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Everything posted by BlissfulMsMiranda

  1. I'm starting to panic now ... I leave in 2 days and I haven't packed and there's still things to buy and stuff to organize...... AHHHH!!!!!!!!
  2. So, I have to give a shout-out to the company MyPublisher.com. I am supremely impressed with their service AND their product. I just received my BD book in the mail today (after just ordering it last Wednesday night after 5 p.m. and it was supposed to arrive yesterday but I was a dork and put in the wrong address). Now, there is usually a 1-4 day processing time for orders as well as a 3-5 day shipping time (for Canada), but because I'm Ms. Last Minute I wrote to their customer service and played the bride card, and they totally sped up the process and made sure it shipped ASAP. And the product didn't suffer! I love the quality of the book jacket and the print quality of the pages ... they're not overly glossy and I think they look great! Plus, there's a great little overlay on the first page where the text is ... I'll try and post some pics in my planning thread. Anyways ... had to share! Oh and if you girls want to use MyPublisher.com for anything you can sign up here: MyPublisher | Get $20 off photo books for you and your friends! and when they send me coupon codes I can spread the wealth to you all!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by roo66 Oh my gosh these pics are great as everyone has said hes gunna flip when he gets these.Just wondering if you took any with your glasses on after your post about if you were going to wear them on your wedding day.I loved the very last picture .xxxxxx Aww thanks ... thanks to ALL of you!!! As for the glasses - see, I was with a bunch of bossy girls that day (MOH, photogs wife and honorary bridesmaid who did my makeup) and they HIJACKED my glasses!! And because I was totally blind the entire shoot (which probably helped me do it) I couldn't see to find them either!! LOL I was a bit concerned not having any shots with my glasses ... but then this book is meant to show a different side of me ... one he doesn't usually see ...
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by MsZ Beautiful!! Your FI is going to LOVE them! YOu should see if you can get a picture of his jaw-dropping reaction!! LOL thanks - and I plan on it! I'm going to send the gift over with our photographer (who also took the BD shots and is not quite sure if he'll get a punch in the face from FI for taking them LOL).
  5. Awww Ayita - CONGRATS!!!!!!! I'm so happy to hear about a HAPPY Mexico bride so close to the stupid piggy flu!!! I can't wait to see pics either ... hehehe Sounds like you had the day of your dreams ... absolutely amazing. :)
  6. I didn't put these up before, but my awesome group of girlfriends threw me the best bachlorette ever 2 weeks ago!! What was amazing is that so many of them came out with me when they aren't even coming to the beach with us! I love my girls!! They tried SO hard to get me on the floor with drinks ... and I told them it wouldn't be easy .... and it wasn't!! The day started with my wonderful MOH treating me to a trip to the hair salon, and then a massage and manicure ... I love my MOH!!!!!! (and here she is ... the beginning of the night at dinner): Yup, I made it on to the bar.... And I found another bride that night! I was SOOO excited to see her!!
  7. Thanks ladies - I was so happy when I found these! Quote: Originally Posted by DeBooCL Love your vases from pier one BlissfulMsMiranda. I think I might have to get them . Are you using colored sand or the sand from the beach? I would like to use both. However, to order sand in my colors online is 3 dollars but the shipping is 10 because of the weight. pretty ridiculous. The only colors I have seen are light brown, white and baby blue at Michaels. Do you ladies know of any other stores that might have more colored sand options? I'm looking for aqua or tiffany blue sand. I already have white sand,and plan to use the maroma beach sand. Just want the third color to be a wedding color. We are using our wedding colors (teal and white/biege) which we bought from our local art store Omer des Serres (a Frenchie Montreal art store hehehe). You should check out your local arts and crafts stores and see what you can find. We paid about $3 per 1lb bag and we needed 2lbs to fill each vase. Quote: Originally Posted by Soon2beTWells I love these, can you buy the smaller vases without the larger middle one? I love them but already found my center piece for the sand. They all came separately! That was the cool thing about finding these vases at Pier 1 ... we could mix and match how we pleased!
  8. Don't know if this will work, but my Mum uploaded a video of Hamish and put it on Facebook ... let me know if this works for you ladies: Login | Facebook
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by shellk they are great.you made my mind up for me. Thanks! Glad I could help ... ;-) Hehehe
  10. I have 15 guests and I'm doing them! With a smaller group it's much easier and costs you less as well. Sometimes it's not so good for the bulk item orders as they often have 20+ minimums for a good price ... but because we're such a small group, I was able to personalize the bags a bit better... So, I say, go for it!!
