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Everything posted by Sloan

  1. Im not really concerned with either. Im not going to put on enough weight in 3 days to jeopardize the fit of my dress. As for tan lines -- I could care less if I have tan lines in my wedding pictures. Im on vacation, Im going to have tan lines. I'd be more worried about my face breaking out or getting Montazuma's....
  2. You guys definately picked the right time in January to fly outta here - HOLY CRAP ITS COLD. I know, I know we live in Canada, I should be used to it by now, but -20 isnt exactly normal for ONterrible. Have a good time guys! Dont get too sunburnt!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Chiquita We didn't have any dancing either.. we only had about 20 people and it wasn't worth the dance floor rental costs etc. Sloan.. I love your siggy pic BTW!!! LOL! Thanks, me too!
  4. Congrats and Yay to another Tropical Bay bride!!
  5. We arent doing any dancing! Yay! Not really fun with 9 guests. Hhaha.
  6. Have a good one Ang! Cant wait to see the pics! Have a few for me too, eh? Yay!
  7. French pedi's are awesome! Get one!
  8. Amanda/Tanya - did you guys use the Avery "stretchy" iron on transfers? I bought some of those at Staples last weekend. Havent had time to put them to use yet though. Wasnt sure which one's to buy... Anywho - I wont be around much this week, so good luck to all you guys flying out this weekend (Amanda, Christene and Ang... and whoever else I missed, sorry there's so many going this month) Cant wait to hear and see all about it ladies!!! The rest of us will be drowning in snow, Im sure.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by *Casey* I have my BD pics in 3 weeks so this week I decided to kick it into high gear. I did 4 miles yesterday morning with some weights after... then last night after work, I did 3 more miles... and did 2.5 this morning. Go Casey! You're a machine! My BD pics are this Saturday. Ugh. I have less than a perfect body, but f**k it, Im doing 'em anyway. That's what Photoshop is for, right? Did my usual 50 mins of cardio and 1hr of free weights - chest and tri's today.
  10. I showed mine a couple of pictures of my dress online. I dont care if he looks at it when it comes home with me. He's not really concerned about how it looks - that's my job.
  11. Shitty deal Tanya! Tonight? Tomorrow? None for us either.. heheh.
  12. Great stuff Jamie! Your wedding dress is super pretty. Have an awesome time!
  13. More kickboxing today. Soo many pop squats and pushups... Ill pay for it tomorrow.
  14. Yay wedding! Congrats, cant wait to see the pics/review!
  15. Yay! Congrats and have an awesome rest of your vacation!
  16. Kickstart My Heart - Motley Crue. Hahaha usually use that as a warm up song at hockey, but Im sure the adrenaline will be about the same, no?
  17. I sent 75 invites, knowing full well that no one would be able to make it. In hind sight I wasted a lot of $$ but I really liked my invites! Ive got too many teachers, laid-off and pregnant friends!
  18. Congrats! I dont know how I missed your pics the first time around, but they're great! I love love your colours. That blue is my favourite!
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