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Everything posted by Kits55

  1. I came across a photog last year out of CA that had a special for 2009 brides. If they paid for four nights for herself and her husband (also her assistant) she would give each bride her entire $7,000 package for free!! I thought it was a great deal and wanted to use her but DH didn't like her work as much as the photog we chose. Her name is Sarah Maren and she has a great personality! I don't know if she is still having the special but it doesn't hurt to try! About @ Sarah Maren Photography
  2. woo woo hottie! You look amazing and the pictures turned out so well!! I love the bridal ones; I don't know that I've seen bridal "outfit" ones before. Your hair and make-up couldn't be better!
  3. I always wanted to do something like this but never found anything (plus I got too excited and asked them right away). They look awesome and it's a great keepsake for your BMs! Well done!
  4. They are great! I am pleasantly surprised by the quality at Fed Ex/Kinko's. Great job designing them.
  5. Holy! I'm not sure how I missed this thread (well, I guess I have been away for a bit) but your pictures are outstanding! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the "first look" session ones!! Boy, how I wish I would have done that now. Our photogs didn't really capture the moment as I had hoped and asked them to. Seeing the emotion in those ones almost made ME cry. I can clearly see the joy and emotion in those ones. You looked beautiful!
  6. Oh my gosh girl, those are so amazing!! Wow!! I can't imagine how much time those must have taken you! i LOVE the back side with the sunset. So brilliant and beautiful! I love the different sections. Well done!
  7. I voted for number one because it really made me think of sand, sun, and major relaxation. As a guest if I saw that monogram I would be PUMPED. I also love #6 because I love the design of it! Great job!
  8. Too bad I'm already married because I SO would have bought one of these for my wedding! I don't know if someone else has posted these shoes elsewhere but I thought they were too cute to not tell everyone about. If you are having a starfish themed wedding and/or are looking for some awesome sandals, check these out! The fawn style is the one with four rhinestone stars. On the Yellow Box Shoes website they make them in gold, silver, white with gold stars, and black with silver stars. You can google "yellow box shoes fawn" to find places that sell them. My favorite style is the Eden. It only has the one star in the middle. I love the strappy look. There are four different colors, the straps are red, black, white, or turquoise.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by slapsappyhappy I love that travel brochure, it is so nice! Whose template was that? did you ever find out? Hi there: yes, the travel brochure is from (awesome) Morgan. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t14888 Thanks everyone for the compliments! I spent so many hours trying to narrow down great ideas and put everything together. I am forever grateful to the other brides on here for giving me inspiration and motivation! Yael: I totally remember you from ordering the cups! I hope your guests loved them! One of my cousins was washing it and it changed color. She freaked out and starting trying to get the color off because she didn't know it was supposed to change colors!
  10. When my photographer first said that the cover of our album would be "acrylic" (his words) I thought that sounded kind of weird so I changed it to a leather die cut cover. NOW I read on here that Alyssa loves her lucite cover and would still pick the same cover. I did some quick searches online and found that they look really nice with the right picture and bright colors. Does anyone have opinions on a lucite (the look, feel, style) cover versus the more traditional black leather die cut cover? My second question is regarding paper. I recently read that metallic paper really makes colors "pop" on the page. What is the texture like? Does it actually make every image look metallic through the colors? My favorite thing about our pictures are the brilliant colors that are Mexico. I want that to showcase in our album. Do you think I will be better off going with a metallic paper as opposed to the normal photographic paper ones? Any help is appreciated! p.s. In case you're wondering why I can't just go and see what my photographer has it's because I live halfway around the world now (literally)!
  11. if you need a free photo upload email from VistaPrint I have one that doesn't expire until August 29, 2009. I can forward it to you if you PM me your email address.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Vikki O2 Photography: Vikki You can double click to make them bigger. I wasn't able to schedule with her for another week or so and she said she doesn't like to put them all online before the studio viewing. Usually she doesn't put BD pics up on the blog but said if I wanted her to she would. I'm never going to run for public office so what the hell. I can't wait to see the rest. Wow!! You look amazing! Your outfits, hair, and make-up are so well put together! I love the edgier look of these BD pics! They might be my favorite ones that I've seen on BDW!
  13. the last picture is my favorite! wow! You look great! Your FI will flip when he sees these.
  14. I recommend wearing what you think makes you look the hottest! I've heard that it's best to stay away from white (save it for the wedding!) plus it can be harder to photograph depending on your location. I did not get my hair or make-up professionally done (I never like what they do even when I give specific instructions) and I thought ours turned out pretty well. We chose to do more "fashion style" engagement pictures so we wore outfits that matched that style. If you are going for a more traditional look then classic clothes will look the best. If you are going for fun and easy going then wear a more casual outfit.
