I quit smoking in 2002. I smoked for 12 years... kinda sad that I started at 12 and quit at 24, but at least I quit. There's a few things I think that helped me out:
1. Zyban -- definately not for everyone, but it worked for me. Made me a bit nuts at the beginning and I had problems staying asleep
2. All of my close friends and I quit within 3 weeks of each other. Literally all of us smoked and heavily at that. Only 1 out of 10 or 11 went back to smoking. Misery loves company.
3. Stopped smoking in my car, 2 weeks before I actually quit. I think that was the hardest thing to do!! My car was my smoking lounge, since I didnt smoke in my house.
4. Water and lots of gum.
Good luck ladies! Not the easiest thing to accomplish, but holy shit did I ever have more money in the bank for shopping!!