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Everything posted by calchik

  1. okee picture time now that i'm home. lol cakes first these are the location pics jazmin sent me a couple weeks ago and i'm staying at tulum garden gazebo inside of gazebo variations of the beach
  2. i'm doing wedding favors but i have a big gap between my ceremony and reception but i did that on purpose so i wouldn't be time crunched for pics and preparing for the reception. we're getting married at noon but our reception isn't til 6pm so i figure that is tons of time to do pics, then freshen up, hang out and then set up our reception with name tags and favors. i'll probably do it myself or get my MOH to do it. but i'm sure if you ask the WC to set it up they probably could sapphire - i think prices and flights do change depending on when you go. we purposely picked May cuz package prices for the resort drop by 200 bucks compared to april. if you pick a low season to travel in prices are normally lower
  3. this site is fantastic, thanks for so much sharing! i needed random wedding pics for my wedding website pages and now i can pick by my wedding color and have pictures that match my color i love coordinating!
  4. congrats and welcome! i'm from calgary too and getting married at the same resort in May. i'll see you in the gran bahia principe thread
  5. the cake options jazmin gave me are round, 3 tiered round, and heart shaped. but those were the cakes that came with the package that only fed 10 people. i don't know what is available if you get a bigger wedding cake to feed everyone at an extra charge i can post pics when i get home cuz i can't do it here at work cuz they block websites
  6. thanks girls, you just made me realize that we probably don't need the cocktail reception all the way til 10:30 pm. even a couple hours should be more than enough time for everyone to drink and dance then we can wander elsewhere on the resort or the hacienda to keep the party going. we're picking the lowest drink package and telling ppl to get their hard alcohol at another bar. FI is pretty against paying for alcohol at an all inclusive but i think it's our best option for the reception since we couldn't book the disco and making a signature drink is genius
  7. here's the template thread: templates i was thinking of getting it printed on sturdy poster board type paper, punching either 3 or 5 holes down the side, somehow making a cover and a back then tying the pages together with the ribbon from my bouquet and my MOH's bouquet. just to incorporate something actually from the wedding itself. if i did it that way i'd have to store it in a box with tissue paper between the sheets so the pages keep better though. then we're having it displayed on our AHR guest book table (which will be a normal signing guest book, not such a detailed one, since there will be 130 ppl) with a digital picture frame playing pictures from our mexico trip and honeymoon
  8. i took the template provided by trayce2222 in the template thread and modified it for my guest book. i did it in visio first though so it has a pretty background but converted it into powerpoint so the rest of you can use it. some of the pictures are still visio objects though so hope it's still modifiable enough. add a slide design behind it or print it on cool paper and voila! guest book pages.ppt
  9. good call on the before pics, i didn't even think to do that but i will now i would be freaking out too hope the next alterations go well
  10. i'm doing grape purple as my main color and hot pink as the accent color i wanted my colors to pop and stand out against the ocean i found this site helpful when deciding my colors to get an idea of what it looks like with a beach background Photos of Barefoot Beach Wedding Attire and "Up-Do's"
  11. i was considering having them on my tables at our AHR here's other print candy websites i found if anyone wants to do something different than M&Ms Print Candies - Customizable Printed Candies Promotional Candy with Logo and Custom Candy as Corporate Candy Christmas Holiday Gifts by Branders.com Custom Candy Shop for Business Promotions with 10% Discount plus $50 Off on your First Order. some of them are printing on the label or container instead of the actual candy though thought i'd share
  12. phew, good to hear. and now you can breathe again...and continue wedding planning. lol. anyone know what the options are for doing your dances if you don't get the disco or do the outdoor reception? can you do them in the restaurant or somewhere else?
