I'm so grateful I have found this website! I've been going through most of the threads, and I have found some helpful tips and advice that I didn't even think about. Like, I didn't know we were going to need music, for the signing of the registry, and for totally forgot about the recessional. I was just focused on the processional. So thanks ladies!
I see that most people are getting married (or have been married) at Ochos Rios or Negril. We're getting married at Whitehouse in just 5 weeks! So I hope they are as good at Whitehouse as they are at OR and Negril.
I read that you can bring your own flutes, cake toppers, etc., but we're getting the Twilight package and it's supposed to come with toasting flutes. Has anyone seen what these flutes look like? Should be our own? I mean we bought some for our reception that we're going to have when we get back to LV, but I really don't want to travel to Jamaica with them.
Last question, did most of you use recorded music, or did you use the live musicians whether it was for your ceremony and/or reception?