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Everything posted by godaloveme

  1. Welcome & Congrats Try not to worrie to much every thing works out in the end !!!
  2. wow great pic's it looked like you all were having a blast !!
  3. ok I know this a dump question but what are Pashminas and what do you use them for ?
  4. How far are you girls on your planning sofar? about all I have is the location of the wedding (not sure about the reseption dinner yet) have my colors picked out(thease are my colors) I know what resort most of us are staying at and I have bought my OT bags thats about it
  5. Congrats !!!! you did a great job just loved the slid show you looked so beutifull & so happy !!!!
  6. godaloveme


    Welcome & Congrats !!!
  7. godaloveme


    WELCOME !!!! Congrats Gemma !!!
  8. wow !!! great info!!! I wonder if they will give a kick back to us Canadians as well !!!
  9. I choose a less exspence AI hotel on the south side of p.v to try and keep the cost down!!! that was one of the main things for me for air and hotel its about 800 per couple ( if the damn taxes dont go up to much !!)for 7 days. Its a hotel we have stayed at 2 times and will be staying there again in oct of this year so we know exactly what to exspect I have told most of the guests that its not really fancy but Breakfast is amazing and the drinks are strong and you cant beet the location !!!
  10. I would love to have the key chains if there not gone !!!
  11. Quote: Yay, I have a date twin. I am getting married on November 14th too at Sandals Grande Ocho Rios. Are you sending out STDs? yup I thought i would send the STD'S out in nov of this year so it gives people a year to save . How about you are you sending out STD's?
  12. We are getting hiched novber 14 2009 in p.v my fi thought i was nuts to start planning so soon!! till he seen the huge list of stuff I need to do befor then !!!
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