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Everything posted by Sloan

  1. There's a couple of threads in the Jamaica forum regarding marriage certificate delay. Seems to be a theme this summer... Getting a copy of your Jamaican Marriage Certificate Wedding Certificate
  2. The whole situation is completely ridiculous. I feel bad for the kiddies regardless. What a f'ed up childhood to grow up in. We'll never know the real story behind either Jon or Kate, only the media spin on them.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by drbrainfreeze Yeah, we are going on 5 months soon....but we finally got confirmation (FWIW...we will see if it comes) that our certificates were sent DHL on Monday. Apparently, the Jamaican government is behind...but then why are some getting theirs faster than others? I think it might have a little to do with the WCs too. Wow. 5 months, that's just crazy.
  4. I wonder what the trouble is? There's another thread about the ROR brides mot getting their wedding certs either. We got married in April and got our cert in 6 weeks. Hope you girls get yours soon!
  5. Sin City : Benicio Del Toro
  6. I didn't fly Air Jamaica, but your dress doesn't normally count as carry-on. I ended up stuffing a WHOLE bunch of stuff in my dress bag, because no one asked me about it, weighed or opened it up to look inside.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by shankd I'm a fire fighter.....I totally love my job!!!! Cool! Im thinking about doing the volunteer firefighter thing in my town. Right now I'm an RN and I work in ICU and ER.
  8. I used a freebie site mywedding.com Worked just fine for our needs! Check ours out! Kayte & Craig
  9. Varsity Blues : Ali Larter
  10. Welcome and Congrats! Moon Dance Villas do look super nice! Good luck with your planning!
  11. LOL game in an hour is a staple in our house as well. Love fall clothes! Can't wait to wear my Uggs. Like or dislike Uggs?
  12. Love! Hockey. Watching and/or playing!
  13. Death Race : Jason Statham
  14. Four Brothers : Tyrese Gibson
  15. Monday September 28 @ 1555 -- waiting to see if my flu swab comes back positive. Blech. Too many sick people coming through my ER lately. Feeling like awful hell today
  16. The Departed : Mark Wahlberg
  17. The white dress for sure. Hands down. And yeah, I love the yellow dress for your girls. Awesome.
  18. I think my vote is for dress #1, but honestly I think both look great on you. Go with your gut!
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