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Everything posted by Sloan

  1. I've always wished I had freckles!! Great album Morgan, I love your pictures. I wish I was half as creative or motivated to put that together. I wouldnt change a thing.
  2. Welcome and congrats! I didnt get married at GPLH, but we drove by it on the way to Negril and it looks fabulous! Happy planning!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by CaliaA07 I think I posted mine before. I got this done for our one year anniversary. It is the coordinates to the beach we were married on. I remember seeing this before and Ill say it again. Great idea, Calia!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by jax_the_beach_bride Bambino is a really cheap sparkling wine up here in chilli canada! LOL... im sure there is an equivalent to that in the states!! its 12 bucks for a magnum!! haha... Dude! Bambino every New Years! Hahahah even though I could afford a better bottle of bubbly.
  5. It's your wedding. Put your foot down and say no.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by kris Thanks for the review Sloan. I'm so sad we couldn't go there like I originally wanted, it looks so beautiful! I can't wait to do that horseback riding in the sea. I am also very happy that you didn't freak out about planning and did the "free" thing because that's what I plan on doing and yours turned out beautiful....mmmmmm Ting and Vodka...DELICIOUS..pretty sure there will be a ban on that a couple days into me being there as well Beware Vodka and Ting! LOL
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by kris Thanks for the review Sloan. I'm so sad we couldn't go there like I originally wanted, it looks so beautiful! I can't wait to do that horseback riding in the sea. I am also very happy that you didn't freak out about planning and did the "free" thing because that's what I plan on doing and yours turned out beautiful....mmmmmm Ting and Vodka...DELICIOUS..pretty sure there will be a ban on that a couple days into me being there as well Beware Vodka and Ting!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by uspoiledme Hi, Sloan. Thanking you so much for posting your review. It is really helpful. I am really interested in booking the tours for my wedding party. Can you please tell me what the price per person was for each tour? Were you able to negotiate better than the posted rates? Dunn's River Falls: $90US (lunch not included) Black River Safari: $90US (lunch not included) Canopy Zipline: I think was $70US, my BIL and his girlfriend did this one and they both loved it. Can't remember if lunch was included or not. Sunset catamaran cruise to Rick's Cafe: $50US (lunch and open bar included) Snorkeling/Picnic: $60US - I think... (lunch, open bar and snorkeling equip included) Horseback Riding: $60US - I think...(lunch not included, but we left @ 0900 and were back on the resort by 1400) Keep in mind that we stayed in Negril, so some tours will vary by price according to where you're coming from (at least that's what I imagine). Dunn's was pricey because our bus ride was 3 hours long. The actual ticket to get into Dunn's River was only $15US... it was a fun day, but a bit of a ripoff. Check out Chukka Caribbean Tours or Lee's Tours as well. We didnt negotiate any prices and just bought our tours straight from our Sunquest rep at the resort. We're lazy and bartering is not my strongsuit. Hope that helps a bit! Cheers!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by jax_the_beach_bride I confess that I brought my iPhone to work so that I would keep updated on what's going on in BDW world! DITTO! Great minds think alike!
  10. Haha, no I just decided against giving it to him. Basically I chickened out.
  11. Great slideshow Amy! I love the champagne thank you card pic - so cute!
  12. OMG I need and want this! That looks awesome! My hair is gross-wavy too, but I blow dry and flat iron EVERY SINGLE DAY. Even if Im sitting around at home in my PJ's all by myself. How long is it supposed to last?
  13. I confess that I did BD pics, but I never gave DH the book.... Ooops.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Vallarta_2009 Thanks for the great review! Your pictures are great and you looked very beautiful! You've made me rethink Jamaica for our DW options! Go to Jamaica! Do it and you wont regret it!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by chicklet Great review!! Glad you guys had such a great time. Congratulations on being a mrs...now the fun begins trying to change your name! They questioned my marriage license (took 3 months to come) at the licence bureau. I must say the beaches in negril look way nicer than the ones in ochie!! What?? The one in town here? .... I cant wait for the mess of name changing to begin! Haha, is there a master list of stuff I need to change my name on??
  16. We just came back from JA on Skyservice and I agree it sucks. We packed light and weren't over our weight restrictions going or coming. Your dress bag is not counted as carry on luggage and no one bothered to weigh it or anything, so DH and I stuffed it full of my bouquet from AA, a few books, about 10 magazines, a couple of bottles of sunscreen, contact solution, a couple pairs of shoes.... Heheh! Took some weight out of our checked luggage and no one cared or noticed.
  17. I confess that I think Amanda needs to do her Bachata review... I did mine and I said I wasnt going to!
  18. Ew. Time to move to southern Ontario! Its summer here!
  19. Welcome back Mrs! Your pics are great. Love what you did with your BM's... and the cupcakes look fab! Congrats, you looked gorgeous!
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