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Everything posted by Kits55

  1. Hey girls...thank you so much for the support! I did tell him I needed the pictures by May 30th via email but it wasn't in our "contract" per say. He actually we didn't need to sign a contract because we were doing a trade and no money changed hands. We did a straight trade for his work and us paying for him and his assistant for 4 and 5 nights and they had to shoot our welcome dinner, wedding, and TTD session. Thanks for the tip on the flat rate international box Jacilynda!! I'm so glad that you've had some African experience. Our families will love to know about the flat rate box...they'll be sending our mail and other items to us too! I did receive an email from our photog about different albums and their respective prices but I can't make any decisions until we actually GET our pictures. I don't mind his doing nude shots because I think that's how he learned to use lighting so well but I don't know why he's gallivanting around taking more pictures instead of working on mine when he knew he wouldn't meet the deadline. I can pretty much count out next Thursday and Friday as going through pictures because our families will be here helping us move and clean...so that means he better get them to us this weekend!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek great pics. i love your outfit in the last one. where did you get it? Thank you! I searched forever it seems like. I got it at Net Pinky, an online retailer. https://www.netpinky.com/ProductDeta...393-R&CartID=0 I love the look in the picture with the black satin gloves but I decided that I spent enough money on different outfits that I better forego the gloves. Quote: Originally Posted by Sparkles8300 These are great! Who is your photog and where is he from?? LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!! I am quite pleased with how they turned out too! My photog is Steve Melvin and he is from Kansas City. I do have to say that i also love the chair one but my back is SO UNflexible that I had problems trying to create a "C" shape. I'm abnormally tight which made it a lot harder to use the lighting. If you're more flexible and can bend backwards more I think it would be even sexier. lol
  3. I made a trade with my photographer because he had never done a destination wedding before. Within that trade I actually had 3 separate BD sessions but the last two were way more risque photos than can be viewed on this website. If you are thinking about doing a BD shoot that is more risque and would like to see how they turned out you can PM me. I love the way tguerre did the review for her BD shoot so I'm going to copy her template. I wish I had: 1. purchased cute lingerie sets MONTHS in advance like I had planned too 2. paid to have my hair and make-up done at one of the sessions 3. done more traditional BD photos (lingerie sets, heels, jewelry, etc) 4. made a parasol with a cool saying on it 5. made DIY undergarments using crystals I'm Glad that I: 1. had more than one session to become comfortable with my photog 2. used Mpix to create my BD book 3. did a few of the more risque photos 4. sent my photo a list and some pictures of inspiration BD pics 5. have always kept in pretty good shape My Outfits: 1. jeans, black boots, scarf, top, black car coat (it was chilly at our first shoot and we did it outside) 2. black lingerie set 3. short white top, black heels, black bottoms 4. coral colored CK undergarment set 5. bustier set, black stockings, heels 6. jeans and wet tank top (we got some super awesome pictures with the wet hair, top, and jeans!)
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by beach2009 Can this be used around the eyes? Like under the eyes and for those wretched little crows feet? Hi Beach: I've been a distributor of this company for 3.5 years now and I LOVE the spa. I used the spa before my wedding, mostly on my face. Yes, you can use it around the eyes and if you have the proper technique (there are some secret tips and tricks that I have learned over the years) that are AMAZING. The dark circles under eyes can be a combo of inflammed blood vessels and toxins that are stored under the eyes. It is amazing for getting rid of crow's feet as well. If you further questions feel free to PM me because I love nothing more than sharing the Spa!
