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Everything posted by BlissfulMsMiranda

  1. Well, my AHR is 1 week away and it's about time I get on this whole posting business (sorry ladies!) ... hubby is away for the weekend so expect ALL the missing posts from me to pop up (including my pro pics! YAY!)... alright but back to the invites: I was planning on being a DIY queen ... design my own and print them out, save $$ and all tha jazz. I made my own boarding pass invites (see here) and thought that the AHR invites would be a breeze ... yeah ... not so much. Compared to the 15 I had to make for the DW, 50 AHR invites was just WAY too overwhelming ... So, I turned to Sarah - wonderful, talented, patient Sarah - to help me not a month and a 1/2 before my AHR. Yup, that's right, in under a MONTH Sarah got my invites to me ... and I absolutely ADORE them. My guests cannot stop talking about them and they are gorgeous. From a few wedding pics and my explanation of our theme and colors Sarah was spot on in her design. The finished product is phenomenal and I can't WAIT to use Sproullie Design for my next major event ... Sarah, you're a rock star!!! Now, of course .... PICTURES!!! And I just had to show how mu frubaby Jynx fell in love with Sarah's invites as well! Thanks again Sarah ... I LOVE THEM!!!!!
  2. Aw Geralyn you looked amazing!!! Absolutely LOVE your dress and the location was gorgeous ... congratulations sweetie ...
  3. Well, I don't have experience as a teacher ... BUT I was a private school (private boarding school) and public school student, and my Mum has taught in both a private and public school system ...and we will both tell you, hands down, that private school is the better system. Now, don't think me high and mighty and snobby and what-not. What's best about the private school system is the class size. At Stanstead College I was in a class of 8 -- sometimes 12, depending on the class -- kids ... now that's incredible! In public school we were over 40, and where my Mum taught at one point she had over 50 kids in her class ... now that's just insanity! What private school allows is for more direct approaches of teaching ... that's the best part. granted, you're going to come across kids that have very different "issues" when compared to public school kids (no on is perfect) but I think the structure and smallness of private school make those issues bearable and more easily solved and worked through. I hope I'm not coming off as close-minded or haughty ... that's not at all what I want ... and as I said I went through BOTH systems, so know ... If I was going to teach (and all the power to you, it takes great leadership and patience to be a teacher ... both my parents and grandparents are/were teachers ... and I just couldn't do it!) I would choose private school, hands down. Sorry to go on so long ... hope this helped!
  4. We didn't actually have a guestbook for our destination wedding ... and now that I think of it ... we probably should have! LOL But our AHR is coming up next weekend, August 1st, and we'll be having one then and we've decided to go with a wipe board/digital photo guestbook. So, I've made up a sign that will instruct the guests to write a message of 5 words or less, then ask another guest to take their photo, holding up the board! Hopefully it will work ... I'll be sure to post pics and let you girls know how it all turns out. I absolutely LOVE the fancy rocks idea ... so original!!!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by ebredhawk that's where my most recent tattoo was and it's definitely a sensitive area, but if you really want it, a little discomfort is worth it! PLUS, it'll make pretty much any other tattoo that you get feel like a breeze!! Oh goodness .... LOL ... well maybe I'll just pass out and then it'll be easier on everyone! I do really want it... and I'll be sure to post on here as soon as it's completed (which will, hopefully) be in the next month! Woohoo!!
  6. Seriously Ana, one of the most gorgeous brides I've ever seen. You guys are a seriously HOT couple .. your photog must have loved working with you! What incredible pictures ... and yes, I got teary when the song really kicked in and you guys were all making out in the Mexican village ... I think my favorite shot is of you two sitting by the fountain when he's kissing your forehead - it's pure, loving and just beautiful. Congrats!!!!!!
  7. Wow Virg ... gorgeous shots! You were a beautiful bride and the TTD shots are AWESOME. Congrats and welcome to being a Mrs!!!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by krishna69z I was thinking of doing something similar, but I was thinking of bringing a portable photo printer for people to attach photos right into a scrapbook with some fun pens to leave messages right next to their pictures. Have no clue how it will work, but figured that over a week most people should have a chance to do something. Yeah that's a really good idea and I considered that as well ... but the printing takes a little while (at least it does on the printer I have) and well, for a 4-5 hour party it kinda sucks to be stuck sitting there waiting for a picture to print out when you could be partying with the rest of the guests which is why I opted for the digital camera/wipe board idea ... Seeing as it doesn't seem like anyone else has done or is doing this ... I'll let you girls know how it turns out in a week and a 1/2!
