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About ejaxon

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  1. Looking to make some room for the little girl we are expecting..... Brand new in box-10 placecard frames- $5 Seashell table runner- approximately 6 ft long. Never used $5 10 Chair bows-light blue/periwinkle. Used for ceremony only (approx 1/2 hour) $5 2 Large ziploc bags of assorted mexican candy. $3 Also, 3 water bottles (2 pink, 1 green with hibiscus design) and 3 mesh back packs (blue, green, purple). $3 for bottles $4 for backpacks. Take all 6 for $5. All prices do not include shipping from US. thanks for looking.
  2. I actually bought one on Etsy. It was perfect. And only 36 bux. Thanks so much for the recommendations, ladies. I knew I could count on this forum ;-) Erika
  3. Hi all, I'm on the hunt for a tiara that won't break the bank. I've searched this site on the "for sale" boards. I've also been searching ebay and just doing random google searches. Does anyone have any recommendations for specific sites. I'd prefer to deal with a company for which someone was willing to share their positive feedback. I'm pretty flexible as far as what I'm looking for and I have some time. I'm trying to keep the cost below 75 bucks if that's possible. I'd love to hear your suggestions. Thanks! Erika
  4. Is the Avery dress still available? If so, how do they run (small, big, right on)? Please let me know. Thanks.
  5. Try Oriental Trading Company-its online but their prices are very reasonable. They often run deals where they wave shipping costs too. Good luck.
  6. Forgive me if this can't be answered in this thread but I'm also wondering the same things about video. I've been finding that most videographers offer an HD option for an additional fee. Apparently a separate type of camera is required. Does this sound right? Its usually around 200 bucks additional. Is the quality that noticable? All of this HDTV talk is pretty foreign to me. I appreciate any input anyone may have. Thanks in advance. Erika
  7. Sorry SMF, I didn't see your question to me initially. I did book my room a couple of months ago with a TA. Veronica did ask me (twice actually, there's a shocker) for my confirmation number. You provide it to her, not the other way around. I gave it to her immediately b/c as many people on this board, I'm not used to all of this word of mouth confirmation type stuff. I'm used to contracts and threats of lost deposits. My hope is to firm everything up thru email well in advance of my wedding. Noemi assured me, along with her manager, several months ago that this wouldn't be a problem and it was ok that I was arriving only the day before. Lets keep our fingers crossed that this is true. How many guests are you anticipating, SMF?
  8. Thank you so much for your post, Kris! You have no idea how much it helped. I finally did hear from Veronica today, to re-ask a question I answered last month. But again, after reading your post, I'm not half as annoyed/nervous/anxious/etc. I'd love to see your pics from Mauricio. I received his info from Veronica and we corresponded briefly re: prices but I haven't seen any of his work. Feel free to PM me if its easier. And BTW, congrats on your recent wedding. Again, thank you, you really calmed me down. Erika
  9. I finally heard from her today. I'm feeling a little frustrated bc it takes her days to return emails and then when she does, she makes me feel worse, not better. My note to her was asking what I should do next. I'm arriving only the day before the wedding and haven't selected anything, no flowers, restaurant, nothing. The only thing they know is that I'm having a symbollic ceremony. I think I may have told them that I'll have around 10 guests as well. She finally writes me back (2x) -the first email says she can't find any of my info, the second email says she found it and she's off on Sundays. (FYI-Sunday is the day I arrive, Monday is the day of my wedding.) So she won't get to see me until my wedding day. That's fine as long as I can "truly" confirm all of the details in advance. She hasn't even answered my question as to what I need to do next. Geez, this doesn't make me feel very good. I'm trying to be nice but I kinda want to say that she needs to get her act together. For a resort that has such a good reputation, I'm a little alarmed by this. Suggestions anyone? Thanx. Erika
  10. Hey Ladies, Glad to hear someone has heard from Veronica. I was getting nervous as I wrote her on Tues with no word back as of yet. I have an email confirming my date and time but thats about it. With the changing of coordinators (Noemi to Veronica) I was getting the impression that Veronica didn't really know anything about me or my wedding. She has since confirmed, as I said, but I still feel a little nervous. Do you think I need something in writing? Under Noemi's watch (with her manager) my TA got them to agree for us to arrive only a day before the wedding. (Its only a symbollic ceremony) I don't want to find out too late that this has become a problem. The purpose of my most recent note was to start selecting some of the details, flowers, dinner,etc. Its a small wedding with only a few close guests so I suppose I'm not behind the ball yet....but I'm a control freak. And all of these delayed responses and email OK's just make me nervous. Has anyone else gotten anything in "real" writing? Hope you are all doing well and Happy Planning. Erika
