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Everything posted by Sloan

  1. Oh Im so jealous of you guys! I have to wait until April... ugh. So far away still. Ive had enough of the weather the last week too.... January vacay sounds like a good idea right about now.
  2. Wow! Great pics and a great review! Congrats, everything looked amazing!
  3. Great review! I love your BM dresses! Pics are awesome, looks like everyone had a killer time. I hope my wedding is half as fun! Congrats!
  4. So I found out I have another alcoholic bevvie that I enjoy - BUTTERSHOTS. MMmmmm. I enjoyed this with too much beer last night though.
  5. LOL! Great pics Amanda. Pole dancing looks pretty fun. I bet the penis wand was a hit at the bar - lmao.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by *Heather* Your e-pics are so awesome! Is that Springbank park? It's so pretty in the fall. Good eyes, Heather! - yep, its Springbank Park closer to Wonderland Rd/Wonderland Gardens side of the park. Quote: Originally Posted by *Casey* Those are awesome! I love the sweet ones AND the fun ones! It seems to be yall are definitely meant to be together. And, BTW... you have GORGEOUS hair!!! Thanks Casey! My hair is high-maintenence! Blown dry and straight ironed every single day! Its naturally wavy, but not a nice wave at all.
  7. Hands down - BEER. If Im getting fancy though I do enjoy a good lime margarita on the rocks. I plan on taking full advantage of the All-Inclusive-ness of the resort, though. We've never been to an AI. Both of us cant wait to drink all the drinks they can make us. PS. I really dont have a drinking problem - just on vacation.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by DallasAshli They are great! There are so many that I love, but the hockey jerseys are so unique and fun! So...was the wait worth it? Definately!! We've got 150 or so on DVD and printed! So many pics, so little time! Yours should be soon, eh? Ill keep my eyes open!
  9. Shank ya! Just got our proofs back today - yippee! BD pics in a month today - oh no...
  10. Your risk for birth defects and complications goes up after 35, actually 30. However, women have babies well into their 30's and 40's (50's even...) and have healthy happy babies. My aunt had my cousin when she was 42 and he's completely healthy. Good prenatal care is the key, although you can do everything perfect and still have things go wrong at any age. Im 30, will be 31 when we start trying after the wedding (FI will be 34). There are some genetic issues (Down's...etc) in my family, so I've been advised to seek some genetic couselling... blah blah. It's kind of a crap shoot.. hehe. I just plan on taking my mulit vits, having good prenatal care with my GP/OBGYN, eating healthy and staying active. That's my 2 cents!
  11. That's an awesome idea!! I definately need to get a proper bra fitting - Ive been wearing the same size bra since Gr.9 and my weight has been all over the map.
  12. Hey ladies, Everyone else shares their pics and stuff, so I thought I'd share mine. We did these at the end of October in Ontario, so it was a bit chilly/windy that day. I just got our proofs today. Our photog was great and she's doing my BD pics in January - eek! I look like a bit of a goof in some of them, but we're both really happy with how they turned out! Picasa Web Albums - Kayte
  13. Kickboxing yesterday and fighting the holiday crowds at the mall - does that count too?? Got a hockey game tonight - 1.5hrs
  14. Cool! Thanks, hadn't seen that one before!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by chicklet You girls are soo funny! *lol* I had a hoot reading your posts. Hey now!!! Tell him he knew me! what a turd. He may tell you I was a jackass in school too..*lol*. Very shy and quiet! LOL Angela! He actually didnt say much, which is suprising. He said, wow small world, eh? Im pretty sure he was the jackass in school! Just like me...
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by DallasAshli Me too!! We did them Nov. 15th, so it hasn't been as long but we were told we would have all of them the first of December. Since today is December 12th, I'm thinking that wont happen Also, I got 3 teasers, but one of them was so bad, I actually had tears in my eyes when I saw it. And I was at work, so I had to pull it together real fast. The good thing is that one of the teasers is amazing, so I'm still hopeful. Come on e-pics...I want to see all of you! Awww!! Teasers are supposed be good ones! We actually got access to all of our EPics in our online gallery today. YAY!!! I should have worn a different coat for sure - it was cold out up here that day - but my coat has puffy pockets, so I look like a bit of a pig in some of our pics. Oh well that's why I dont have to get them all, right? Most of them are awesome! Ill post some of them once I get all the proofs on CD next week. Hang on there, Ashli!! Im sure yours will come in soon and look killer!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 For some reason I really can't be arsed with this wedding anymore lol I've got loads I should be doing and just have no inclination to do it. I mean its not even as if its been stressful it hasn't really. It's had its moments I suppose but really its not been bad. Now everytime someone mentions the wedding I just get bored and feel myself tuning out lol I suppose it doesn't help that EVERYONE is saying are you sure about this lmao Argggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg LOL! Im in the same boat. Everyone is busy planning their weddings and Im just happy to sit around and watch everyone else on this forum plan. I couldnt be bothered with my own. That's what the resort WC is for. This is why we arent having the big reception extravaganza in Canada - I cant be bothered with it. Dont get me wrong - I love FI and want to be married, but really, both of us want it short and sweet and get to the drinking, partying and laying around on the beach.
  18. We're boring and happy to stay at the resort we're getting married at for 2 weeks. Total cost =$5200. $35000 sounds excessive to me, I'd rather use that money for more important life things, but hey! that's my opinion.
  19. Went to kickboxing yesterday, today and will likely go tomorrow in lieu of the gym. Have an awesome time at your Bach Party Amanda!!
  20. I confess that Im sick of waiting for my EPics to come back. We did them October 24th and Ive only got 1 teaser.... 4-6 weeks is making me crazy and a little bit annoyed.
  21. Good job on the weight loss and the hot pics!! Im gonna have a hard time putting FI's Flyer jersey on for my BD pics - Im a Leafs fan as well!
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