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Everything posted by Sloan

  1. The dog and the 3 cats all have their own stockings. Our Humane Society puts up booths at all the malls, so we buy toys and eats for the pets from them every Christmas - the proceeds go towards the Humane Society. Besides, kitties LOVE toys!
  2. I feel like Ive been hit by a truck today. Night shift hangover - nothing for me today. Kickboxing tomorrow!
  3. Ya I got my water shoes from Canadian Tire a few years ago for tubing the Elora Gorge in ON. They did the trick and Im taking them to Jamaica with me. Good idea stuffing them in OOT bags!
  4. Ive never bought anything on TV - Im a bit weird I guess. We did buy a Magic Bullet - best ever - but we bought it at Canadian Tire. ShamWow does look super awesome, but the guy selling it is a freakshow.
  5. Why not just wait until you can book? You're still giving your guests plenty of time to save and get it together. Just a thought
  6. Im kinda in the same boat. I loved my dress when I ordered it. My first fitting was a month ago and I wasnt jumping for joy in it. Same thing, its pretty and I look good in it, but now I wish I had tried on some more dresses! Im not about to go out and buy a whole other dress though.
  7. That is amazing. Thanks for posting that site - its been bookmarked. My brand of humour. Check out Engrish.com its a site dedicated to all things lost in translation b/w English and Japanese.
  8. My dress has no train and now I kind of wish it had a train, just a little one.
  9. Congrats! Hope the rest of your stay goes just as well!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride I didn't exercise yesterday (Sunday) but I did get out for a 20 min walk with Killick. But it wasn't much of a walk with all the snow we had on Saturday mixed with the wind yesterday. Sooooo much drifting on the sidewalks! I hope to get to Zumba tonight, but I'll see how I feel later. I fell down the stairs today (Killick stepped on my pant leg). I'm ok, but I have a feeling my neck & back will pay for it later. We'll see...I hope it doesn't put me out of commission. OUCH! I think my cats are conspiring to kill me while Im on the stairs. They wind in and out of my legs. Im gonna snap my neck one of these times, I swear. Back at the gym today - 45 mins of chest and tri's with 50 mins of cardio. Back into work tonight - ugh hate night shift.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride You sound like FI!! He wants his big screens...his boat...his cottage...his vacations. He's convinced when/if we have kids life ends!!! LOL Oh we've been on the fence about kids vs. early retirement and cottage! But in reality we'll probably start trying after the wedding. Ill be 31 and he'll be 34, so its time for us to grow up a bit. We arent getting any younger!
  12. I dont really understand the whole "Bridezilla" thing. Just because you're getting married, does not give you license to be a complete whore to the rest of the world. Really now, no one cares that you're getting married other than you, FI, some family and some friends. The rest of the world could care less. People have been getting married all over the world for thousands of years - Bridezillas you're not special. The whole thing is ugly.
  13. Im on the fence about kids - Im a bit self-centered. Probably will end up having kids, but the thought freaks me out right now.
  14. So I lied. I felt guilty sitting around at home doing nothing, so I took some Vitamin I (Ibuprofen) and dragged my sore ass to the gym. 45 mins of back and bi's freeweights and 40 mins of cardio. Not my best effort, but an effort nonetheless...
  15. Day off for me... I overdid it this week as per usual and cant really do a flight of stairs right now. Back to work tomorrow - 12 hour days Sat and Sun, with an hour commute each way doesnt really allow for that much exercise. Back at it Monday morning before night shift. Have a good weekend ladies! Amanda - good on ya for going! And no, I dont usually stick around in KW after shift. Its all I can do to drive home and crash. I hate living far away..
  16. Teehee I had my first fitting a few weeks ago. Thing actually fit, so I decided to eat like shit that day instead of going to the gym. HA! Next fitting isnt until March, so Ive got some play time. Good luck with everyone's fittings this week! Amanda - did you make it to Zumba? A couple girls I work with do that in KW, they rave about it. I went to boxing tonight. We did so much upper body that I couldn't lift my arms up to scratch my face or put my hair in a ponytail Oh yeah!
  17. We didnt get a bunch back.. I lost count and dont care anymore. I used our booking deadline as our RSVP date, so if they didn't book then I took that as they aren't coming. Fairly annoying to not receive replies back when you put time, effort and money into them, eh?
  18. Wow! I love your dress! Makes me want to buy another one! Congrats!
  19. That is awesome. I bet they're comfy!
  20. Im hopping on this thread - hope no one minds! I read it all the time, but never post anything. My problem isn't exercising, it's the eating of crap that kills me. I've been better in recent months, but still would like to lose a bunch of weight. Anywho, despite not being able to walk properly from kickboxing last night, Ill go for another torture session again tonight. I call it torture, but I secretly LOVE it.
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