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Everything posted by Kits55

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Kelly C I am using a TA. It's been great. But we have a couple of guest that booked their own. good to know, maybe i can negotiate with them. so far they've been pretty awesome. Quote: Originally Posted by Jennifer Davis I was planning on using a TA but with Expedia, Orbitz and Travelocity, I think I'll keep updating my website with the most current fares monthly from those sites for 2 reasons: 1. My friend who is getting married this coming December used a TA, however, I wound up getting a MUCH better deal to Jamaica through Orbitz. 2. My fiance's brother just got back from a destination wedding. The TA whom the wedding couple hired stole all the hotel deposits from all the guests and everyone who attended the wedding lost their $300 deposit. O-M-G how horrible! did you book your trip to Jamaica at the same time when everyone else booked through the TA? I'm not sure how long people should wait to see if they "get a better deal" from an online source...
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by kboehler My name is Karrie Boehler and my wedding will be Friday, January 30, 2009 at The Royal in Cancun, Mexico. I have a lot of details to arrange and saw that the members on this forum shared a lot of information to help navigate those decisions! I have been trying to connect with someone who has had their wedding at The Royal and can share their stories and photos. I could also use information on photographers (the resort uses FUNEVER, and I haven't seen much for examples of their work). I look forward to joining in the conversation! Karrie Hi Karrie! welcome to the forum. Antonia123 had her wedding The Royal and has answered a lot of my questions. Also Becky (i forget her name) was married there. They might both have some insight for you. if you use the search function and type in "The Royal" you should be able to find Antonia's review and the posts relating to The Royal. I'm also considering the Royal, i've heard it's gorgeous from so many people. Good luck! Kelly
  3. gulp! i do not have this problem but i do see that something similar to could happen to one of my bridesmaids. I would be pretty mad if i had told my BM's two years ago and just now couldn't afford it. i think that 2 years is plenty enough time to save up for a DW, especially since you are helping her out a lot! i would just tell her up front that you need to know ASAP for planning purposes. Let her know that you still want her to be there but present it as a win-win situation to her. were you only helping out with the $800.00 because she's in your party or are you helping out with that much no matter what?
  4. i really love your pictures! your photographer did a really great job (sometimes i see photographers have couples do funny things that aren't my style) but you have A TON of awesome ones. i actually laughed out loud when i saw the one of your flower girl playing in the sand with you two all serious during the ceremony in the background...awesome! i LOVE the flowers on the strings for your ceremony decorations. i'd like a way to save on flowers but still have them around for my ceremony, thanks for the helpful idea! i am a huge fan of the picture of you two on the rocks when you guys are standing looking at the water and rocks are black and white but the sky and water are in color, i think that's a really neat picture. the ones of you lying on the log with DH are sex-aaay
  5. Hot tamale, Amy!! Those are fantastic! Very tastefully sexy...someone should take a picture of the look that will be on your fiance's face when he opens the book...lol The best is the topless in jeans up close one...i love that necklace btw!
  6. Welcome to the forum. I may have to come visit you guys when i'm up in Maple Grove over Christmas this year....
  7. the orange really pops in a great way! You and husband look so good together! congratulations!
