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Everything posted by Kits55

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Opice34 I guess I should note that I bought Mexico stamps at the hotel gift shop when we arrived and stamped them all before we put them in the gift bags. So people actually sent them from Mexico. They didn't wait until they got home. I like the idea of having them send the postcards from Mexico. I for one if I was a guest would probably be too busy/lazy to send it once I got home. I also like the idea of having Mexican stamps on the postcards as an added touch. Thanks for the idea!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by katedoeseurope What you are talking about def sounds like glass etching. Just google it, you will get tonnes of links to products and tips. You can get the etching cream and stencils at any craft store. Its really easy, the results are permanents and looks really nice and professional. Hope that helps! I saw some really nice snifter type glasses at Pottery Barn the other day and they just had one big star on them. After reading your post, I think they might just have been etched on there. Hopefully mine can turn out as nice! Thanks for the tips. Quote: Originally Posted by FLgator It sounds like she used acrylic enamel paints, which my aunt uses to paint wine glasses all the time. I used them on a porcelin platter to make a guest signature platter. In order to set the paint you either bake them or let air dry for 21 days. Then they are safe to put in the dishwasher. Let me know if you have any more questions! Man, I didn't realize it has to air dry for 21 days!! I think I'll take the baking route. Do you remember how long and at what temperature you had to bake them?
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by niels408 Having these guys at our wedding at Dreams Tulum was ultimately the best decision i made for my whole wedding. They are amazing & such great guys! The did our whole wedding, reception & our TTD shoot the next day so this is just a quick "highlight video" they sent me b/c i was so anxious to see something! I will also post the wedding & TTD video once I get it from them! Laura + Josh // The All Brevis Wedding // Mexico on Vimeo I love your video! I can't believe how far wedding videos have come! I love their style and artistry, wow wow wow! Did you use StillMotion instead of a still photo photographer or did you use both?
  4. That sounds like a great idea. From the further research that I'm trying to do I think I can also etch designs onto glass? I like the idea of painting and sealing, it sounds much easier! Thank you!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda Make an Etched Glass Masterpiece I actually got the idea from a project on Michael's website. Then I used this site to give me directions. Also the make stencils for the etching cream, and that makes it REALLY easy. But the stencils were $12 and then it allowed you to put like "Our Wedding Day" and the date but not your actual names. Plus I just did it with contact paper, cause if I had bought glasses, etching cream, stencils, ribbon, etc. it would have been the same price as just buying some personalized. I love this idea and I'm so glad I found this post! I never knew what this process was called or even how to do it. Thank you posting!! Is the etching supposed to last forever? Can you wash it? What about if you etched a votive holder, do you know if you can still light a votive in it, say for a reception?
  6. I had seen this postcard idea written about before but had pretty much decided against it because I wasn't sure about the logistics of it all. Now after seeing the picture, reading the post, and reading how to make it, I think i might actually do it! Especially since I think that maybe *fingers crossed* postcards are still free from Vistaprint if you pay for shipping. I ordered a bunch of free stuff on their website last week. I paid for the 21 day shipping and got it in about a week, phew!! I can't wait to see your finished product!