  13. we booked with erick too we found his are a little more artistic and candid we don't want super posed wedding pictures...not that citalli's are, just saying it was one of our criteria
  14. hi leanne, i couldn't email it to you either but might as well put it where others can access it 4shared.com - document sharing - download flowers.doc 4shared.com - document sharing - download flowers2.doc if it doesn't work, someone let me know and i'll try posting it again
  15. i don't think she'd give away the date without your confirmation. everything will work out ok my TA messed up royally and didn't "confirm" my wedding date when i've thought i've had it for 4 months. i spent a week almost in tears thinking i lost my wedding date and waiting to hear back from the resort. then my TA finally CCed Paloma and she fixed the situation within a day. pretty sure Paloma is the boss of the other wedding coordinators and she responds quickly if jazmin doesn't. this is the email i have for Paloma: Gerente_Grupos_COMPMEX/[email protected] hope that helps
  16. excellent site, thanks for sharing! found a bunch of cute things for cheaper than other websites
  17. wow lots of canadians in the thread recently i too am freaking out. i emailed paloma yesterday asking if i can book my reception time and she tells me she doesn't even have my wedding on the agenda. my travel agent arranged my wedding date and confirmation so i have to wait for him to get back to me. i'm really hoping she's just saying that and won't deal with me until she's seen my confirmation. otherwise i'm going to cry cuz everything else i've planned based on my wedding date is now useless. magaliscious - does your matron of honour realize how big the resort is? i'm guessing it wouldn't be that hard for her to avoid her ex
  18. i vote #1 as well. the second seems kinda plain and looks like a sexy elegant nightgown to me
  19. thanks girls for all the new info and reviews. it's been very helpful and helped me make the decision to do my own hair instead of attempting at the salon. my wedding is at noon so i wouldn't have a lot of time if they didn't get it right the first time. good thing my hairdresser will probably be able to show me how to do it myself and then i have 6 months to practice. lol
  20. think the most i've had to pay to receive my package was $35 and that was 2 pairs of boots and 2 shoes they have season ending (winter, summer) sales too where prices drop but you have to order right away when you get the email telling you they have a sale or the sizes go fast
  21. so cute and i did giggle. good job i'm going the email STD route too but traditional paper invites for the AHR
  22. we're doing our AHR at the aerospace museum with the historic planes surrounding the dance floor. inviting about 160. having it catered but only hor d'ourves and a bar. no wedding cake, no special dances. we are doing speeches (there's only 3) and a slideshow i am wearing my wedding dress again but not for the whole thing, we're going to get announced like normal wedding receptions and i'll be wearing it then and during speeches but then i'll change into a reception dress. we are going to ipod it though and not have a dj my friend makes wedding invitations that are pretty and creative so we're having normal paper invitations for our AHR
  23. i was asked to be a bridesmaid when another bridesmaid dropped out cuz she was dealing with family issues. the bride explained the situation of why the other bridesmaid dropped out, then said she felt like we were getting to be closer friends and she'd be honoured if i'd be one of her bridesmaids. she was really nervous asking me too so i think she was scared to offend me too. but i wasn't at all. i was more excited that i got asked to be a bridesmaid and felt special that she picked me to be part of her wedding. just be honest. i'm sure she'll be so thrilled she gets to play a role in the wedding she wouldn't even think about that she didn't make the first cut. i didn't think about it that way at all, i was just happy that i got asked
  24. not sure if anyone has the same problem i do but being smaller (5 feet tall) i have tiny kid-sized feet. size 4 womens, and i can fit into size 2 kids. meaning i can't buy heels or sandals in normal shoe stores unless i want them to have sparkles, butterflies or flowers on them cuz i don't fit into women's sizes. and you can't really cheat with opened toed sandals and wear them bigger. thought i'd share where i've been ordering my shoes from for the past 2 years. you can fax them an outline of your foot and they'll let you know what size you should be ordering. i've never had to return any of mine for not fitting right and i've ordered at least 6 pairs of shoes or boots. shipping is quite quick as well, normally i get them within a couple weeks and i'm in canada they do sizes 2-5.5. hope it helps someone, cuz it's a real pain not being able to buy shoes from a store. small shoes
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