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Everything posted by Anna83

  1. We're having a reception in a couple weeks for about 270 people. We did not have a wedding party, so we will be sitting with our group of close friends. I think you can sit with whoever you want. We will be sitting at a round table, so I guess it's a little different than a head table, but you could arrange it however you like.
  2. I had about 35 guests and 1 long table. I put placecards out and had the guests find their seats. It worked well.
  3. I burned my own CD and they played it. They did mess up on my song to walk down the aisle to because they said it wouldn't work, but later they got it to work. I'm pretty sure it was not my CD, but their player. I would designate someone from your group to be responsible for the music.
  4. They do not decorate Mammee Bay for you. We had our dinner at Mammee Bay, and I thought it looked good without decorations. The table was pretty crowed with all of the dishes, so centerpieces might not fit to well. I don't think it is necessary to bring your own.
  5. I completely agree! People are always very amazed at our pictures, but after seeing so many pictures of DW's on here, they just look normal to me. It's great to have such a beautiful background for our pictures!
  6. I used Photobucket. It worked well. I did not order any prints from them, so I don't know how the quality is.
  7. We used Lee's Tours while we were in Jamaica. They're based out of Ocho Rios, so I don't know if they go anywhere, buy you might want to check with them. We were very pleased with their service. Here is their website: Welcome to Lees Taxi and Tours Jamaica by Lees Elite Travel & Tours Ltd., Taxi and Tours in Jamaica, Jamaica Taxi and Tours - www.leestaxiandtoursjamaica.com - [email protected]
  8. We used Lee's Tours while we were in Jamaica. They're based out of Ocho Rios, so I don't know if they go anywhere, buy you might want to check with them. We were very pleased with their service. Here is their website: Welcome to Lees Taxi and Tours Jamaica by Lees Elite Travel & Tours Ltd., Taxi and Tours in Jamaica, Jamaica Taxi and Tours - www.leestaxiandtoursjamaica.com - [email protected]
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by msmoodyr How was the weather in Jan? The weather was beautiful in January! It was about 80 every day. We didn't have any rain during the day while we were there.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by bradleysgirl Hi ladies. I am getting married at the ROR in Sept 09. My FI wants to have a civil ceremony in Indiana prior to our trip b/c he is concerned about all the hoops to jump through once we get there in order to have a legal ceremony. My TA tells me that she handles everything before we go. Will you share you experiences with the details once you arrived--did you have to have a session with the minister, did you have to do anything special other than finishing up a few details? I am a very laid back bride--I want to show up & go with the flow--and I want my actual ceremony to be in Jamaica. Thank you! I thought it was very easy to get married in JA, no hoops to jump through at all. We didn't have to meet with the miinister at all. He showed up at 1:00 for our ceremony and left when it was over before we had a chance to talk to him if we would have wanted to. The only thing you have to do is send notarized copies of birth certificates and driver licenses or passports about 30 days prior to your wedding. It was all very simple. The only downfall is that it does take about 2 months to receive your marriage license, so if you plan on changing your name, you have to wait. I tried to change my name with the temporary license that was given to us that day, but was not aloud.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by divadivine25 Just to verify, what needs to be notarized and sent to the resort? This is the first marraige for us both so I thought it was just: BC PP Notarized and sent in, correct? You are correct, all you need is birth cert. and passport (or you can use your driver's license).
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by purrfected This is confusing. Let me get this straight. We have to take our original birth certificates and passports to a notary. We make copies and have the notary certify that he/she has seen the original. Am I correct? That is what we did. However, our birth certificates already have notary stamps on them from when we were born, so I don't think it was necessary to have copies notarized. If you plan on mailing your documents to the resort, than you would want to have a copy notarized, since you wouldn't want to send your original birth certificate. I would suggest emailing your documents. I had copies of our driver licenses notarized, but the pictures did not come out clealy because of the security marks on licences. My wedding coordinator did not except them like that. I ended up scanning the licenses and having that notarized. I tried the same thing with our passports as well.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Scott-Pierre How far in advance do these items need to be sent to the resort? They need to be sent 30 days prior to your wedding. I emailed my documents to Chandlyn which was a lot easier.
  14. I don't think you need favors. I have never went to a wedding expecting a favor. Since your party is so casual, your guests shouldn't be expecting anything.
  15. I'm looking for a photoshop program that I can use to edit my photos. I want to be able to erase things from the picture and edit flaws. Does anyone have any suggestions for a good program that would not be too expensive?
  16. I just received my marriage license on Monday. We were married January 10. I would give it a couple weeks yet for yours. I haven't heard of anyone getting theirs before about 2 months.
  17. I agree with Tammy. We used Michael to do a photo shoot at Coyoba Gardens the day after our wedding and booked him for 2 hours. It worked out good.
  18. I made pocketfold invitations for my AHR using pockets from cardsandpockets.com. PocketFolds I don't have a picture of them right now, but if you're interested in doing something like that, I can share my templates and take some pictures.
  19. I am going to wear my dress until after dinner, then I will be changing. I have to say, I don't agree with your sister at all. While some people were able to travel with us to Jamaica, a lot more were not, and they would like to see me in my dress. A lot of our family and friends felt really bad they couldn't travel with us, so by wearing my dress again, I feel that we are making them feel included in our wedding.
  20. Does your birth certificate have a notary stamp on it from when you were born? Ours did. We took ours to the bank and have photocopies of them notarized, which I don't think we would have had to do, since it had an original notary stamp on it.
  21. I am the same as you, no close girlfriends, or sisters for that matter. All of my close friends have always been guys. DH and I share a lot of the same guy friends, which is how we met. Our close friends threw us a coed bach/bachlorette party, which was a lot of drunke fun! I wouldn't have had it any other way. We didn't go to a strip club, but I wouldn't have minded if we would have. So, if your FI is okay with it, have a coed party. Or, toss some hints to a close guy friend to throw you a party. Who says a bachelorette party has to be only for girls?
  22. My DH didn't wear a tie. I didn't want him to since he never wears a tie. I wanted him to look a little more like himself since we were having a laid back beach wedding. This is what he wore: What color suit and shirt is your FI wearing?
  23. I think they look great! I can relate, I stressed about colors and fonts, along with a hundred other tiny details. At the time, they were a huge deal to me, and DH did not understand at all. Now that our wedding is over, I think about all the time I spent worrying and planning, and it makes me laugh. I'm sure I'm the only one who remembers what my STD looked like. The point is, I understand how you feel, but someday you might feel the same way, that the tiny details are not as important as you once thought they were.
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