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Everything posted by Sloan

  1. We're being boring! We're getting married at the same place we'll be honeymooning. Our guests are all staying the first week, then we're kicking them out back home so we can have some honeymoon time to ourselves. Sometimes I think I would have liked to book our honeymoon at a "couples only" resort, but probably too late now, since we've booked our 2 weeks at TB. We're planning to do a few excursions the week everyone else leaves...heh. All that really matters to the 2 of us is the beach and plentiful alcoholic drinks.
  2. My FI loves watches too... what is it with guys and watches? I guess it's like women and shoes?? I hope I dont get shoes as my gift... Craig definately doesnt need another watch he has 4 already that he wears on a regular basis. Im probably going to do BD pics in the New Year, but Im a bit hesitant... not a big fan of being in skimpies around strange people. Super shy! I also thought about getting him a hockey stick - sounds stupid, but the guy plays tons of hockey and high end one piece sticks like RBK's, Bauer Vapour's and Warriors retail for $250-$300. Just a different suggestion!
  3. Im all for the long, blonde. Im bias though, because that's my hair! But I agree with most - leave it long, blonde and chop/dye it after the wedding. That's what I plan on doing!
  4. I started eating like a bird the day we decided we were getting married in Jamaica. Ive always been a gym rat though and I play competitive hockey. However, Im not having anyone mistake me for a beached whale on my honeymoon!
  5. OMG. I love the "if found, keep man, return ring." I wasnt going to get anything engraved.. but now I just might!
  6. We're giving out booze, hockey stuff, lots of gift certificates for various things, bath & body works stuff. How about gift certificates for gas? Hehe... Tools are a good idea too... I'll have to use that one for sure! I havent put too much thought into what kinda prizes we're giving out.. guess I should get on that - ours is in February.
  7. Im getting married in April '09. We sent our invitations the first week of August with a reply date of September 15th. We enclosed an info sheet that had our TA's info, the dates and prices of our wedding trip. People had to book before September 15th to get the good group rate and need to be all paid up at the end of October. So we didnt bother with STD's. I dont care if it's not proper etiquette to send invites that early. Not much I ever do is proper etiquette... lol.
  8. Im soooo glad Im not the only one! We sent 65 invites the first week of August with a deadline of September 15th and I have yet to hear back from 2/3 of our guests. Our booking deadline isnt until the end of October, but still people WTF? I put a stamp on the RSVP for a reason... Were getting a lot of people saying they may try to book last minute ... grrrrrr.... I got a good group rate for a reason too!! Im only doing OOT bags for those who had enough sense to reply by the date sent.
  9. We're not doing an AHR, but if we were I would def wear my dress again.
  10. A friend of mine got married in St. Lucia in April and had her AHR 2 weeks ago. Have it when you want it. If people complain - ignore them.
  11. We had planned to pay for the entire wedding on our own, however my Mom and his parents gave us our "wedding gifts" already. Enough money to cover our 2 week trip to Jamaica, my dress/alterations and our engagement pics. We're still saving like crazy because obviously there's still more money to dish out, but the big stuff is paid for. Im 30 and he's 33, so we are more than able to pay for our own wedding, but we're both the oldest siblings and the first to get married in our little families, so the parents are excited. I consider us lucky.
  12. Torn between Smother Me - The Used or I'll Catch You - The Get Up Kids.
  13. I've never heard of a bridal portrait either! We're doing engagement pics at the end of October. Normally I wouldnt bother with them, but we're not bring a pro photog with us to Jamaica and I want pro pics of us sometime, somehow!
  14. What will they think of next? I'd rather go commando.
  15. We sent out 65 invites. Pretty much none of our guest list is coming. We've got 11 people going (that includes FI and I) and I'll be really surprised if we book anyone else. It's bitter-sweet, yes we both wanted a simple DW, but we also wanted more than just immediate family in attendance. Our closest friends arent even able to make it.. we've got bad timing b/c most of our guest list are in the middle of lay-offs, having kids, moving and/or starting out careers. All except us.. hehe. Oh well, I have to keep in the back of my mind that we're still going to have a kick ass 2 weeks in Jamaica, while everyone else is stuck in cold rainy Canada in April!
  16. We got engaged May '08 and are getting married in April '09. 11 months is long enough for us.
  17. Im getting married April 9 and I havent done too much, but I figure that's what the WC and my TA are for... So far Ive done... -booked our 2 week wedding/honeymoon in Jamaica -confirmed wedding date/time/location with the resort -sent out our invites (didnt bother with STD's) -found and ordered my wedding dress -MoH is picking out her own dress (turquoise) -FI and BM can pick out their own clothes (they've been given guidelines to follow...heh) -bought our wedding bands -made the website
  18. Im getting married at TB April 9! There's not a whole lot of info/pics of our resort, but then again its being upgraded to a Palace this fall anyway. I emailed the WC - Keneika a few days ago (she's training the Montego Bay WC until Tropical Bay is finished renos). She's not able to really book/do anything until after renos are finished at the end of December.
  19. Congrats! The pics of Riu MB look awesome. Good choice!
  20. Yay! Congrats! Im getting married next door at Riu Palace Tropical Bay, April 09 2009. There's tons of info in the Jamaican forum - mostly for Riu Ochos Rio, but you can still get a good idea for what Negril is gonna be like! Happy planning!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by TMclean We are having around 44 people attend. I really wanted a private dinner, so we could do speeches and have it more intimate. Have you made any arrangements with the hotel yet? Our group is booked, but as far as speaking with the wedding co-ordinator, no. They email you a couple months before the wedding.
  22. Im of no help, but I am getting married at TB April 09, 2009! I dont really have a clue what to expect. FI and I are curious as to how the reception/dinner is set up as well. We dont have that many guests coming with us, so we dont need a private reception or dancing.
  23. So this may seem kinda stupid to lots of people, but FI and I were wondering what kinds of beer will be available to us in Jamaica. Were pretty stereotypical Canadians, so beer places high on our priority scale. Heh. Were staying at Riu Tropical Bay which is being upgraded to a "Palace". The AI says imported and domestic beer, so we know where we stand with the domestics (Red Stripe and the other Rock one) but can any of you ladies enlighten me on choices for imported beer? Any Canadian beer in the mix or no? Thanks all!
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