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Everything posted by Sloan

  1. Wow! Félicitations and bonne chance! Sorry my french isn't the greatest
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by jmb0902 Okay so change of plans (and nursery theme, and clothes....)... we were wrong!!! Our personal U/S was obviously done too early, because we are having a BOY!!! So after getting over my initial shock (I mean we were 100% sure we were having a girl)... here is the little man himself: AH!! What a shocker! A boy!? Hey now you get to be crazy MIL... hahaha! Just kidding, I hope to hell I'm not a crazy MIL when my kids get married. CONGRATS!! I go for my big u/s today at 500. I want pictures damnit!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by jmb0902 Kayte- YAY! Boys!! How exciting!! Cute pic... I feel just as big and I've only got one baby in there! I'll have to get some pics up =) Our "official" US is next Monday, the 24th, but we have ALSO snuck a peek at the little one last week in the ER (while my husband was working)-- and we're thinking GIRL!! We also did one of those silly Intelligender urine tests that also pointed to girl... I am waiting on official word before I start painting the nursery hot pink though! Yay for working in ER! I knew it would pay off someday! Haha that's awesome your having a girl! Congrats! Good luck on your biggie u/s next week. Ours is the 26th. And yes, we need pics!
  4. Great planning thread Christie! Have a wonderful time in Jamaica! Sandals Grande looks amazing and so does your AHR loc! Great choices! Congrats!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by CourtneyV I can't believe you found out the sex of your twins... while at work! I'm so jealous! Does your DH know that you found out??! Did you have a feeling one way or another as to what you might be having beforehand? Glad you're feeling so well! That's pretty awesome! I called DH from work just to tell him what we found out. He's very excited! I wanted boys over girls, but had no "gut feelings" really. Obviously we would have been just as excited for girls, but I think I'd be a better Mom to boys. Here's a crappy iPhone pic of myself from yesterday. Wow I'm huge already. Can't imagine what the next weeks to months are going to bring. I won't be able to walk by the end of it! Eeee! My bum is getting bigger and that totally did not need to happen.
  6. Hello hello ladies! We haven't had our "big" u/s yet. It's scheduled for May 26 and we had planned on finding out the gender of our little monsters. However, last night at work in ER we were pretty quiet, not a whole lot going on, sooooo my ultrasound tech friend dragged me into one of the exam rooms and we did a quickie u/s. The BOYS look great! No glaring abnormalities, everyone's organs are where they should be and are functioning just fine. So crazy to see them both jumping around in there. I haven't felt any distinct movement yet, so it was nice to have a look-see inside and make sure they're both okay. I can't believe we're having boys. I'm so excited! Courtney: 3 weeks to go, eh? How are you feeling?!
  7. Welcome and Congrats on your engagement! Like Lisa said, try a search there are a few brides that got hitched at Riu Negril. We got married down the beach at RPTB, so I'm a big fan of the area. That whole bay area where those resorts are is fab. Happy planning and good luck!
  8. I took my husband's last name. In hind sight, he probably should have taken MY name. It's much easier to say and spell. His last name no one can pronounce or spell. It's kinda funny how people try to say it, much less spell it. I get the "double take" with a screwed up face from strangers every time I state our last name. Oh well. Too late now.
  9. I'm built like a brick shit house. My photog brought boxed wine. We both had some. If I can make it through a BD session, anyone can!
  10. Welcome and congrats! Like PP said, check out the Jamaica forums. I believe there are a few ladies getting or have gotten hitched at Half Moon and Rose Hall. Jamaica was beautiful. I'd go back in a heartbeat! Happy planning!
  11. FrankenHeidi!!! OMG -- she looks very plastic. I don't like. What the hell was wrong with her previous face and body I always thought she was gorgeous. Now she's just another overdone plastic-y looking idiot from LA. She's gonna look like Joan Rivers when she's older.
  12. Great planning thread! You really have your sh*t together! Hope you have a great time in Mexico! Congrats!
  13. Meagan -- I went off BCP last July. Had been taking it for 13 years or so. Some girls get pg right away, but for others it takes awhile for cycles to regulate. My cycles were completely regular from the get go, but we still didn't get pg until the end of January. Good luck lady!! Oh and yeah, it is really hard not to get the u/s techs to do a quickie scan, but I don't want to find out something horrible is wrong with the kids while at work. That would be ugly! Just have to be patient until May 26 --- can't come soon enough though.