  7. Thank you for posting these...I have been through pages and pages on the DIY forum and have seen so many templates but actually none of these yet! You just saved me so much time! I think the newsletter one is my favorite. Fabulous!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by mrsbancroft2be Here is a centerpiece I put together. I would love it if someone had any advice on how to make it better. Our colors are pink and orange. I think it depends on the "look" that you are going for. If you're going for a more formal or sophisticated look I'd maybe try black accents in there somewhere. Maybe a small black tray or black glass pebble things. If you're looking for a color to make it "pop" then I'd say maybe something blue, green, or blue-green. On an artist's "color wheel" those are the colors that complement orange and red. So even though it sounds weird supposedly they go together. So maybe some small accents in complementary colors would give it the slight separation of color you're looking for.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Simistar Hey Kits55! So, I went for a walk yesterday to the north...and kept walking and walking :-) I walked about 15 mins and could see what looks like a building under construction, so I took some shots I can e-mail when I get back. (I don't think this is where you meant...if it was, I'd suggest it's pretty far to walk in a dress on the beach...) But then I walked to the south and quite close to resort are a few abandoned buildings...I think maybe it was one of these. I took pics of them, though I couldn't specifically see a vine-covered door... One of the buildings looks SUPER creepy! Like from a horror movie :-) But I'll send you all the pics :-) We did do a TTD session the next day! It was super fun! And I was really happy we'd booked it since I could actually do my hair and make-up the way I wanted (long story I'll tell in my review...but my hair and make-up looked NOTHING like how I wanted it to for the wedding day!).. We didn't go to a cenote (for the TTD or any other day), just b/c we haven't had time mostly:-) There are LOTS of cool places around the resort for a TTD session though so don't worry if your photog isn't into travelling somewhere else :-) Okay...anyone..?? Any more pics....? Want me to ask Cecilia anything...?? We leave Monday, so let me know soon! :-) Hey, sorry for having to post here twice in response to your posts. Sometimes I'm not so smart Thanks so much for walking so far to get pictures for me!! I am very grateful to you! I can't wait to see the pictures! I also can't wait to see your wedding and TTD pics, I bet they turned out beautifully. I'm glad you posted that it wasn't Juan Navvaro who did all of your photos. I think we'll also use of one hour of photography for the reception. haha Have a wonderful last night!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Simistar Okay, so we're (my new husband and I...god, that sounds weird!) REALLY dumb! Just realized we've had access to the preferred club lounge the entire time we've been here...and there are computers, pastries, drinks servers...everthing! We suck :-) Anywaaay, we're leaving this afternoon...have pics for Kits55 and Mandy...last call for anyone else...? Simistar: congratulations (again!) That's so awesome that you have access to the preferred club. Did you have to purchase a special room upgrade for that? I"m really interested in pictures of the resort at night...do you have any of those yet? Travel safely!
  11. Thanks for your opinion! I just can't get past the awesome glitter If I decide to use it for my invites I'll post a picture of what it looks like!
  12. Finally I can post pictures of my dress on here...lol My FMIL will be adding additional rhinestones just to make it more "sparkly"! woo-hoo! I can't decide if i should keep the veil or lose it for a hair piece, I'm very indecisive. The picture from the front is weird because there's a big horizontal line across my waist but I think it's because it was a tiny bit too tight....good thing my FMIL is taking care of that and I'll do my part to take care of it too Front Picture Back Without Veil Back with Veil
  13. I didn't even this sticky here, although I probably should have guessed. Everyone's rings are GORGEOUS. Here is my engagement ring. The wedding band will fit snugly underneath the engagement ring. The band will have the middle sized stones hugging the main stone in the engagement ring (so it will look kind of like a horseshoe shape of middle sized stones under the main stone. The rest of the wedding band will be the small stones.
  14. Hello: I am trying to be creative and crafty but I can't seem to find what I really want. I am looking for black and white large print paisley paper for my invites. Instead I found this paper and design that I really love at a local Archiver's. If you can't tell in the picture the silver design actually has silver glitter on it. The look I'm going for is classy but fun. I'm thinking of using this paper as a middle sheet. So i'd put it on the cardstock, then put a different piece of paper over the glitter piece and the top piece would have the printing and words on it. My words will probably be in fuschia. Do you think this paper is too informal for the feel that I want? Do you think it's too "childish?" Any ideas of how I could use this in other ways?
  15. The BM dresses have finally all been ordered... They're in the fuschia color, designer is Watters and Watters and it's the WToo line. Wtoo | Bridesmaid Gown Collection | Style 135 | Chiffon halter knee-length dress with deep v-neck and shirred empire with streamers at back. Available in knee length, floor length or extra length.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Chanti Hi everyone! In the process of organizing my wedding for June 29th 2009 at Secrets Maroma Beach. I am definitely curious to hear about what sorts of problems have been recently occuring... I hired a wedding coordinator here through Luxe Destination Weddings to help me plan, since we're also in the middle of home renovations and have WAY too much going on. Looking forward to hearing what others have thought of the resort photographer as from what I hear, I may want to find another option. Very glad to have found this thread!!! Hey Chanti: I'm also using Luxe to plan my wedding for April 2009. I actually wish that I had not used them because it limits so much for what can be done travelwise. We're finding for guests that it's hundreds of dollars more expensive to go with Luxe. We may even have to have guests buy the package deals they're finding and then pay us the $300 per person. How do you like Luxe so far? Are things running smoothly for you? Did they find SMB for you or did you find it on your own?