  8. the one of the sun framing around you two in front of the rocks is GORGEOUS
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan I wish I had nail polish remover. I kept painting over mine to touch it up & by the end of the week it was so thick that it was annoying me. I also wish i remembered an invite & STD for the photograph of all of my wedding stuff. How brilliant Morgan, thanks for sharing!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by ashrose You should have seen it. He looked like a puppy dog whose whole world had been crushed. "You know hunny, we are going to need to get up early on the day after our wedding for our TTD shoot." "What? You are having us leave the room on the first full day I'm married to you? Isn't that what room service is for?" "We can do it later, but Kaylee will need to fly home shortly thereafter so it just makes sense to do it the day after the wedding." He was not pleased. His solution... "Why don't we do it before the wedding? Like you know, the day before." ... he eventually caught himself and realized that trash the dress meant I probably wouldnt want to wear it for the ceremony if done before. Good effort though. Got to give him points for thinking outside the box. LOL, that's really cute. I'm afraid that i'll be a crabby bitch at my TTD since i HATE waking up before 8am. lol
  11. 1. Where is your cell phone? Desk 2. Your significant other? Nebraska 3. Your hair? back 4. Your mother? loving 5. Your father? hilarious 6. Your favorite thing? CATS! 7. Your dream last night? none 8. Your favorite drink? don't 9. Your dream/goal? money 10. The room you're in? quiet 11. Your ex? hideous 12. Your fear? worms 13.Where do you want to be in 6 years? Europe 14. Where were you last night? apartment 15. What you're not? pasty 16. Muffins? yuck 17. One of your wish list items? horse 18. Where you grew up? green 19. The last thing you did? call 20. What are you wearing? ring 21. Your TV? gigantic 22. Your pets? precious 23. Your computer? old 24. Your life? stressful 25. Your mood? bored 26. Missing someone? fiance 27. Your vehicle? fun 28. something your not wearing? contacts 29. Favorite Store? target 30. Your summer? hot 31. Like someone? friends 32. favorite color? pink 33. When is the last time you laughed? night 34. Last time you cried? TV
  12. i don't think it really matters if it was a neighbor or not, meaning if it was some kid or teenager that randomly picked your house, that's still morbid. not to mention if whoever put it there killed the poor bird, animal abuse. i would definitely file a complaint with the police, just so it's on the record.
  13. atlcatlover (i myself am a cat lover too, lol ): i think that if you are NOT having an at home reception after the wedding then yes, invite anyone and everyone to help you celebrate your engagement party. just let people know that you're having a small, intimate wedding in Las Vegas next year and that you may or may not (depending on what you're doing) have a reception at home afterward and that's why you're inviting them to your party. Most people aren't offended at all when you explain your situation to them.
  14. Fantastic review! I'm glad that you reviewed the little things too. i thought for sure that i would do a bathroom basket until you wrote about having to bring it into MX and then nobody used anything! i guess whatever i'd put in the bathroom basket i could just put in their welcome bags instead Your dolphin time sounds fun, she was cute!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by ctpetch Just a suggestion on beach candles. They only burn 2 hrs. I would bring some extra ones so you will have them for your entire reception. You can buy a bag of them of 100 for $5. I wish we would of done that for our reception. Hi Ct: thanks for the tip! i am all about candles and glitter/sparkle for my reception. this is very good for me to know!
  16. Welcome to the forum! i started out having a pretty idea of what i wanted but i ended up finding some WAY different places thanks to the forum. Now i'm getting really close to making a decision and then i'll really be utilizing all of the different planning related posts. If you need any help with ideas i've researched SO many places between Cancun and Tulum that i probably have notes for dozens of resorts. Not to mention emails that i traded back and forth with different resorts (they usually included pictures of ceremony locations and their available food and flower lists sometimes). send me an email if you want to know if i have pictures for certain resorts
  17. Those SO perfect! it took me forever to realize what "MIB" was since it obviously is not "men in black". lol Now that you all know i'm a little slow to pick up on abbreviations, can someone please tell me what the OOT bags are? i'm pretty sure they're either the welcome bags but i have no idea what OOT stands for! please help! lol
  18. My whole problem is that i don't think i can DO that. According to what i've read we must book all airfare together AND the resort rooms. i really don't foresee many problems with people needing to speak with me about travel arrangements (maybe ground transportation) because most of them are familiar with flying. we're not having that many people come so i really don't care if they are coming to me for questions.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Lyn You look stunning! You and your new hubby look so happy together - big congrats! We fly out to Azul Beach 3 weeks today and get married on he 29th - getting really excited! Any tips? xxx I can't wait to read your Azul Beach review. Have a safe trip and have fun!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by TA Maureen Usually guests have to book all together with the same agency to be considered part of a group booking. that's the whole point of booking as a group and just the way it works. i like having our rooms booked together but we have some super finicky people in our wedding party that are going to throw a fit because they always fly the same airlines to get their miles. they have thousands of miles saved up since they travel often. we some others who are starting a small travel business that they can write off the expenses but not if their travel is booked through others. I don't think they should be forced to fly a certain airline especially because it could be a more expensive flight. we only have about 6 people flying from each city, so not even enough to get a group discount and make it less expensive for our guests. if that's not the way it works then i mis-read my "process of events" letter but that's how both I and my FI interpreted it. i sure do we're wrong.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by MsSunshine Yes Secrets Maroma is on this beach. You can also check out Catalonia Playa Maroma and El Dorado Maroma Resort. I wasn't sure if you were looking for adults only or kid friendly resorts. Thanks msSunshine! That helps a lot. i've looked at EDM and i didn't really like it that much. I will take a look at Catalonia. I do prefer adults only but am not totally set in that pick. I have also found Secrets Maroma which opens in just a couple weeks and i think that is my top pick so far of what i know of it.