  14. JMB: Yay for being back from Italy!! Hope you guys had an awesome time! I totally hear ya about the whole not slowing down for pregnancy. We decided to put our house up for sale and now we're building a new one. CRAZY. House sold today and our new one should be finished by the end of July -- I'll be 29 weeks the day we move in -- Ahhhh! I won't be able to do much of the moving, but DH doesn't care. He tells me I can just sit and direct traffic. Too bad I can't have beer while doing it! Good luck with your big u/s next week. Sooo exciting! Ours isn't until May 26 -- I'm dying to know what these kids are! I'm hoping for boys, but obviously will be equally happy with girls. I have a theory though -- since my pg has been pretty easy, (knock on wood) other than being really tired and having super huge and sore boobs, I think I'm carrying boys, because if they were my girls they would give me a much harder time IE. more barfing, nausea, constipation (sorry Mrs. Martin!!) Guess we'll find out the end of May if my theory is correct! Kinda handy having an ER physician for a husband too, eh?? That's awesome he just pulls out the bedside u/s! I love it! I'm an ER and ICU RN so I play with the doppler every shift! I can only find one hb so far, but from what I've read and heard from other multiple moms it can be hard to hear the second baby's hb early on. Let's hope there's still 2 in there! Now that we've had a bunch of weeks to get used to the idea of twins, I'd be devastated if we lost one and didn't realize it. I'm being a paranoid first-timer, I know! Anywho, keep us updated on that u/s! Mrs. Martin -- I hope you're feeling better ... from both ends! Holly and Meagan -- good luck with your appts! Hopefully see you guys on the baby bus sooner, rather than later!
  15. Your dress is beautiful! I love your colours too! Great details, thanks for sharing. Have a great time in Hawaii!
  16. It's not Mexico, but we got married in Jamaica at 4pm in April and it was crazy hot. I'm talking 45+ with the humidity. DH was sweating through the ceremony. I wouldn't have changed a thing!
  17. Our next u/s isn't until May 26 -- it's the big one. We weren't going to find out sex when we thought we were only having a singleton, but all bets are off now. I need to know. I feel pretty good, still pretty tired but no morning sickness or nausea. I'm very lucky. We put our house up for sale recently and it sold in 6 days! Holy crap! Now we're building. Hopefully will be moved into our new house by the end of July. We are insane. Hopefully I'm not on bedrest or something crappy like that. I'll be 28 weeks by the time we move into the new house. Crazy! We figured better to do it now before the kids come! Sometimes I still think the twin thing is just a big giant joke. I read too much bad stuff on the internet about "vanishing twin" sydrome. Ugh... Starting to show a little bit now, although to most people it just looks like I'm gaining weight and getting a bit fluffy in the middle. Holly - twins don't even run in my family and I wasn't taking any fertillty meds/treatments!! Twins were the LAST thing on my mind. Now I just tell people that my body is efficient! 2 in 1 shot and we're done!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Jenn79 The Shawshank Redemption always pops up at the top of my list. It's just such a great story I second this recommendation. LOVE Shawshank Redemption! I'm also partial to 80's teen movies, Ghostbusters, Vanilla Sky and The Dark Crystal (although it is a kids movie).
  19. Congrats! Pics look great, I love your ceremony site/setup. Can't wait to see more!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by *HOLLY* Tell him the sooner the better for both of you. I HATED being prego at 8months i August it was so friggin hot. Try and talk him into knocking you up sooner than later! I get to be 7 months with twins in August... and I can't have any bloody BEER. This summer is going to suck. "Near beer" just isn't the same...
  21. I missed this first time around! That is hilarious! I love it!
  22. Sloan

    Jamaica Newbie

    Welcome and Congrats! There's still a bunch of us married Jamaica brides hanging around and there's tons of info in the Jamaica forum. Happy planning! Oh and Moon Dance Cliffs = Gorgeous! (never been but the pictures are pretty awesome!)
  23. Not weird at all. My Dad passed away when I was in highschool. I walked myself down the aisle. No big deal. Had one of my close guy friends made it to our wedding, I may have chose to have one of them walk me down, but I was fine going it alone.
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