  15. I say go for the 50 min church IF the guests all know each and are reasonably comfortable with each other. As a guest myself and one that does like being in groups and crowds of people I hate a 50 minute bus ride each way unless there people there I was really comfortable with. Also, I agree with Morgan and if it's more a party bus vibe your guests might enjoy that but if it's just going to be quiet then the 20 min ride would be preferable.
  16. I voted for D because I haven't seen any dresses like it yet this year. I think it looks slightly trendy (which I like!) and definitely cute enough to wear again after the wedding.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by lolkitteh Hi - didn't order one yet, but it is fully designed. Just haven't gotten around to placing the order. I designed it in Fotofusion - it just needs to be proofed and uploaded. Will update once I get around to it. We are in the middle of moving, so I've been waiting to get settled in with the new address to place the order. with fotofusion it really wasnt that hard - BRI has their own templates, but I liked the flexibility of fotofusion. If you aren't liking what your photographer did, its a great option. Thanks so much for the response! I am checking out Foto Fusion as I type this. There video is good so far. I will be excited to see how yours turns out. Thanks again!
  18. your replies really cracked me up! Some of you are putting these things on your "to-do" list and others of you are saying if there are things that you can go without, it's these thing! haha I love it. If it helps even one person then it's so worth it!
  19. Update to my earlier photographer situation: He emailed me back today and I'm pretty disappointed with his lack of concrete response to my questions. I asked him how many pictures they took and he said "a lot!". He did say he will check on the total number later on but who knows if he'll remember to do that. I also asked him if I could view and pick out some of the unedited photos in order to "fill in the holes" and he just responded that the sparkler pictures did not turn out the way he was hoping they would. (so, I still want them!). He did say he would give us the unmodified versions of the pictures on our CD but that it will take a lot of time. He agreed to do this because we are buying his album in addition to our album. Now I feel TRULY stuck in having to purchase an album from him. He wants me to pick a cover photo and make one or two substitutions but after looking at all of the pictures on the CD there are more like 20 substitutions that I would make. This is what he wrote in the latest email regarding this: " We should choose a photo for the cover of the album. Beyond that, were there any other changes? I don't want to mess with it too much, obviously, but if there is a pic or two you'd like to replace, that would be fine. Other than that, it's pretty much ready to go." I know that tones cannot be heard through emails but it sounds like he still wants the album the way it is for his purposes (because it was his first DW) and not for my happiness. I'm not sure what to respond at this point because I'm happy that we will get our photos in regular color BUT I still want the unedited photos of things that are important to me. I am horrible at "professional and courteous" correspondence as I prefer to say it how I mean it. That is not always the best tactic so I'm hoping some of you will have some advice on how to get the point across that in way shape or form am I willing to not receive copies of the unedited photos. That is my number one priority. I can deal with making only a few changes to the album as long as I get my way with the unedited photos. Sorry so long but I hope someone out there has some experience with negotiations!
  20. beautiful album! I wasn't sure how an album with the lucite cover would turn out (I haven't been able to find any good pics) but I LOVE IT! If you had your choice of any album would you go with a leather bound album or still the lucite cover? Will the lucite stay nice and clear forever do you think?
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by lolkitteh I do want something better than a MyPublisher or Blurb book for my actual wedding album, but I don't want to pay $2000 for it! I've found a couple of sites that will work directly with brides (most places will only work with pro photographers) to make a flush mount album, and wonder if anyone out there has done a DIY album with Black River Imaging/Somerset Albums? (supposedly the same company) Or any other company that you can recommend? Did you order your book from BRI? If so, has it come in yet? I am unhappy with the proof of an album that our photog sent us so I'd like to create my own completely. He told me he will change one or two pictures and the cover but that's it. Um, hello..I thought it was OUR album, not his?! I am dying to see some DIYers albums!
  22. i love the different layouts on each page. You were a beautiful bride. My favorite picture is the one of you two together with the pink sunset and empty chairs. So intimate!
  23. i love the "will you be my bridesmaid" idea but unfortunately i was too excited to wait to ask! all of your details must have made a beautiful and meaningful wedding
  24. I keep thinking (long after the wedding is over) of things that I really wanted to do for our wedding at the time but ran out of time to do. DH once said to me that if I was an animal that needed to hibernate in the winter I would die. LOL It really cracked me up and is a perfect example of how I procrastinate. Here is my list: 1. Paint and label colorful maracas for the reception 2. Create a list of important pics for the photog 3. Schedule the reception- we had no speeches (also my dad and MOH's fault, they didn't even plan them which kind of makes me mad...they shouldn't have to be told to write them IMHO) and only one brief toast. 4. I completely forgot to do something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue 5. Create a song playlist 6. Place cards 7. Menu Cards 8. Table Numbers 9. Re-do and correct post cards I try not to procrastinate as much now but old habits die hard
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