  11. I had a similar issue several months ago. For me, this was something my FI needed to take care of with his mom. He needs alot more practice standing up to her. As of now, its a non-issue. She doesn't accept it but we've stopped talking about it. She pulled every trick in the book from threatening not to come to Mexico, to calling it a "White-Trash" way to get married, to saying the church won't recognize it, so be prepared. Long story short, we held our ground, we explained our wedding day is the day we have our ceremony in Mexico. Some people recommended just letting her have her way but after thinking long and hard, its not what we wanted and that's what matters in the end. If its not that big of a deal for you, maybe you'll pick another battle. I posted the exact situation on this thread and someone equated a "legal ceremony" to renewing your drivers license. She wouldn't want to be there for that, would she? I still smile every time I think of that comparison. Good Luck. Erika
  12. Hi ladies, Hoping someone can offer advice on this possibly unusual situation. FI and I were originally planning a small DW for immediate family only. We are throwing a larger AHR several weeks later. We were only planning to send invites for the AHR since there were less than 10 people invited to our DW. Long story short, after much deliberation, we decided to open our guest list to a handful of very close friends (prob less than 10). The reason we are changing our original plan is that my FI finally spoke up and explained to me how important it was to him that some of his friends were invited. He's not a fan of a lot of attn and I probably assumed early on that this meant he wanted a small guest list. Not being a great communicator, this finally was expressed several months later. Better late than never, I guess. The wedding is in April 09. Now that you have the background, here's my dilemma. First, everyone "knew" we were only having immediate family. Therefore, I don't want anyone to feel like they were "B" list invitees. FI went ahead and called his buddies and took care of it. On my end, I'd like to do something a little more "official" than a phone call, maybe an invite of some type. I thought about scheduling a dinner or a get-together to explain but that could take forever as our schedules never seem to gel easily. Knowing that this is only around 6 months notice and financially may not be possible for some of my friends, i also want to express that there is no pressure. How would you suggest wording something like that....you're not on the b list, we just changed our minds, and I'd love to have you there if you can make it but understand if you can't. I tried searching the boards but couldn't find anything like that. What would you suggest? Or should I just keep it simple and call? I'd love to hear any and all thoughts. Thanks in advance. Erika
  13. I would reiterate what has been said over and over....all that matters is you and your future husband. However, I need to keep saying that to myself in order to believe it...I'm in a similar situation. We have very large families and figured to avoid upsetting the masses, we'd only invite immediate family. Should have totalled around 15 people. Well, slowly but surely, whether because of cost, pregnancy, or other legitimate excuse, we will now have only 4 guests. This didn't bother me until I spent this evening researching photographers and videographers. Looking at all the pics and videos made me feel like a loser. I'm slightly tempted to open this up to more extended family and friends but worry I'll be setting myself up for more dissappointment. With the current financial situation, I doubt many people would be willing to drop almost 1500 bucks for a four day vacation. Plus, this isn't a popularity contest, right? Someone else mentioned bagging the whole DW idea and turning it into our honeymoon. Just get married at the JOP (as we were planning to do anyway) and go to Mexico by ourselves. Would our guests be out what they paid for their flights? If we keep the DW plan, I have a serious question, what happens when there are so few guests? Do you even have a reception? Or is it more like dinner at a table for 6? Has anyone experienced this? Sorry for being so long winded-I'm just feeling a little frustrated and disappointed.
  14. Hey Ladies, Hope you don't mind me jumping in your thread but I'm also planning a wedding at ERC on 4-6-09. Noemi took a few days to get back to me also, but in her defense, my TA gave me an incorrect email address. Somehow this message was still conveyed to her and she corrected her it with me. Her initial email came to me today and as someone else shared, it contained pics of the resort, bouquets, and wedding package options. The same ones listed online. I am also booking a very small group with a TA. No one else has booked their rooms. Many have booked their flights and the TA is "holding" their rooms. I haven't actually signed anything with ERC to officially "book" my wedding. That makes me a little nervous, however. I'd like to at least get something in writing. I am soooo excited for this wedding. This resort looks spectacular and the overall reviews on BDW and TA look amazing. Best of luck with your planning, ladies. Let me know if I can help. Erika
  15. Wow. Thank you all so much for your words of support and understanding. FMIL has quieted down for a moment so FI is planning on leaving it alone. OH NO! Its not over....This will resurface. And I will do my best to take as much of your great advice as I can, including having FI handle it and standing my ground. As someone else mentioned, if it was easy just to invite my mother and my FIL's, I would. But its not that easy, my mother wouldn't be able to make it (nor do I want her to), I don't want one set of parents and not the other, and we really don't want to celebrate the equivalent of getting our "driver's licenses." BTW, thanx Becks, that was such a great analogy. I'm definitely stealing it. Sorry for posting in an inaccurate forum. Thank you for moving it. Again, thanks for everything. I'm hoping this is settled very soon so we can get back to being excited for what's to come and focus our energies on the positive. Erika
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