  5. Update: SOLD Skindinavia Spray Playing Cards Trivial Pursuit Books Luggage Tag Straps White and Silver Ribbon Hot Pink Orchids
  6. I love the collapsible ones and it looks like the imprint may be larger on the collapsible one too. I LOVE your saying "rain or swine"...i laughed out loud at that one!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda Hey lady you will have to let everyone know how your Flip does and even upload a video for us. I thought I had typed up a response on this but doesn't look like it. Maybe the forum was really slow and it didnt post, that happens every once in a while. I was really trying to encourage you to get the one your uncle (or whomever it was) sent to you. Joe and I are really tech gadget type of people. Up until I bought an SLR we bought a new camera ever 6 months. We get new laptops every year, and we get new cell phones once or twice a year depending on what comes out. I'm REALLY REALLY not a fan of the Flip cameras so i'm really interested in seeing your video and how it turns out. Like Morgan said it doesn' have a lot of battery life so you probably wont get alot of your reception unless you have another camera. Also they don't have good focusing and it only has 720p, the one your uncle chose had 1080p for me that would have been it being that they were similar in price. We have a good friend who has a degree in film and shoots local commercials, and works at the news station. he also owns a construction company and due to that he cant come to our wedding. I would have LOVED to have him film our wedding. i've really been debating this lately. When you brought this up we started considering something similar. I know you wanted only around $200 but for me I have to go for better even if it costs me an extra $100 cause I always kick myself later for not getting something better. I think we are going to do something similar to this but our friend is going to edit for us. I asked him about a good HD camcorder under $500 and he gave me these 2: Sony Handycam DCRSX41 Digital Camcorder - 8GB HDD, 60x Optical Zoom, 2.7" Touch Panel LCD, Blue DCRSX41L at TigerDirect.com JVC Everio GZ-HM200 HD Digital Camcorder - 20x Optical Zoom, 2.7" LCD, microSD, SDHC Card, USB, HDMI, Blue GZ-HM200AUS at TigerDirect.com Just for future reference of other brides who might consider this option! Also as mentioned before you definitely want a tripod it will come out much better for editing! I am learning so much about you on this forum just through reading your different posts Thank you for the suggestions on camcorders. I really really really want to get a nice one before our big move so that as we travel around we can capture some video! I am willing to spend hours and hours researching but I get frustrated after awhile and tend to give up. I would prefer that whichever one we get has many "key" features but my DH doesn't want to spend much money although he's ALWAYS the guy that will spend more money to get the best quality. Thanks goodness I found this thread!
  8. Now i'm really disappointed because I emailed my photog yesterday and he said it normally takes 6 weeks an album to come in. So now I either lose $500 which was our deposit that was supposed to be applied towards an album or pay an arm and a leg for shipping to South Africa. I thought maybe we could just buy a parent's album for my parents since they put the deposit down but he said we have to order at least a bridal album before we can order a parent's album. Also he had said in a previous email (about 2 months before our wedding) that we would have our pictures before the May 30th reception and now that's a no go. He even admitted that he hasn't done any more since May 2 at all!! But he's still taking weekends off to go and shoot his nude models. I am pretty disappointed because he doesn't seem to care at all about getting our pictures done.
  9. i love the one of you guys kissing in the crosswalk...it looks so natural but model-ish at the same time!
  10. your ring is gorgeous! I am happy to hear that you all still had a good time even though you got re-routed to the Dominican Republic. I'm glad it didn't happen to me because I probably wouldn't have been as cool about it.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Kryztan TTD DRESS Kryztan: i LOVE your TTD dress...who makes it?
  12. thanks for the advice, I will try it out! You rock
  13. Update: SOLD Skindinavia Spray Playing Cards Trivial Pursuit Books Luggage Tag Straps White and Silver Ribbon...pending Hot Pink Orchids...pending
  14. Here are my ceremony fan programs. I finally decided at the LAST minute to put them together. I had to use shimmer organza ribbon and I would highly recommend against using shimmer ribbon. I used multiple glue dots but it kept unraveling even when placing the glue dots at intervals. Satin ribbon would probably be your best bet. My inspiration came from SusanK. I LOVED her programs and the formatting of the program itself. I also think the alternate wording of "in memory of" is brilliant so I copied that as well.
  15. i have to write something so this thread will re-subscribe me, sorry for taking up space
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by ebeth Looks like I've found several other brides on the same wave length as me here! My fiance and I are getting married legally at Secrets Maroma on July 2, 2009 with just us. A simple ceremony on the beach, romantic dinner on the beach, and much time relaxing on the beach - this is what we have been dreaming about! Then we'll have a large reception/party in town mid August to celebrate with family and friends! I wasn't even planning to wear a white dress until I went dress shopping on a whim with my mom. Two days later I walked out of a store with a gorgeous white dress that needed some minor alterations! airampz - if you aren't super focused on one particular dress then you will be fine! The one area I would like to focus on for my wedding is photos! Must have some great photos of the event! It's been helpful reading over these posts because I'm really considering hiring an outside photographer. Thanks for the tip! Ebeth: my most concentrated area was definitely the photographer. Pictures were a top priority because I knew we'd have them forever. I don't have my pro pics back yet but I can already say that I'm glad we hired an outside photog!