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by julielynn Hey guys I am back!!! It’s crazy at work so I have not written my review. I am working on it though. Don’t worry. But just to ease your mind, it was ALL AMAZING!!! We had no mosquito problem. Cecilia was great!! The food is amazing. The beach is incredible!! My wedding was a dream come true!!! There will be more details to follow. So girls, don’t worry, you made the right choice with Maroma!! Congratulations!! I'm SO happy for you! Now you have me even more excited than I already was. I can't wait for the beach and spa! I will be waiting IMpatiently for your review Quote: Originally Posted by Simistar Hey Ladies! I'm at the resort right now! I actually saw Julielynn on her wedding night and she looked beautiful My wedding was two nights later...and we had a few problems. But I don't want anyone to freak out!! I'll write my review when I get back (after the 15th of December) so hopefully it can help anyone else avoid the problems we had But in a nutshell, if you're having a REALLY small wedding, like 8 people, I'm sure everything will go smoothly. I don't think this resort has had a wedding our size (which I didn't even think was THAT big!) before...we had 26 including us...and I think Cecilia was a little overwhelmed. (she does have to do everything by herself! It's crazy how many hours she works a day...they should really give her an assistant. But anywaaaay...) And as Julielynn said...the resort is gorgeous, the food is delicious and everyone is really nice. I'm here for about another week, so if anyone has any questions, or needs a picture taken of something in particular, please let me know!!!! It's not a problem...I'll try to squeeze it in between tanning by the pool and eating the beach burgers (soooooo good) Cheers! Congratulations!! I hope you enjoy the rest of your honeymoon! I think we'll have around 20 a our wedding, give or take a couple or so most likely. I hope there are larger weddings at the resort than mine! I do have a picture of something that I'm curious about. I did see from someone who was at the resort shortly after it opened a really awesome picture. I can't remember now who it was but it wasn't for a wedding. I think they said that north? of the resort there is an old abandoned resort/building. Facing the ocean is a really cool kind of vine covered set of fancy doors. Have you it yet? If so, would you mind taking a picture for me? I love places like that and want to show my photographer! Did you do a TTD session? Did you visit any cenotes? Sorry for all the questions, I'm just so excited now!!
  18. Hi Ladies: Thank you all so much for your input. I'm going to share this information with my friends/family who have asked to throw me a "shower", now to be called a "celebration". I may suggest to those in MN and NE that we wait for the receptions and maybe they can help host the receptions. We're not sure if we'll have a reception in Kansas City so perhaps my friend will still hold a small celebration. Her idea was to have lunch at home so the plan was to always have a small one. Thanks again!
  19. This sounds weird, but I'm having my FMIL sew some added "bling" on my dress. It pretty much fit the bill for what i wanted but didn't sparkle enough. Did anyone else do this? My dress was super inexpensive so i figured I could add some sparkle to it. I'm wondering if anyone else did this and how it turned out? Could people tell?
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Simistar Welcome to our little thread! :-) I leave in two days! So I'll be sure to post a full review when I get back...And Julielynn is getting married two days before me, so you should have lots of info to help you decide:-) Simistar and Julielynn, you're probably already at the fabulous Secrets Maroma and I can't wait to hear all when you get back. An congratulations to you both!!
  21. This is great! Although I wonder how difficult it would be to create these folds with a thicker cardstock paper? Have you made these?
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Myda77 This link came in pretty handy when I was trying to match colors in my comp with cardstock I had ordered. It gives you different color choices and the matching RGB color code to be entered into you comp. Hope this helps you out. Web Color Chart - Decimal - by VisiBone This is so amazing! I never knew something like this existed! I'll be grateful to you forever!!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by kevsgirl Here's mine! I just finished it up (well, I am waiting on 2 more pics, but it's essentially done!) Honestly - all it is is a bunch of text boxes in Word... hope you all like it and it helps! I LOVE this! It's so great! Where did you get the pictures for the backgrounds? How do you make the boxes to show over the background?
  24. i looked for the iron on "bride" ones originally but couldn't find any that i thought were cute. I've now purchased Hot Fix rhinestones and the Hot Fix applicator so i think I'm gonna go to town! I love seeing a pair already done.
  25. Great idea! Maybe I'll try to make some and see if my girls like them. I don't know how they're planning on doing their hair yet.
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