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Everything posted by Sloan

  1. I almost barfed when I saw my ticker today - 77 days till my wedding, which means 74 days till we fly out. Wow, I really need to email my WC and get some wedding-ish stuff nailed down, eh?
  2. I agree - $3000 is way overpriced. We booked RTB last July and our group rate for a double, flying out of Toronto is only $1830 + taxes. $3000 is ridiculous, even from Calgary.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by soon2bePowers WOW I can't believe that you found the portable one for that price, that is over $100 off. I have seen the non-portable one for that price but never the portable one! Congrats on the great find!! I guess we just got lucky! We love it. Its in our kitchen atm, but were def. bringing it to JA with us and it'll be great for our usual summer camping trips. And yeah, it gets real loud!
  4. From the couple pics you posted, I thought they looked pretty good! My guy hates having his picture taken too - some of our epics, I think he looks a bit awkward Wait and see how all of them look - maybe you'll be surprised!
  5. I confess that I ate a whole bunch of shitty food this weekend and didnt do any exercise. Yay!
  6. Wow, Ashli! Those are great! You look awesome in that white dress. Love the "I love beer" pic too! You had quite the wait - hope it was worth it! I think they're great!
  7. Kickboxing today. Im really not feeling the gym as of late. I get more out of boxing anyway.
  8. Happy wedding day! Hope the weather's good in Jamaica! Couldnt possibly be worse than the -10 and snow were getting here!
  9. Orange pants? Yellow shirts? Right there, I'd say no.
  10. We've been living together for 3 years and me and lingerie aren't friends. I do have a white bustier with the garter things and white thigh highs... the bustier looks great with jeans (that's one of my BD pics!) but the whole production with the stockings and garter attached is a bit much and I feel like an ass in it. Knowing the 2 of us - we'll be asleep or too tired for wedding night getting it on. haha.
  11. Even if you were to buy another metal and your finger swelled up - the hospital would most likely just cut whatever ring you had on, off. That's what we do anyway. My guy bought a Tungsten ring - our insurance covers "sizing up or down" so getting a whole new ring if he needs.
  12. Wow.. I got mine a few weeks ago on Best Buy online on sale for $279.00 -- well worth the price though!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Ayita I was so happy I went to the gym and run an hour to celebrate Take that, you fat ! That was too cute! LOL
  14. Awesome! Congrats! Cant wait to see more!
  15. I started and ended in August '08 for my April '09 wedding. I would think bridal places arent going to mind - it's business for them!
  16. That's why were staying in JA for 2 weeks. I want to be able to spend time with my new husband without having fmil knocking down our door wondering if we want to go for coffee or breakfast.
  17. Were getting married at Riu Palace Tropical Bay. Our 2 week stay in one of the suites is $5200/person. Free package all the way!! We only have 9 people coming with, so were not doing anything special for the reception - just dinner at the Steakhouse. Music will be supplied by our Bose iPod dock. Really the only thing were doing extra is upgrading to a better photo/video package and I demand chair covers and sashes. I bought my flowers and my BM is carrying a paper parasol instead of flowers.
  18. Great, great photog! Love those shoes of yours too! Hot! Congrats!
  19. Im assuming Craig's last name. Im not paying a fee to have my maiden name legally changed on my birth certificate. PITA! Most people I know have just assumed their husband's name, not bothered to change it legally. That being said, my maiden name doesnt carry a negative connotation to it. If legally changing your name to hubby's works for you Kathy - then go for it!
  20. WooHoo! Have a killer time Amanda! Looking forward to seeing all the pics!!! Have a few frosty one's for those of us stuck here!
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