent an email the next day asking for our food and drink requests for the butler service....sweet! From what I understand from my TA Jennifer at VIP Vacations, all of the suite rooms are eligible for the free wedding but there may be others. Melissa - are you getting your hair and makeup done at Beaches or from someone outside? Who are you going with for the pictures. I am looking to book both of these things too. Looking forward to hearing about your amazing wedding and seeing pics when you return! Mary
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