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Everything posted by Sloan

  1. OK so I know it's a little early, but I have to blab to someone -- DH and I are pg with our first! Yay! We're only 5 weeks along, so I know anything could happen but its sooooo hard not to tell everyone I see. Obviously we are both very excited. We're planning to wait a little longer maybe 8-10 weeks till we start telling people. He almost let the cat out of the bag at work yesterday. Our parents don't even know yet! I see my family MD on Wednesday for labs and whatever else happens at the first appt. Woo! PS. Kat - your daughter is gorgeous and I love her name!
  2. My ceremony was at 4pm and I booked myself and my lone BM for hair and make-up appts for 1200. It didn't take nearly as long as I thought it would, so there was 2.5hrs to kill prior to the ceremony! It sucked - I was so bored and annoyed that I couldn't leave my room. I suppose it's better to have more time than run out of time though!
  3. Awww! Great pics, Kris! I so love your dress. You guys looked amazing! Glad you had an awesome time in Jamaica! Congrats Mrs!
  4. Yup, I would too. I'm an iPhone app whore.
  5. Welcome and Congrats! Jamaica is beautiful! We got married in Negril last April. Good luck and happy planning!
  6. Well done!! Just amazing. I heart your OT bags -- too cute! I love all the red, obviously very fitting considering the day and the event. Happy early Valentine's Day and Wedding Day! Congrats, can't wait to see the review when you get back! Have a great time!
  7. I am completely yoga-ignorant, but a friend from work and I just started doing this a few weeks ago. I gotta say I didn't think I'd like it very much because it's the complete opposite of every other sport/activity I do (hockey, karate, boxing, kickboxing, golf, ball...) However, I'm addicted!! I've got a few lingering sports injuries that have left me chronically sore and terribly(sp?) NOT flexible. Now that I've been going once/twice a week, my joints feel a bit stronger and my muscles aren't nearly as tight after all the other sports. Not sure if I would enjoy other yogas as much though. I love the heat and the sweat!!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Andi Ok I changed mine to a BD pic...I figure I probably won't post one as my siggy again! here is the new pic... it was that one or this one... who knows maybe i will change mid month! Andi -- wow! your skin is flawless!! your pics are totally hot!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride Well...I dont' have any hot steamy ones from our wedding...we didn't do a TTD And I don't want to show my face in any of the BD ones I did, so bum shot it is! lol Woo! Nice bum, Amanda! That's a great picture! Did hubs love or what??
  10. Great looking venue! I love your cupcakes and the water bottle labels are too cool!
  11. Great pictures ladies! Ann and Carly -- HOT. Mine is from the BD pictures I had done last January, that I still have yet to give my husband. I kinda chickened out... maybe he'll get them for Valentine's this year... heh.
  12. Ann and Carly -- HOT pictures! Love them. Mine is one of my BD pics that I had done last January, that I still have yet to give to my husband. I chickened out. Maybe he'll get them for Valentine's this year... hehe.
  13. I picked #1 -- something about the white in #2 I don't like.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride Both of our firsts! I think he's a great "first husband" LOL! I love it. We recently met a couple and she introduced us to her husband as "and this is my first husband, Soandso." Hahaha!! I thought that was pretty funny.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by KarenM Don't know how I missed this thread! A few of my favs: urbanspoon yelp i-murmur (gives heart murmur sounds & descriptions. i'm studying to be an NP, but yes i am a big dork) NYC transit - for all the subway lines shazam Love having my calendar linked up w/ my laptop & gmail - so convenient! I'm a dork too. I've got and ECG app and an ACLS app on my phone. I work ICU and a small rural ER dept. Most times its us RNs running codes until the physician shows up. The ACLS is handy to have in a pinch when "it" is hitting the fan and you can't think straight. One of our docs has it on his phone as well! My other favs are: Twitterific Premium Tetris Bookworm Moonlite Mahjong Facebook FemCal (we're TTC and I find it easier than FF) LoseIt NewsCanada The Score Mobile iVideo TimmyMe (locates any Tim Horton's in the area -- a must for any Canuck)
  16. Congrats and happy planning! Rockhouse looks amazing!
  17. Great review Lisa!! I've been waiting to see it! Your pictures are all so gorgeous! I totally agree with going somewhere else for the 2nd week. We got pretty tired of the same old same old at RPTB too. Congrats on your wedding Mrs!!
  18. We picked our resort for the beach, but also Jamaica because it's easy to get married there. No need for document translation and chest xrays or blood work required.
  19. Beautiful pics! What a great setting! Love the cliff side gazebo!
  20. Kris, I LOVE your dress! Too fancy for the beach? NOPE! You look awesome in it. I hope you have an amazing time at ROR! Congrats and can't wait to see the pics when you get back! Cheers!
  21. I've got a 14K white gold E-ring and wedding band. My E-ring is only starting to yellow slightly and only really at the bottom. My jeweller suggested that I have it dipped this spring. I've been wearing it since May 2008. I'm an RN so my hands get washed with both soap and alcohol rub a bazillion times a day. My ring insurance covers any "dippings" it may need for the rest of my life or the ring's life.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Melidell You're not a bad bride. It sounds like everyone else has way too much invested in your wedding and in what they think you "should" or "shouldn't" do. Please. It's your wedding- they had their own. Come, or don't come, but just shut up about it already. What really stuck with me was the complaints about your dress. Now, I don't know you and haven't seen your dress but unless it's comprised of a pasties/g-string combo they were way out of line. It's not 1865, it's a destination wedding and you never tell a bride that you don't like her dress period. Come on, people! I totally agree. Who tells the bride "your dress is too revealing". Who cares if it is? It's 2010 afterall and unless you're a Mormon or some other conservative religious sect that cares about that kind of thing, I'd tell the family to stuff it. I'm pretty sure 99.999% of the brides on the forum have gone through most of the same things you've expressed. I told my family and friends, if you don't like it that's too bad and I wont listen to your bitching and complaining. I never heard anything further. My friends were pissed that I didn't have an AHR, but when I asked them if they had the funds to pay for it.... well no one offered and I never heard anything further on that subject. Hah! I stuck to my guns and it worked out in the end. Yes, I only had 9 guests at my DW but I could have cared less if no one showed up. I had a great time and so did my husband.
  23. Congrats! Your pictures are amazing and you are gorgeous! Talk about destination wedding too, eh? 3 different continents! That's awesome.
  24. We brought our Bose docking station and my ipod Touch. Our reception was only 11 people, so I just made a playlist and let 'er play during dinner. There were no extension cords available or outlets at the restaurant we had our reception at, so we just ran the dock on battery power. Worked out fine for us.
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