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Everything posted by Sloan

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 She's off her nut lol she WILL have more you know!! To use one of my fav phrases she boils my piss ! YES!! I am totally stealing that phrase! ROFL
  2. Craig and I get back April 20th - schedule isnt up that far in advance yet, but pick a date and I could book it off. Ill be in the process of changing jobs when we get back from JA anyway... cant take the drive anymore! Too friggin long!
  3. I absolutely hate most of my body (ass, hips, thighs, stomach) but I did BD pics b/c they will blow FI away. He wouldnt think I would do anything like that. My session included hair and makeup. My photog brought some props, but I did all the outfits. I hate lingerie too and really have never worn any. I had pics done in his Philadelphia Flyers jersey and my knee high heels, pics in his favourite collared shirt and heels, pics just wrapped in a sheet, pics in my boyshorties, pics in a bedroom bra/panty set (sheer black with polka dots) and pics with my white bridal bustier and jeans. My pics should be ready soon and I imagine Ill post some. I was super nervous before doing them and figured I'd be in tears in the middle of the session, but I actually had fun. Its all about the illusion of sex -- the pics I have seen are tasteful and cute and FI probably wont know its me right off the bat. My suggestion is throw caution to the wind and just do them. Best decision I ever made was to not let my insecurities get the best of me.
  4. I think we should do another poll for another day. Things are getting crazy around here trying to plan our Buck & Doe, and Im working a ridiculous amount of shifts in the next while. Im talking 8 - 12hr shifts in 11 days. I think I might die. Ive got so much crap to do in so little time. Sorry I havent been replying to anything either -- life is getting in the way of a lot of my fun things right now. Buck & Doe planning is going to be the death of us.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by happygilmore Even before I read your thread my thought was sage. I think it is such a pretty and relaxing color and so much decor can go with it! That's my vote...hopefully you win out! Me too! That's why we wear "greens" at work (I work in ICU) -- the colour is supposedly calming.
  6. Im doing flip flops, but what about kitten heels? Most of my shoes are kitten heels b/c FI isnt too much taller than I.
  7. Agree! Valentine's is dumb. We boycott it.
  8. Yuck. FI went to grade school with a girl who left at Christmas break in Gr. 7 to have her baby - I think he said she was 12 or just barely 13. WTF?
  9. I love the last one of you on the rock with the water splashing up! Awesome!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by KAMAY11 We just had a 60 year old woman here in Calgary (that received invitro in India, because the doctors in Canada refused to give her treatment because of her age) and she ended up having twins....this also makes me upset because she will not be around to see her kids grow up. She'll be 70 when they're 10!!!! It's messed up if you ask me! Oooo!!! That story out of Calgary pisses me off too!!! I almost fell off the couch when I heard that one on the news. India does the deed, but Canada will pick up the tab for all her and the children's medical bills.... F**K. As for the "Angelina Jolie wanna-be" -- what a dunce. Give your head a shake. Most people cant have 1 kid let alone, 14!!!! I think IVF has it's place, but this shit is out of control. Humans werent meant to have LITTERS. Im sure the motivation for the MD was soley fueled by money. Money that I hope American tax-payers didnt have to fork out. Where does someone on social assistance get the $$ to pay for IVF? WOW. I could go on for hours. This kind of thing pisses me off to no end. Maddening. Especially because Im 30 and have waited to have kids until I felt emotionally mature enough (the jury is still out on that one.. haha) and financially stable enough. Too many douchebags are procreating and ruining it for everyone else.
  11. It's totally scripted. He does need to lose the beard. Beard = not hot.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by KLC77 Oh my gosh, you ladies are running like crazy! Can one of you come over here and chase me? I soooo wish I was a runner, but my body just HATES it. I'm hitting the gym tomorrow for the first time in a long time. Thanks for the motivation! I cant run either, Ive tried a few times and it just doesnt happen. Not to mention the last time I tried I joined a Running Room "Learn to Run 5K" -- loved the classes, was having a great time, then I herniated a disc in my back out on a run.... now Im just terrified to try again. LOL. I figure hockey, boxing and karate are enough high impact cardio for me!
