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Everything posted by ohiobride15

  1. I was just wondering if anyone is getting married at the Aventura Spa Palace? I know there are a lot of people getting married at Moon Palace but I just wanted to see who was getting married at Aventura. Thanks everyone.
  2. Im sure there are some resorts that have the option to marry on the beach and have the reception back at the hotel somewhere. I would just contact the wedding coordinators at the resorts they will have the most information for you on that. Sorry if im not a lot of help.
  3. I really like #1. I just really like the detail. But you look great in all of them.
  4. ya I got them from michelles. They were super easy to put together
  5. oh ok on my computer they take up the whole screen.
  6. sorry about that guys. I tried to make them smaller. I thought I did.
  7. Here are some pictures of my invitations and oot bags the invitations the save the dates the inside of the invitation the outside of the invitations the reply cards the oot bags.....they have matching ribbon to tie the handels together
  8. Can someone tell me if this pic works. IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk195/rlpeters_photo/150-1.jpg[/img]
  9. Once you have the photo bucket account what do you do with the IMG code? I cant seem to get it to work. Thanks.
  10. Im not going to the same hotel as you. What we have planned for that time is a cocktail hour that will have drinks and some appetizers passed around. Maybe something like that would be nice so your guests can mingle and get to know eachother.
  11. I had bought the invitations a couple weeks ago. They are super easy to put together and look great when they are done. Im sending them out tommorrow. Im sure my guests will like them.
  12. You look beautiful!! I love that dress. I think the simplicity of the dress makes it so pretty.
  13. That shirt is so cute. My FI would wear that. He would love it. Where did you find it?
  14. I think the mexican one might be nice. We live in Akron right now but we work downtown Cleveland. Thanks guys for the advice. There arent that many people on here getting married there so its knid of hard to find information.
  15. Im not a nurse but a respiratory therapist. I work at the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland Ohio. I work very close with the nurses there. They all seem to love thier jobs. We work in the cardiothoracic icu there so we work with very specialized patients. Its a very fast paced environment with something new everyday. There is always an oppurtunity to learn something or help someone out. I think being a nurse is a very rewarding career. Im sure you would love it. It is a lot of work though so know that going into it.
  16. Can anyone who has visitd Aventura Spa give me a reccomendation for a resturant to have my rehearsal dinner at? I have never been there so any information on these resturants would help. There will be about 20-25 people at the dinner. The hotel said we get to pick the resturant. Thanks guys.
  17. im trying to add some pics can anyone help me out? it keeps saying failure to upload.
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