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Everything posted by Sloan

  1. Lionel Ritchie: Dancing on the Ceiling
  2. Those are awesomely HOT! Good job! Im so excited for mine, but they're not till January. Still got some time to eat less/gym more!
  3. I play women's competitve hockey, since I was 8. FI plays as well. Im a Leafs fan - always have been and always will be. Yes, you are permitted to poke fun at me everyone else does, especially FI - he's a Flyers fan. Ugh. I bought a Leafs garter for our wedding. He doesn't know yet.. and I thought about getting a Flyers garter, but couldn't stomach the thought of putting that next to my skin. Hehe. We're doing a couple hockey theme'd Epics at the end of this month. Can't wait!
  4. Can't wait for snow! But it's too early for snow here (southern Ontario) not to say it cant happen but its 23 Celsius atm.
  5. Welcome and congrats from yet another Negril bride!
  6. I had mine out 1/2 jaw at a time, so my recovery was quick, quick. Try protein shakes. I wouldnt worry about gaining weight while you're recovering from wisdom teeth extractions.... you're not going to be laid up long enough. Any weight you do happen to gain will come off easily once you hit up the gym again.. deep breaths. Good luck with the liquid diet!
  7. I like the teal convertible, but same thing.. .is it gonna look weird with the red dress, which is also quite nice. Good find!
  8. We both went and picked it out together. Now he says "we shoulda got the bigger one" Grrr. We picked out a 3/4 karat, but now he thinks we shoulda bought a 1.5 karat. He's crazy b/c I'd for sure lose it.
  9. Wow! Those are really pretty, and they didn't take forever either, eh? Good job!
  10. My FIL's are wonderful people. They've been on board with the whole DW thing from the get go. They were excited that were werent doing an at home thing! However I would say that I get along better with FFIL. FMIL wants a "daughter" to hang out with and do super-girly things like going to plays and gossiping over coffee -- that is just not who I am. I dont think she gets my brand of sarcasm either, even though her son (my FI!) is exactly the same. But whatever, thankfully my FBIL's girlfriend and soon to be fiancee is a super suck-up and loves to hang out with FMIL. Not to mention we live in a small town ( I am not from small town, I am from big city - hehe and need to get the F out of small town) so everyone is all up in everyone else's business and it drives me nuts! FI and I can not wait until we move back to my home city. I love anonimity!
  11. Yay! Congrats! Im getting married in April at Riu Palace Tropical Bay - right next door to Riu Negril! Happy planning!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 My cousin uses a proper steam iron on with a tea towel over her hair first lol i swear i'm not joking lol I only know GHD I did the same thing but without the towel for years.Pretty much all through highschool and college. Sruprisingly my hair is pretty healthy too. Then I bought a BaByliss (ceramic) from the salon I go to. Never leave home without it... or mascara
  13. Yep def not the only one in that boat. Everyone else wants us to havae it here so they can go, but we told them to forget it and don't want to hear anymore whining. Either come to Jamaica to see us get hitched, or stay at home in April when the weather is cold and shitty and you wished you had actually come to Jamaica!! Be selfish!! Its YOUR weddding. Everyone else has already had their wedding, so telll them to get over it.
  14. Beer, beer and more beer!! But as for drinkie drinks - Margaritas. Hands down. Not the slushee, shitty pre-mixed kind, but a real lime margarita with lots of salt and don't skimp on the tequila! Oh and Mamosas!!
  15. Ooo! Welcome and congrats!! We couldn't decide b/w Gran Bahia in PC or our resort now. Basically Jamaica won out b/c we're lazy and didn't want to bother with all the document translation.. hehe. So that's why were getting hitched in Jamaica. The pics from Gran Bahia look amazing and my TA had nothing but good things to say about it! Happy planning!
  16. Sounds a bit "unstable" if you ask me... especially at 31. Probably a good thing that she's not involved with your wedding anymore. Too bad she's at the resort when you are. I'd have a few people on the lookout during the wedding/reception just to intercept any potential drama, but otherwise and yes, this is easier said than done, enjoy your vacay and your wedding and be glad she's not in it. What is with weddings and drama? I dont get it... seems like everyone has some form of drama when planning a wedding. Good luck to ya at any rate! Hope she doesnt pull anything to f'ed up.
  17. I love seeing people's pets! We've got a golden retriever and 3 cats. A bit of a zoo... I do a lot of vacuuming (Dyson Pet!) FI thinks we should charge admission. If we had more property I'd for sure have more pets! Shelby our Golden Retriever Jack and Roxy (Jack only has 3 legs) Jack and Roxy (old one of Roxy when she was a kitten) Spike in the box (he's our old crusty kitty) and Roxy Shelby and Roxy when she was a kitten
  18. Im pretty sure all you have to do is apply for a marriage license. When you get that you can go to city hall and get a JP to marry you. Done and done. Then you're all legally married for Cabo! All the legal stuff to get married in Ontario is on our government website. Government of Ontario, Canada / Gouvernement de l'Ontario, Canada
  19. Im an RN in Ontario. My pay aint so bad, but I have to deal with a lot to get it... Im in the middle of the pay scale so Ill pull in around $65000 this year and I dont do any OT. I work DDNN, five off. All 12 hour shifts 07-19 or 19-07. Lots of weekends and holidays. ICU is a fun place to work, and it keeps me outta trouble, but after most shifts, its all I can do to drive the hour commute home and pass out. FI makes around $80000, so all in all especially with the economy the way it is right now we're not complaining. Plus we have no debt (not counting the mortgage).
  20. My 2 guys are wearing bouts - they're not wearing suits or ties, just khaki linen pants and white shirts. Thought a bit of colour wouldnt kill them. Bouts arent necessary though. Do what you think looks best for your day. My MoH (who is my only bridesmaid) isnt carrying a bouquet - just a hot pink parasol.
  21. Congratulations on the big day, must have been exhausting for all involved. Cool that your Dad could be there. Im an RN in an ICU as well, its nice to hear the staff helped you out a bit. We're surrounded with so much tragedy/loss on a daily basis that when something good happens to patients/families it makes that 12 hour grind worth it. Congrats again!
  22. Im a half Clinique/half MAC girl. Im a super-tomboy, so I hear ya on the feeling intimidated about the make-up counter, but really its not that bad. Ive always had good experiences with the make-up counter girls. Most will show you how to do your make-up "big girl style". Good luck!
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