  17. 2 boxes Clear Bottom Tealight Candles- $6 + shipping I really liked the clear containers on these tealights for use with centerpieces but we didn’t need them in the end. Each box contains 24 tealights Picture from Jamali Garden Supplies Raffia Fans- $6 + shipping for all 1- very small fan ~9 x 6” 3 – small fans ~9.5” x 6.5” 7- medium fans ~ 11” x 7.5” 2- large fans ~12.5” x 8.5” 2- Extra Large Fans ~ 12.5” x 9.5” I purchased these from Oriental Trading and there is a very large size discrepancy in every batch Skindinavia Cool Flash- $15 + shipping SOLD I spritzed this only 3 times on my face right before our ceremony. I had to rush getting ready because I decided to go and check out some cenotes instead of get ready for our wedding.  This is perfect for wearing make-up when it’s outside and you don’t want it to run. This used to be available at Ulta but is no longer sold there. The only place I could find this was online.
  18. 33 Secrets Maroma Beach Postcards - free + shipping The picture on this postcard was actually taken at SMB which is what made me like it so much! We had a small wedding so I didn’t need the 50 postcards that I got from Vistaprint. I am giving these away for free because they are resort specific and they are Imperfect. They have the white panel on either side and the writing on the back goes all the way to the edge so the panels can’t be removed without cutting off words. I also gave credit on the back to the girl that took the picture. 3 Make-up Pouches - $3 + shipping for all three These are perfect for flower girls or junior bridesmaids. Two of these have blue zippers and more pastel colors and the other one has a red zipper. 4 Mini Trivial Pursuit Books- $4 + shipping for all four SOLD These books were fun because the questions are slightly easier than the actual board game. 7 sets of Playing Cards = 14 Decks- $4 for all decks + shipping 1- 10 yard Roll of Silver Shimmer Ribbon- $2 + shipping This ribbon is wired rimmed so. If you would like the white ribbon as well (and no one has asked for the silver ribbon) I will throw the silver ribbon in for free and all you have to pay is shipping. 2 rolls of White Ribbon- $ 2 + shipping Each roll is 20 yards long and 5/8” thick. The white ribbon is rimmed in sparkly-AB shimmer so it looks really nice on shower and reception invitations. If you want the white ribbon and no one has asked for the silver ribbon I’ll throw the silver in for free.
  19. I have some things that I’m selling from our wedding. If you’re interested please PM me so that there is no question about who asks for what first.  If you have any questions feel free to PM me and I’ll try to answer your questions as quickly and as fully as I can. I will be out of town this coming weekend so I don’t get back to you right away know that I will respond as quickly as possible. Zucker Hot Pink Feathers - $1.50 + shipping These are Guinea Fowl feathers with natural spots and are approximately 3†long. 4 Hot Pink Orchid Stems- $17.50 + shipping for all **1 of the stems only has 2 big, open blooms, the other 3 have all four big blooms 1 Giant Cactus Cooler- $8 + shipping This cooler was purchased from Oriental Trading but we forgot all about it and didn’t even bring it with us to Mexico.  Inflatable Cactus Cooler 3 Inflatable Sombrero Coolers- $5 + shipping each We didn’t use any of these either as we forgot them but I did blow one up to see how big it was. They no longer carry this item on the Oriental Trading website so I don’t have a picture but the following link is the basic idea (except it’s a sombrero and not a cowboy hat). Inflatable Cowboy Hat Cooler This seemed like a really product…if only we had actually used it! 9 Luggage Tag Holders- $4 + shipping for the lot of them Fits a standard sized business card and even a card that is a little bit bigger if you want to fit a custom card inside. As an FYI I had about 10% of the ones I used rip right down the length of it. My guests loved and used them and had no problems with them during travel. 74 Clear Luggage Tag Straps - $ 5 + shipping for all of them These straps worked really well and are very sturdy 33 Secrets Maroma Beach Resort Postcards for Guests- $ more coming...
