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Everything posted by Sloan

  1. I prefer to shop for clothes alone. Im a pretty big tomboy and so is my Mom. Neither of us really care about all the girly shit that goes along with weddings. I went to the little bridal shop in the town I live in one day because I was bored. Tried on 3 dresses and in less than 20 minutes had my dress bought. I dont think its a big deal if you dress shop alone - personally I wouldnt have done it any other way.
  2. We got married April 9th and we got our wedding certificate the first week of June.
  3. Happy Day MarieSam, hope you're having a kick-ass time!
  4. Thursday June 25 @ 2305: On the phone with MasterCard trying to find out how to change my name. Exhilarating!
  5. Im working both those weekends. Gotta hate my job!
  6. I would just like a body transplant from my waist down please.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by future_mrs2010 aww thanks! I accidentally wrote "cake" instead of "candy" in the header! Im an idiot. Mmmm!! A cake buffet sounds just as good. Maybe even better than a candy buffet.
  8. Welcome and Congrats! I got married there in April and we're planning a return trip for our 1st anniversary next year. Great place, no complaints from me!
  9. Awesome lady! Ill def keep my eyes peeled for your feature!
  10. I've had a whopping ZERO surgeries. I can sympathize with all the "dry socket" people out there though. I had my wisdom teeth just done in the office, awake. Got dry socket only on the one side and I thought death would be better than the pain I was in. Evil.
  11. Good stuff Virg! Hope you have an awesome trip!
  12. We had both friends and family complain that we weren't having an AHR. Our response to that was if they were going to plan and pay for it, then sure we'd love an AHR, otherwise too bad. An AHR wasn't part of our DW plan and people needed to respect that.
  13. We didn't because we didn't need any more crap cluttering up the house. Various people gave us a hard time about not registering (among other things), but we didn't really care what everyone else wanted or said we should do. Register if you want, not because people are badgering you to do so. Your wedding, your final say.
  14. Yahtzee Facebook Lose It - free calorie counter - way better than any of the $$ ones Shazam Sally's Spa Moonlite Mahjong Corus radio Free WiFi WeatherEye NewsCanada
  15. There's a few reviews on both Riu MB and RPTB. Of course Im bias towards RPTB, but really I dont think you could go wrong having your sister's wedding at any of the Riu's in Jamaica. We had a killer time there.
  16. Sit back and enjoy the ride. I did next to nothing in the months leading up to our wedding. All we had to stress about was our Buck n' Doe.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Blkatz 4.) Seeing my mother in law right after she fell into the pool at the reception! OMG-that is hysterical!!! I probably would have peed my dress ... or cheered, or both!
  18. We only had 11 people for our reception at RPTB's steakhouse. We brought our Bose sounddock and just ran it on batteries. I didnt mention anything about the sound dock to Keneika. It never occurred to me. There were other guests in the restaurant and they didnt seem to mind - although I wasnt paying attention to them. I wouldnt worry about it. Just bring your dock and run it on batteries. We had our first dance right at the table. No biggie.
  19. Those pics are too cute! Talk about "perma grin". Cant wait to see the finished product, lucky lady!
  20. - Hearing "Island in the Sun" by Weezer when I walked down the aisle. Not wedding-y to most, but was perfect for us. - He told me I looked beautiful like 5 times in the span of a minute, once I got to the altar. - A plane flew over the beach during the ceremony and Rev. Bob looked at DH and said "they're coming to take her away, so you better hold on to her." LOL - Being in Jamaica, away from all the BS of a traditional wedding at home... and being away from the snow.
  21. DH knows how much I weigh. More importantly he knows what I look like naked, so what does the number on the scale matter? He also knows I eat clean clean clean and workout and play sports all the time. Yeah, Ive got some cellulite and some flabby parts, but who cares. He married me for my good parts and bad parts...
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