  9. ^^^ Thanks! I'm so bad at finding threads ... So everyone's tattoos are awesome! Makes me want one EVEN MORE. I want to get it on my side, kind of on the ribs ... am I making a mistake for my first-time tattoo being in that locale? Am I gonna pass out from the pain?? LOL
  10. Sorry if this has been done already -- mods feel free to delete or redirect if it has! -- but I'm planning on getting a tattoo in the next few weeks and I want to know what everyone else has! This is going to be my very FIRST tattoo and I'm having my Mum draw and design it for me (she's an incredible artist). So, show off ladies!!! Let me see them tatts!!!
  11. Wow Katherine you are absolutely gorgeous - every photo of you is stunning! What an awesome locale with great colors and props for Elizabeth to use! Congrats!!
  12. Wow Ash ... AWESOME pics ... God I miss the blue Cuban ocean ... *sigh* ... love the dress too, makes you look hot, hot, hot!! Congrats!!
  13. Aww everyone's furry babies are SO cute ... I love having pets and can't imagine a household without them! While my parents have 2 horses, 4 donkeys and 3 cats ... hubby and I have our 2 babies at home ... 2 lovely cats: Jynx is a 4-year-old Cornish Rex ... she's a handful let me tell you, but she's also the best cat, EVER and a ham for the camera: She absolutely loves elastics ... and no elastic is safe ... ever! She'll play fetch with them for hours if you let her: And this is my 17-year-old baby, Spooky. I've had her for more than 1/2 my life and I don't know what I'm going to do the day she leaves me ... Spooky loves playing in the snow! And occasionally the two of them get along:
  14. Just wondering if anyone did this for their destination wedding or their AHR? I just bought my wipe board and was planning on leaving my small, digital camera for photos (because everyone knows how to use a digi now, right?) with the board and a small instruction card on a table ... but from experience, do guests like this idea or do they find it too much work? Thanks ladies!
  15. Wow Fanny, what a great slideshow ... you looked gorgeous ... and so happy!!!! Congrats!!
  16. Aww that looks gorgeous - and even tho it's not fitted to you yet, it still looks awesome!! love that style and the open back!
  17. Wow Geralyn everything looks amazing!!! I hope your wedding day went well! Can't wait to see pics and hear all about it!!!!! :)
  18. Ladies, this thread brings SUCH a smile to my face! I find myself visiting it repeatedly throughout the day just to brighten my mood! Excellent idea!! So here are a few of mine ... all non-pro shots that really captured the mood of our wedding day: My man steals a dance with the photographer ... priceless:
  19. #6 really is gorgeous and makes you look amazing ... your body is HOT!!! I prefer it sans strap though ... you have great shoulders and the strap is a bit thick.
  20. Thanks for the responses ladies!! It seems my AHR favor dilemma was solved for me. .. I found out a few days ago that my aunt is making the favors with little boxes of candies and starfish and heart charms that can be worn afterwards! And I was unsure about the favor thing at first too ... but it seems that, after talking to a few guests, people see this as a "wedding" even if we don't. So they're going to bring gifts ... so we feel we have to do something for them as well. Now I have to find a dress ... yes 1 1/2 weeks away and I still have nothing to wear .... **panic**
  21. And I still don't know what to give as favors for the guests!!! I also don't have a solid number of guests yet ... I really have NO idea what to do ... I don't want to do something too expensive, but I want to do something Cuban related as that's where we were married, but I'm running out of ideas!! I was thinking maybe a mini bottle of rum with a starfish decoration and thank-you card with our picture .... does that sound too cheesy?? You girls have the best ideas and I know I've been a bit absent lately, but it's SO hard to get back into the swing of things after such an amazing getaway ... LOL yes, it's taken me nearly 2 months to get my head back on straight ... :-p
  22. That is totally beach ... and it's a hot, hot, HOT dress! If you love it, I say go for it (like the other girls!). You can make ANY dress a "beach" dress. If you're willing to rock it in the sand it'll work! ;-)
  23. OMG Beach2009 ... thank you SO much. I heard rumours about this place, but never knew quite where it was ... thank-you, thank-you, thank-you!!
  24. Yay!!! They look fab! Love your color scheme too ... and there's a perforated cutter/rotary thing at Omers DeSerres here in Montreal that'll do the perforated cut on your boarding passes ... I know there's an Ontario version of the store, not sure of the name though, sorry! It's a big arts store ... DeSerres
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