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Everything posted by Sloan

  1. We had a hell of a time getting people to RSVP at all - traditional or on our website. I dont think its tacky at all.
  2. We're getting married April 09, 2009 at Riu TB and we were told in September that the hotel was booked solid by our TA. Luckily we're not having too many people come with us and they had already booked with our group rate in July. We were originally with Signature but they dropped all their packages/flights to Jamaica in April, so now we're with Sunquest. I had pre-warned people to book early and forget about "last minutes"...
  3. Hey!! Great minds think alike, my BM is wearing the same dress, but different colour - Pool (basically light blue) She's not carrying flowers, instead just a hot pink parasol.
  4. Sorry to hear about all the rain and crummy weather. That would totally bum me out too. I hate hate hate rain. Your pictures are amazing.. I like the one with the dark sky and clouds in the background. Very cool.
  5. Yay! Congrats hope all is well, cant wait to see/hear about your day/trip!
  6. We're not doing Christmas this year. We may do stockings for each other and go out for fancy dress-up dinner, but no gifts.
  7. Ummm, so Im still scared of the dark, still terrified of the movie ET (thank you Steven Spielberg for scarring me for life) and am not a big fan of elevators. Oh and my family still thinks its funny to tease me about my speech impediment - I used to have a really bad lisp and went to speech therapy ... yadayada yada, but now you cant notice it unless Im tanked or I say words with too many "S" sounds.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl technically, i post on BDW all day and get paid for it, LOL! you ladies seem to have impressive and important careers ... how do you squeeze in your internet time? i am a graphic designer for a small publishing firm. i design book covers, and am responsible for a monthly periodical. sounds exciting and interesting until you hear that 99% of what we publish is "information technology" related. for about 9 years here i was responsible for computers in libraries magazine ... can you get duller than computers ... IN LIBRARIES?! LOL! LOL! I think I fell asleep just reading that...
  9. Im of no help, but I feel your pain Bachata! Im pretty sure our 5 year old Golden Retriever has a mental deficiency... she likes the apple bitters. We sprayed it on her tail, because the dolt still chases and yes, eats her tail. Even with all kinds of that spray on it!! Im positive the 3 cats are thinking "what an idiot" when she does it. Good luck to ya, and pass on anything that works!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB Jamaica was the easiest that I looked into, a big reason we chose to get married there. Ditto! We chose Jamaica over Mexico, DR or Cuba because you dont have to have bloodwork, chest xrays, or translate your docs to Spanish and then back into English. Too much work for this lazy bride...
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Kristam Hi ladies! I am a deams cabo bride and thanks to the help of all of you u made my decision easy. My wedding date is set for may 4th 2009. The thing i am stessing about is attendence of family and friends. originally i had many people say they were in for sure and now due to finacial situtions many have started to back out. I have put a down payment etc it seems to late to back out and now im freaking out that ill have no one at my wedding! i knew it would be a smaller size but now im wondering if it will be no one! Help need support/advice!! Thanks! We have no one coming to our wedding either!! Yeah, it does kinda suck and Im a bit disappointed ( okay Im super disappointed) in most of my friends/family. However, most have very valid reasons for not being able to attend. A DW is what FI and I want and regardless of how many people come, its about US and not anyone else. Seriously I only have my Mom, sister and my MoH coming. FI only has immediate family coming and no friends. Im past the angry, sad stage and moved on to the "Im partying in Jamaica with my new husband for 2 weeks and dont care who's coming with me" stage.
  12. Im yet another RN. I work in ICU (Intensive Care). My hospital is the regional referral centre for Respirology and Interventional Cardiology. We see it all - except trauma.. ick. If I had to do it all over again, I'd be a Respiratory Therapist or a Physiotherapist!
  13. My ex happens to be one of my best friends and FI is fine with it.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by STACEY Well that sucks. But could you ask all 3 of them to add all the costs together and then divide by 3 so that everyone pays the same price? Good idea!
  15. Both dresses are awesome, but good score on your "disco" dress from Le Chateau!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by chickadee024 2-3 weeks? Thank goodness I'm not alone! We have some good friends who just got married. The guys are both in the Mason lodge together, and I know that the other couple has sex a couple times a week and that our guys talk about it. I've been very self-conscious about it, since 2-3 weeks is about average. You just made me heave a sigh of relief. I can put the vagina mothballs away. Vagina mothballs!! Oh that is priceless and Im totally using it! Im in the same boat as most - I blame my 12hr shift work and my 50 minute commute both ways and his 10hr shift work. We're both too bloody exhausted at the end of a work day. I get up at 445 and I dont get home until 2000 or later. Plus I work a lot of weekends and he doesnt. We literally have to schedule in sex - yes, sounds lame, but it works! We also spend a lot of cuddly time together - wow, Im sounding pretty lame.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by DallasAshli I love this thread. Thanks for reviving it Erin B! Here's my confession - sometimes I want to tell people (young women and brides included) to put your big girl panties on. The person making it so dramatic is you. Edit - I didn't mean that to anyone specific on this thread! I'm just tired of hearing women whine and not take responsibility for their actions. LOL. Big girl panties... haha I said that to someone the other day. Well put Dallas.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by twotees1218 Oh the recurrent themes make me laugh...... - FI's 8 yr old daughter makes me crazy. Since when is 8 the new 13?!? she's ok after a day with us, but why is everyday starting from scratch with the attitude adjustment program? - I hate FI's ex wife - she causes most of the problem with the 8 yr old problem in the first place - why is she so stupid? -FI's sister IS the most self absorbed person I've ever met -FI's mother is the second most self absorbed person - funny sister and mother don't get along ?!? I dream of being able to tell them all "shut the hell up, put a smile on your face and behave. It's our wedding. You may think we want to hear your stupid opinions and complaining, but we don't give a rat's ass! Live the dream! Tell them to screw off! That's probably why no one has tried to give me their 2 cents about the wedding... they all know Ill tell them really how I feel.. Hehe. Wow Im a huge bitch.
  19. Screw that! Why the hell do people think that we need to placate those that aren't invited?? If I gave a gift to everyone that's not showing up at my wedding, I wouldn't be able to afford the wedding!
  20. You know you're addicted to BDW when: I'm checking for new posts on my Blackberry at a conference yesterday.... doh.
  21. I confess that my FMIL drives me crazy. Why does she feel the need to text message me everyday to see if I want to hang out and do girlie things with her.... I dont hang out and do girlie things with my own mother, so why would I want to hang out and do girlie things with FMIL?? Grrr...
  22. All I put was "cocktails and reception to follow" ... I have no idea what time my reception is. Heheh
  23. I've ordered my flowers from AA, the only difference is, in my bouquet the amaryllis will be hot pink instead of green and the ribbon is all white. My hair flower is the same hot pink amaryllis. Cant wait till March when they get shipped.
  24. I gave my one and only BM free reign on what to wear, as long as it was in the "blue or turquoise" family of colour. She picked this Alfred Angelo number. Its simple and I like it! I told her not to spend a fortune anyway, because she's gonna go swimming in it (whether she likes it or not)
  25. One of my best friends is having his wedding on Halloween next year. I cant wait! It's going to be the best wedding ever - he's totally into Halloween, shitty B-horror flicks...etc. It suits his personality and his woman's.
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