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Everything posted by Quyen

  1. I am getting married there on Nov 7 and Oscar is my Sheraton contact. He is slow to respond especially closer to the date. I hear November is a busy wedding month for them so that may be a reason. I finally had to get a wedding coordinator Karla Cassilas and she is wonderful...makes things a whole lot easier. As far as I know, you have to book ten rooms in order to have your wedding there and reception means traditional meal. It has a variety of diff options ranging from sandwiches like lunch to plated dinners. If you need more info, let me know. Good luck. Everyone I have talked to who knows Cabo well, loves the Sheraton
  2. Congrats...it's always nice to see a guy involved in planning the wedding
  3. Your wedding is exactly one month after mine....Hope planning is almost done:)
  4. Quyen

    Hi Everybody!

    Congrats and welcome to the forum
  5. This is a great site ...you would love it
  6. Quyen


    Amazing story Shari
  7. Quyen


    Congrats and welcome to the forum
  8. Quyen

    New to forum!

    Congrats and welcome to the forum
  9. OMG...they are great! I have been looking all over the place for nice ones but I may just make them now
  10. Yay!!the first step is setting the date
  11. Congrats !Welcome to the forum
  12. congrats...you will love this site.
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