  13. Since FI and I will be seeing each other for a good portion of the day prior to me getting ready, Im going to give it to him. Simple enough.
  14. Great stuff Kathy! Hope you have an awesome time! The long blonde hair insp picture is mine too! My vote's for down! Haha.
  15. More karate today. Oh yeah and Im having "one of those nights" at work tonight.
  16. Congrats Ang! Great review. Love your pictures!! Your dress is awesome!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 You're too nice I wouldn't include the cows if it was me lol in fact one of FI's sisters has been banned from the wedding as she is a bloody disgrace. If you include them it won't change their attitude to you, switch off from them and say to yourself they aren't worth jack shit and you don't need to prove anything to them. Everyone that loves you knows you are gracious you don't need prove it to a bunch of loons xxx Ditto. I wouldnt bother trying to appease bitchy in-laws.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by paraisobeachbride2009 KAMAY - Can we add to our lists if we want? lol I have more! hahaha Sloan - OMG, you remind me so much of me after I read your list...and you're right, you misspelled "Natzi" should be Nazi hehehe ROFL -- I knew that didnt look right!
  19. 1. I am ridiculously insecure. About everything. I cover it up by acting confident. People close to me say I should win an Oscar. 2. I wish I could eat seafood or fish, but I cant stand the taste. 3. I have blue eyes, but wear green contacts. 4. I have curly/wavy hair but blow dry and straighten it every day since Grade 9 5. I wear mascara and straighten my hair even if Im having a PJ day at home. 6. Big Mac combos are the bane of my existence... and my ass. 7. I wish FI would let me quit my job, so I could play sports and do karate everyday. 8. I hate my job. 9. I had purple hair and an eyebrow ring in highschool and I did too much acid. 10. I cant believe Im 31 this month -- Im not sure Im grown up enough to be 31. 11. I cant believe my Mom is going to be 60 this year -- that makes me giggle. 12. I prefer water over pop. 13. I could eat vanilla birthday cake with buttercream icing every day. 14. I hate my real name "Kathleen". (No offense to other Kathleen's) 15. I am a spelling Natzi -- however, Im sure something in my post is spelled wrong. Ha. 16. I think Im too sarcastic. 17. I miss my Dad and my first dog. 18. I played trombone and baritone in Grade 9 band. 19. I fell off a picnic table and did a face plant in a packed bar during Frosh week and got kicked out for being too drunk. Problem was -- I hadnt been drinking, Im just an idiot. 20. I love brussel sprouts. 21. I miss my friends, and I hate the town we live in. 22. Im stand-offish. 23. One of my cats has 3 legs. He's the BEST pet Ive ever owned. I will need bereavement from work when he dies. 24. Im convinced Im OCD or bipolar -- or maybe just a hypochondriac. 25. Best book I ever read - Dead Men Do Tell Tales. Its written by a forensic anthropologist. Awesome.
  20. Kickboxing x 1hr and Karate x 1hr today. Ill be drinking this face off tomorrow, so no exercise for me, except to lift bottle to mouth and repeat 10,000 times. My "shower" is tomorrow. FI's family rented an SUV stretch limo to take us to Niagara-on-the-Lake for 6 hours of wine tours with a couple of my friends, family and his family. Should be interesting... wish me luck.
  21. OMG! I love it! Kujo is an awesome name for a Chihuahua! Hahahah, I wanted to name my cat that, but FI thought it was dumb. Congrats on the new fur baby!
  22. I only sat down for 20 minutes of my 12 hr shift -- does that count as exercise? I really need to find another job. Blah.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by sunsetbride1 Have you looked on Etsy? They have amazing jewelery on there... Etsy :: Search Results Etsy is AWESOME. I bought both mine and my BM's jewellery from the same seller. Shipped quick and didnt cost me an arm and a leg.
  24. My vote's for C - not sure why. I like the bottom of it better than the others.
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