  22. He told her that we'd be having two different receptions following the ceremony. That it would pretty much only be parents, us, and the wedding party and the other reception would be the informal one that we'd drop by to say hello. She has now written me an email telling me that she told her sisters that we'd rather they save their money to go to the AHR's when we get back to the states. We'll have one in MN where i'm from and one in NE where FI is from. She told her sisters to come to the MN one too so that they can meet my family. she is also going to suggest that to the members of her husband's family. She said that she hopes I will have the day that i've always dreamed of. I think she is trying really hard to help and make this day perfect. She has volunteered to alter my dress because she has actually made a couple of wedding dresses in the past. So all is well in Future family in law land
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by kevsgirl Hi everyone! I am a bit obsessed with pink myself. I want to have light pink and hot pink flowers and possibly white. Right now I'm thinking of hot pink BM dresses with them holding white bouquets and me having a pink bouquet, but I'm not sure if that'll work. I know I need another colour. Having said that, I dug up some really great colour palette boards from this site called Style me Pretty - here. And now, for your viewing pleasure: Beautiful pink and green colour palette: Another more cute pink and green palette: Bright fuschia and orange Hot pink, blue and green: Pinks, reds and oranges I LOVE the fuschia, blue, and green scheme. it looks amazing! I love the dress that is in that group of pictures as well, depending on the skirt it looks really amazing!
  24. or you could find a dress that they all love and that you love too. my bridesmaid randomly found one they love (for buying more than 1 at a time they get a 20% discount but the dress is still $181). they all love it and are excited to wear it so there hasn't been any comments about having to buy it themselves. i was going to pay for half possibly but then i decided i want them to wear a gorgeous brooch on a section of the dress that is plainer so i'm going to buy them brooches instead. one of my bridesmaids loves the dress so much that she is chomping at the bit to get hers ordered so she can wear it this year to her Christmas party. lol So, i guess IMHO if you find one they totally love, pay nothing and buy them a cool gift or if they all hate it then maybe chip in a little to help pay. All of my girls want to wear it to multiple functions they've already planned on.
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by DallasAshli Day before yesterday, I went to a bridal salon after work and found a dress I really liked. At this salon, you buy that dress rather than ordering it. Its a discount salon but designer dresses. So my mom drove in 2 hours this morning to see it and bought it for me on the spot! I now have my wedding dress hanging in the closet and my wedding is 8 months from tomorrow. Did I get my dress too early? It's everything I was looking for (fit, color, front, back, price!) My only concern is that I hadn't tried on enough dresses. I'm really bad with commitment and do this back and forth on everything (apartments, cars, jobs, any big decision). Please tell me 8 months before is not too soon! Dallas: i am only about 8 months and 2 weeks out from my ideal wedding date, no i don't think it's too early to get your dress. i started looking about 1.5 months ago and wouldn't stop looking. the only reason i stopped is because i went home to Minnesota for a dress b/c there's no sales tax up there on wedding dresses. i can't afford to keep going up there so i settled on one that i really love. plus, i will get it back earlier and then i can keep trying it on. hehe my other top choices were all supposed to take 6-8 months to come in if i ordered them so i was actually cutting it pretty close or so said most of the sales people. I also keep thinking that i'll find one i like better that maybe i jumped the gun a little bit but i do that with everything. i do it with new shoes, new clothes, new books, EVERYTHING so i'm trying to not be like that. i think if you love the dress then good for you for finding one so soon and not having to stress out about it!
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