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Everything posted by Sloan

  1. Awww! Too cute Amy, congrats on your 6 months!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Stephanie~ Aww don't feel bad, my neighbor (an old 80 year old pervert) use to purposely try and spy on me through my bathroom window. Then proceeds to leave me a note asking me to lift the curtains in the future so he would have a better view.... see it could be worse! Ew. Who does that?
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Debra~ I also want to add something....not sure if this is true for every tour operator but the company that did our transfers was Jamaica Tours, booked by our TA and while they say the buses have a/c it wasn't the a/c that we were accustomed to because everyone on our bus was burning up during that ride to ROR. It was the kind of a/c that keeps you cool during the first 15 mins and then kinda wears off. Just a heads up. Again, this may not be on every bus but this was definitely the case on ours. That sucks. Our bus was freezing. I wore my jacket the entire bus ride!
  4. We paid in US and Canadian dollars while we were down there in April. I think the rates are 1USD = 70Jamaican (or something close to that). We didnt bother converting any cash to Jamaican.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by nikicrosby Hello all....So nice to see so many Canadians on here!! I was born and raised in a very...very...very small town outside of London Ontario...Anyone ever heard of Aylmer?? So that makes me officially a country girl!!! I moved a round a bit....Kitchener...London....until I met Brian...and now I live in SARNIA!!! Oh yeah, Aylmer. Mennonite central Ive played a lot of hockey in Aylmer and I live in "Fingerhole" aka Ingersoll.
  6. I was born in London, ON and now I live in Ingersoll, ON - which is 20 mins east on the 401 from London. Quite boring, but I've lived in Sarnia and Hamilton as well. Ooo not really anymore exciting! Haha. Hopefully we're able to move back to some sort of city within the next lifetime -- Im a city kid and the small town thing is killing me.
  7. That dress is awesome and looks awesome on you. Go for it!! Anything you wear is going to be hot. My husband sweat right through a very thin linen shirt and pants! Haha.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by frazali Ewwww! Now that's tacky. LOL that's what I thought and trust me, I am no queen of etiquette! I was a bit taken aback by it. Very blunt.
  9. Woo! Congrats and have a good time away next week!
  10. Damn it! I soo shoulda got these done for my wedding. Im an eyelash and mascara whore!! Never leave the house without mascara on.. teehee. Looks amazing!!
  11. Those are so awesome! Love the beach reception! Cant wait to see more
  12. Nice! Congrats and cant wait to see more pics and read the review!
  13. I agree with Inked. You've done the right thing, but dont force the issue. There's no law that states you have to like your family or family-in-law.
  14. I recently received an invite to a friends wedding and right at the bottom of the invite said "monetary gifts only".
  15. I didnt have a shower and I lived to see another day. I dont feel I missed out on anything, but really its all personal preference. Im not much of a girly get-together kind of person. That being said, there's nothing wrong with wanting a shower. It doesnt necessarily have to be a "traditional' shower either.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Nikki07 The was I look at it, eveyday is Saturday while on vacation LOL. Im on the same wavelength. We got married on a Thursday, but everyday felt like Saturday.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by KristieF Wow this is news to me - I just assumed that all AI packages included airport transfers! I know my package with Sunquest includes this, but I'm wondering about the bus that is provided. What kind of bus is it? Does it have air conditioning? (FI is really worried about this!) 2 - 2 1/2 hours on a bus is a pretty long time, so if the bus is really bad I'm thinking it might be worth it to spend the money on private transfers. For any brides that had the transfers included in their package, can you shed any light on this for me? Is it worth spending money on something we are already getting for free? I am trying to look for places I can cut some costs, and am not convinced this would be a good place to spend the extra $$. I got a quote from Lee's Tours for our group and it's not exactly cheap, even though I'm sure they are great from everything I've read from other brides who have used them. Any info anyone has on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help ladies!!! We booked with Sunquest as well. The bus is a regular "Greyhound" type bus with a/c. No need to spend more money on private transfers. Unless you feel the need too..
  18. Love your short dress, so cute! Congrats!
  19. I like the 1st one on you best, but without straps maybe? The second dress is nice, but Im not a big fan of mermaid/trumpet style dresses... that's just me though! I think you picked the right one!
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