Quote: Originally Posted by DallasAshli Me too!! We did them Nov. 15th, so it hasn't been as long but we were told we would have all of them the first of December. Since today is December 12th, I'm thinking that wont happen
Also, I got 3 teasers, but one of them was so bad, I actually had tears in my eyes when I saw it. And I was at work, so I had to pull it together real fast. The good thing is that one of the teasers is amazing, so I'm still hopeful.
Come on e-pics...I want to see all of you! Awww!! Teasers are supposed be good ones!
We actually got access to all of our EPics in our online gallery today. YAY!!! I should have worn a different coat for sure - it was cold out up here that day - but my coat has puffy pockets, so I look like a bit of a pig in some of our pics. Oh well that's why I dont have to get them all, right? Most of them are awesome! Ill post some of them once I get all the proofs on CD next week.
Hang on there, Ashli!! Im sure yours will come in soon and look killer!