  20. I am so happy for you. I would have been quite upset had the same situation happened to me. I think it's really cool that he communicated with you in Spanish so that you could practice, great idea! : ) I strongly believe that this thread adds to the forum and in no way takes away from it. Just like all threads, a person can choose to read it or refrain from reading it. Thank you for adding to the forum.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda oh 3 years! I'd be sooo excited!!! Johannesburg is really a big city, they have McDonalds, yada yada. Although Africans add some kind of spice to their burger so the burgers aren't exactly like ours. The greater Joburg area, which Midrand is included is over 7 million people. Joe's dad is a really well-known microbiologist and i work for him and he took a sabbatical and worked at a University in Gabs and offered us to come we of course excepted, he really needed me to help w/ some research. We went back a year later for the summer and would LOVE to move there! Don't worry about food you have lots of options in that area. So, you don't have to eat local food. We REALLY like ostrich. They make and ostrich sausage in SF and its sooo good. We'd never had ostrich until we went there. Definitely check out Zimbabwe, its one of the most beautiful countries I have ever seen! Check out national reserves. Chobe is in Northern Botsana, we loved it so much we came home and bought a dog and named him Chobe! Then we got another dog and named him Maputo (capital of mozambique). Check out Bloemfontein (south of Joburg) its a nice town. JRR Tolkein was born there, he wrote The Hobbit & Lord of The Rings. Also Cradock is south eastern SF but is a cool little town. Its full of old old houses but they've remodeled everything. Also take a trip to Kruger Park! Cape Town is nice, but it STINKS!!!! There is a HUGE colony of Sea Lions that live there, they stink and they're mean! In Africa they say you cry twice. Once when you get there, you think WTF have I gotten myself into. And once when you leave! I guarantee you will LOVE Africa, it's amazing and you'll always be wanting to go back! I hope you go to Europe! Joe and I LOVE LOVE LOVE Turkey, everything about it! Also Vienna is one of our other hotspots! Wow! You guys have been to some amazing places! Vienna and Turkey! I would LOVE to see the lesser seen countries of Europe. I would love to visit Romania and some of the Eastern European countries. I have heard that there are a ton of penguins in Cape Town too, similar to how some big cities have a lot of pigeons. Three years is a long time for me to imagine since I've only lived in another country for 6 months. I know I'll get terribly homesick, probably after I've been there a few months but then it'll pass and I'll be fine. There will be so many things to see and do I just hope we can fit them all in! I was reading tonight about how to take a tour and swim in the Devil's Swimming Pool (or Devil's Bathtub) at Victoria Falls. That's the number thing my husband wants to experience while we're there. I'm definitely going to volunteer at cat shelters but I'm also hoping to be able to do some AIDS work while we're over there. We're now full up-to-date on our immunizations, including ones for us to be able to travel around Africa. Did you say you guys are camping from Cape Town to Cairo? I would LOVE to go to Egypt and spend a long time there. Once we get back from Africa I want to spend some time in South America. What is there to do in Cape Town? Does it have nice beaches or is it a place to surf? Also, when you guys camp is that camping in the North American sense, like pitch a tent and backpack through Africa or more like stay in hostels along the way? Either way it sounds great!
  22. sorry for the confusion girls! We leaving here on June 13th, so, yes, in about 4 weeks. We will be living there for about 3 years (we're hoping we can stay that long!). My husband's job is what takes us there; he works for a large engineering company that has a contract with a utilities company in South Africa. We will be living in Midrand; I think it's just north of Sandton. We definitely plan on traveling around Africa and Europe hopefully. I have lived in Tasmania before but I spent 1 month in Seoul as well. I did a mission trip in high school to Guatamala. I've also traveled to Ireland and Italy. Jacilynda: why did you guys live in Botswana? I am so excited for Cape Town and the whole experience of living in SA. I won't have the "real" version because we will be living in a mostly ex-patriot community but I know a girl who grew up in Pretoria. She advised me NOT to wear my ring because it's one that would really stand out. She said even in the community that we'll be in no one really wears anything flashy because it makes a target. I'm not too worried but I will definitely be careful when I'm over there.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by destination OK so stupid question here. I have never been a makeup girl, but want to get mine done before my bd shoot on Tues. How do you go about getting them to do your make-up for free at the MAC counter?? I know I sound like I am 10, but as far as experience with make-up I may as well be! Please help I think at the Nordstrom MAC counter (at least in KS) you have to make an appointment ahead of time. Every time I go there just to shop their make-up artists are always full. I thought asking randomly if I could have it done on a drop in basis but since they're always full I bet they accept appointments.
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