  11. Alright ladies ... I am so close I can smell the sand and ocean already ... this weekend was supposed to be a whirlwind of getting stuff done ... and it partially was I suppose: Saturday my parents came into town and my father (Mr. Last Minute) finally got his outfit for the wedding ... I don't have pictures, but I'll try and take some for the planning thread. He got a great green shirt and tie from Mexx. He's going to look SO handsome. And while that went well - Saturday didn't go off without a hitch, of course. We went to the freaking TA to pick up our tickets and everything was going well until she asked Colin and I to have a look at an email from the wedding coordinator .... Basically it said that if we wanted a private dinner (which I had thought from the beginning was INCLUDED in the package) we needed to pay extra for it to be outside, on the sand and away from the other geusts. If not we were going to be in the restaurant with everyone else - not what I wanted at all. So, it worked out to 35CUC (convertibel pesos which are the equivalent of $1 USD) which brought it up to about $600 USD... $600 FI and I do NOT have at the moment. So, that sent me into a bit of a funk ... and we were meeting my parents right after that. Now, of course, my Mum knows me better than I know myself ... and as soon as she saw us, she's like: Are you OK? Which is the worst question to ask ... so I cried. Now, it made it look like I was crying because I was spoiled and wanted the dinner and couldn't have it. But in reality I was crying because I KNEW as soon as my father heard about this he would pay. They've already given us SO much it's ridiculous and I didn't want to tell them AT ALL. It took both my Mum and my father to get it out of me, and of course he said he'd cover the expense ... but I feel SOOOO bad about it ... they've done so much already ... so much ... *sigh* After the tears and the gorgeous shirt and tie, we managed to find a really decent sounding iPod dock (JBL) but there were none left at the store (just the demo one) so, hopefully FI will pick one up from the Best Buy near his work today ... And yesterday I managed to pick up 95% of the OOT bag contents (again, I'll post pics when I put everything together on Wednesday night/Thursday). I just need to pick up a few extras for my MOH, FG and Mum ... then it's all good!! OH and I picked up my dress on Saturday too ... :) Fits like a GLOVE. Everyone forgot a camera though!! You girls will have to wait for the wedding photos to see it ... ;-) Hehehe
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by jax_the_beach_bride OH ladies... im off to Toronto tomorrow.. and monday i fly out to Varadero Cuba for the wedding Week!!!!.. YAY!.. im in the process of making my planning thread.. so it will be up soooon and i promis LOTS of pictures Have a safe flight Jax and an AMAZING wedding!!!!! Can't wait to here all about it!!!
  13. OMG Jax you are SOOOO close now!!!!! I love your DIY invites, they're gorgeous and your dress is going to look amazing!! I'm excited to see how you do your hair because we have the same length and mine's straight too! You must be SOOOO excited and anxious ... I know I am and I still have over a week!! :-p Congrats sweetie and can't wait to see the "married" pics when you get back!! **hugs**
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Cattie Well keeping with the whole Cuba and spanish theme, El Amor, it's spanish for love! Awww that's too cute ... I'm totally calling him that on the down-low ... hehehe Quote: Originally Posted by tdmitchell Lol, Hamish! I LOVE him! How did his mommy carry him for 14 months, He is BIG! Do you have any pics of her prego? Here are a few pics ... this was when they first got her, before she started to show too much (with me!) last September - and those are my parent's horses in the background (Ben and Oscar): And these two were taken about 2 weeks ago I guess ... so at the end of her pregnancy (that little white one is her daughter, Bindi ... and Mum's name is Arabella):
  15. Wow you Mexico girls are resilient!!! I am so happy you guys are working things out ... where there's a will there's a way ladies!!!!
  16. So, did any of you girls find the sets?? I'm curious now!!!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Cattie Oh man and here I had the perfect name for him!! He is SO freakin cute!!! Ooh ooh I want to know now!!! What name did you have?? Maybe I'll secretly call him that when my parents aren't around! Hehehe
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by tylersgirl I LOVE HIM!!! If you ever need a baby donkey sitter I will gladly do it. He is precious. I have never seen a baby donkey! I'll keep you in mind, but you gotta come all the way up to Canada to baby donkeysit! Hehehe Quote: Originally Posted by edssbride09 Oh jeez, I LOVE BABY DONKEYS!!! Seriously, donkeys and beavers have the cutest little babies... I hope you give Hamish a big cuddle for those of us on BDW! I'll be sure to give him the biggest hug ever ... and see if I can get a pic of him with something that's very BDW ... maybe he can be our mascot. LOL Quote: Originally Posted by ebredhawk i honestly don't think i've ever seen anything as cute as that huge fluffy head on that itty bitty body!! the name is great too... definitely has character! and i have to ask... do your parents' donkeys actually come when you call them? if so, that is amazing! They really do come when they're called ... and they serenade my parents (like in that YouTube video) EVERY time they call them when they're in the field ... it's pretty funny actually.
  19. I got this yesterday via email and it cracked me up ... LOVE IT!!!
  20. That's amazing Ayita - I am SO happy for you ... and you're going to be a Mrs tomorrow!!!!!!!! As for the airports being closed in Cuba ... don't wanna freak out any of the other Cuban brides ... they aren't COMPLETELY closed, they just banned all flights to and from Mexico!
  21. For anyone thinking of getting a donkey *cough*Carly*cough* they make great "pets". The ones my parents have are miniature donkeys... but donkeys in general have great therapeutic benefits. Time spent with a donkey means time de-stressing and relaxing for you! Donkeys, apparently, possess calming traits that pass to humans. They are loyal pack animals and once you're accepted the treat you as one of their own and will never leave you. They are almost stupidly loyal to their pack (if one is attacked by a wild animal and injured, the remaining uninjured donkeys will NOT leave the injured one's side, no matter what ... whereas in a herd of horses, the other horses would flee and leave the injured one to die). They really ARE lovely animals ... and if you want to hear what my parent's donkeys sound like, check out this video of Elmo saying 'hi' to myself and my father: YouTube - Elmo Saying "Hi"
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Emily&Matt This is a link to a blog I like to read: Sassy & Sweet Notes: Spotted Donkeys She raises farm critters and photographs them and recently had a baby spotted donkey too & named him Truman! It's just as adorable as your little guy. How sweet... OMG that is the cutest little thing ever!!! Thanks for sharing! She takes great animal shots ... her donkeys are gorgeous! I've passed along the link to my parents, I know they'll love it. Oh and I've JUST been informed by my father that he now has a name.... drum roll please: Hamish!!! Don't ask me why ... it's a Scottish name ... and I think my father just thinks it'll be funny to scream out that name when they want him to come. LOL
  23. Hehehe thanks ladies ... I am a proud donkey aunt, that's for sure! I haven't met the little guy yet, as my parents live about 45 minutes away from me, but I will this week! Hmmm ... maybe we can call him Che ...
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