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Everything posted by Sloan

  1. Congrats on picking your resort! That was the hardest part for us, now the real fun begins!
  2. The way you've originally planned it sounds best to me. Greeting the other 2 after the dinner for drinks or something sounds good too!
  3. Love Happens : Martin Sheen
  4. Jennifer Aniston : The Break Up
  5. I have to agree with Carly. My only regret is not having a photog other than the resort photog for our wedding. The pictures we got are mediocre at best and not worth it for the money we spent. If I could do it all over again I'd hire a pro photog for our wedding. Look into the forum's photog's or research a few from Jamaica. Some brides have had good luck with SunGold Photography There's many options - check 'em out!
  6. Wow!! Great planning thread!! The Millenium Falcon idea is totally cute, I love it. The wedding site looks amazing, can't wait to see the review! Have an amazing wedding trip! Congrats!
  7. Welcome to the forum and congrats on your engagement! You'll have a great time here planning your ROR wedding. There's soooo many ROR brides! Jamaica is awesome, you'll love it. Good luck and happy planning from a fellow Canuck and former JA bride!!
  8. Yikes! Sorry to hear you two are dealing with all that. It's a lot for anyone to have on their plate. At least you and FI are on the same page. Good luck planning your local wedding. I'm sure it'll be just as gorgeous!!
  9. Sloan

    Jamaica Wedding

    Congrats Nicole! There's tons of info in the Jamaica forum to help make your decision. Lots of AI reorts to choose from or really awesome non-AI options as well. Lots of girls here, with lots of variety. Happy planning!
  10. Those are great! Makes me want to go back and do a poolside reception! Good to see it worked out for you!
  11. Very chic, Heather! Love them. Can't wait to see them all together!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by xxashleyxx007 I confess that I just ate an entire bag of Smarfood popcorn.... no wonder my clothes don't fit anymore. LOL -- Smartfood is the bane of my jeans not fitting. That and Big Macs..
  13. Meredith and Derek can get lost -- Im not into that plotline at all for some reason. Callie and Dr. Sloan (ahah best lastname EVER) are wicked. I love Callie. I cried about George... I still love George. I wish he stayed, but I do like Alex and Izzy. PVR set up to tape next week's episode!
  14. Silence of the Lambs : Jody Foster One of my favourite movies! "It rubs the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again!"
  15. Fracture : Anthony Hopkins
  16. We were certain that we wouldn't be having many guests so we booked everything before we asked anyone. We decided we would be fine with no one standing up with us if that was the case. One of my friends was able to make it and my husband's brother stood up for him.
  17. Talk to animals! I need to figure out why my cat yells at me every morning. Would you rather work at a low paying job you absolutely love or work a high paying job that you hate?
  18. YA! Hope you're having a fab day in Cabo! Congrats Mrs!
  19. Sloan

    New Member

    Congrats and Happy planning! Tons of resources here!
  20. Congrats and welcome to the forum. Tons of info and ideas for your wedding. Good luck and happy planning!
  21. Apparently I'm rather shallow because I'd rather be beautiful and live to be 50. I dont ever want to be 100, ugly or otherwise.... I think I'd rather be a shorty (under 4'10). Im 5'8 now and that's tall enough for me. Would you rather be completely deaf or completely blind?
  22. Congrats and welcome to the forum. There's a TON of DW info related to Jamaica on this forum. Search it out -- happy planning!
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