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Everything posted by Sloan

  1. Welcome and congrats! There's tons of info to be found here. Check out the Jamaica forum. There's a million reviews on Jamaican resorts. Good luck!
  2. Hey welcome and congrats! We got hitched at RPTB in Negril. Suited us just fine! Check out some of the reviews for Jamaican resorts - there's more than a few! Good luck!
  3. Congrats and happy planning! Tons of info regarding ROR in the Jamaica forum. Good luck!
  4. Congrats and happy planning! We had a great time in Jamaica!
  5. Welcome and congrats! GPLH looks amazing! There's been a few reviews in recent months. Do a search and see what pops up. I havent been, but we drove by on our way to Negril in April. It's pretty impressive looking from the road and from the pics Ive seen! Good choice and happy planning!
  6. Congrats and welcome! We got married next door at Riu Palace Tropical Bay - you'll love Jamaica! We had a great time, the beach is amazing! Happy planning!
  7. We've got 3 cats and a Golden Retriever. 2 of our cats are indoor cats and the 3rd is an indoor/outdoor. He's 12 now, a bit crusty and much happier roaming around the neighbourhood. The other 2 cats dont seem to care and really have no interest in the outdoors. Ive had lots of other indoor/outdoor kitties and they know where they live, they've always come back home. We never really had to train them to come back. Good luck with your kitty and for sure post pictures!
  8. Sloan


    Congrats on your engagement and happy planning! Vegas wedding, sounds like fun to me!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by torywedd omg...u have me super xcited about getting married at the RTB, your pics and xperience are simply fabolous to read and look at...it looks like everything a destination wedding is supposed to be......i wanted to know about the semi private reception, i know that it is held at the Steakhouse restaurant, but i wanted to know what is exactly served? Hi Torywedd, You get to order off the menu at the steakhouse. Cant remember the exact choices on the menu though! I know I had the steak! There was salad to start and some seafood appetizers. Unlimited wine - which is why I dont remember the menu The WC emailed me the dinner menus for the different restaurants. Try dropping her a line! Happy planning!
  10. Congrats and happy planning from a former Jamaica bride!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by katrina my favorite sweet tooth fix- banana sliced lengthwise spread each side with peanut butter and honey put it back together and eat it like a sammich! OMG. Im having that when I get home from work tonight. I love PB and honey!
  12. I actually did a BD book for him, but I never actually gave it to him. I kind of got cold feet after I did it and now I dont really like it. It's still hiding at the bottom of one of my dresser drawers collecting dust. Hah. I would have gotten him a watch, since he's a watch freak like most other guys are, but the turd bought himself yet another watch like a month before we left for the wedding. Gah. He always buys himself the exact present I was going to get him at birthdays and Christmas. So in the end we decided not to get each other anything. I figured I was present enough for him... LOL
  13. Congrats and welcome, Laura! We got married and honeymooned at RPTB in April of this year. We spent 2 weeks on the beach there and loved every minute of it. The link to my review and pics are in my siggy. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions. There are a few other reviews on RPTB if you do a search for them! Good luck and happy planning!
  14. Sloan

    I'm New!

    Congrats and happy planning!
  15. Welcome aboard Fiona! Happy planning, the time zooms by so enjoy every minute of it!
  16. Grats on your engagement! Welcome and happy planning! I was the first and probably last to have a DW amongst my fam and friends. I wouldn't have changed it for the world!
  17. I think both look cool. I love the one shoulder strap and the colour of the first one. If your girls were happy to slap down deposits on it, then hey why not?
  18. Congrats!! Your pictures are great!
  19. Sloan

    ASAP newbie

    Welcome and congrats! Jamaica is amazing! Happy planning!
  20. Welcome and congrats from another Jamaica bride! Happy planning!
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