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Everything posted by kristina&kevin

  1. Wow! those look AMAZING!!! I love all of your pics and the layout you did is great!
  2. I'm pretty sure this is the font you are look for: handwriting-dakota. Are you on a pc or a mac? I am on a mac...I'm pretty sure all mac's have this as one of its standard font selections.
  3. This is fun! Let's see... 1. USA 2. Canada 3. Mexico 4. Great Exumas 5. Germany 6. Japan 7. Austria 8. Switzerland 9. Bosnia 10. Serbia 11. UK 12. Italy 13. Greece 14. Bulgaria 15. Hungary 16. Romania 17. Slavekia 18. France 19. Belgium 20. Czech Republic 21. Denmark 22. Dominican Republic 23. Bimini 24. Eluthera 25. San Salvedor 26. Nassau
  4. My FI and his entire family went on weight watchers just recently...None of them were/are overweight really....but they are all losing weight like crazy on WW. My future father in law has lost 40 pounds since January. My future mother in law has lost about 20 i think and my FI has lost 14 pounds in the past two months. I might be worth giving a try. Also working out daily and drinking lots of water will help.
  5. Awee that is so sweet! Congrats on your engagement and welcome to the forum!!!
  6. I love number 1, but I like number 2 the best I think. Its so hard to decide! All of them are so beautiful!
  7. Yesterday was an extremely successful day! We are out of town visiting my FI's family and that means all new stores to shop at! lol! We got all of our oot bags ( http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t24573 ) and my TTD Dress! After seeing all of the amazing ttd photos on the forum I knew I couldn't get married without doing do a ttd shoot, but there was no way my mother would allow me to ruin the beautiful dress she bought me.... SO, yesterday we went by Davids Bridal on a whim...We went straight in and went to the $99 rack. There was only one dress in my size...tried it on and with in 15 mins of walking in we were walking out with dress in hand. So funny. It never happens that easy!! and the dress is gorgeous! Only $99! Unreal!!
  8. Welcome! Happy Planning!
  9. I am really concerned about this too. Yesterday we purchased 30 oot bags while out of town at my FI's parent's house in Philly. We just put them all into a LARGE suitcase to take home to FL and they fill the ENTIRE thing! There isn't even any room for the stuff we are going to be filling them with! Is shipping a head of time really out of the question. I know a lot of post on here has said that shipping is really iffy...but has anyone shipped to Cancun successfully? There has to be a way. haha
  10. Like most of the brides on here I have been trying to find an awesome OOT bag that looks good and is functional for MONTHS. After hours online and going to many stores... today we finally found our bags!!! We are in Philly right now visiting my FI's family and after dinner we stopped in a store called "5 and below." I have never heard of it until today..but it's sorta a glorified dollar store...just everything is $5 or below. My FI an walked in a saw these bags right away and they are PERFECT!! We were hoping to spend about $2-$3 on each bag, and these were $5 so I was a little bit hesitant at first....but they come with a lot of really cool stuff so we just figured we would buy less to go in them. Here are pics... Beach Mat that came inside the bag Backpack that game inside the bag Me and all the bags Top view of bag Me holding the bag FYI: they come in green, yellow, pink, and blue I'm so happy to have found these bags! Now I have to find a way to get them all home to Florida and then of course Mexico. lol
  11. Thank you for all your help! Luckily one of our family friends who is coming to the wedding is a hairdresser...Im going to plan to meet up with her to see what we can come up with. I feel a little bit better now...Thanks you guys!
  12. I have searched and searched and can't find any wedding hair ideas that would work with my hair! I'm turning to you guys for help/opinions. The biggest problem is that I have very thick bangs. I love my hair...I love the look...but I just dont know what to do for the wedding. I considered growing out my bangs but my FI didn't like it...it wasn't "me"...So I have decided to grow out my hair, but I really hate growing it out. My hair is thin and it just feel really scraggly and ungroomed. lol. I am so tempted to cut it how it was before and just wear it down for the wedding....but then I dont know how I could put a flower in it. What do you guys think? Should I cut it and keep it short or keep growing it out and wear it up and have the thick bangs in the front? Here are pics of how my hair used to look and what it looks like now that I am growing it out. Before I started growing it out: Growing it out: Thank you for your help!!!
  13. Welcome!!! You will learn so much from this website! I have been a member for about two weeks now and I am addicted! lol
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