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Everything posted by ashrose

  1. So The Dark Knight looked scary --- so FI and I ended up going to see Momma Mia this weekend. Let me just say... it was AMAZING. I highly recomend it. It makes me want to dance and wear sparkly stuff.
  2. I was going to do this... they aren't too bad to DIY: Branches here: Natural Branches Here's a site that has instructions and a video: wedding tree crystals, wedding crystals, crystal wedding tree
  3. Agreed. It's not the best match for your hair color and texture. What are your other options?
  4. How cute! I think the little blocks are an adorable idea!! I'm going to have to tuck that one into the back of my mind for the kiddos that are coming.
  5. My FI being hillarious is one of the reasons I am marrying him I told him he should stop talking wedding stuff with me cause he always says something cute and then I want to post it on the forum for you lovely ladies... He doesn't mind though. Takes it like a trooper. Says he'll never meet anyone from the forum so it will be ok. Stopped him dead in his tracks when I told him I was going to start inviting folks to our wedding
  6. Uh... that's not how I would run my business... I'm not a TA, but I have done things like that for customers (getting them in on a special) -- but I always called them first... especially if it was going to result in me charging them for making the change. Maybe one of the TA's on here can chime in... You have reason to be angry - absolutely.
  7. Oh man. LOL. Good luck with that. Are you ok with her still going?
  8. Morgan, which version do you have? The essentials, enhanced or extreme?
  9. Boy checks drivers' speed with toy radar gun - Vehicular weirdness - MSNBC.com This is hillarious! That kid has to be super cute.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by *lauren* lol, we got one in the mail the other day...i send dh a text: "got std from brett. florida 1/09" his reply: you got WHAT? LOL. Hee hee... that's amazing.
  11. OOOH! Bachata is hard to find. Anyone in their area should take them up on that... How fun!
  12. My FI is overwhelmed by wedding accornyms. I've only given him two: STD and OOT bags... but today he said, "In school I learned that an STD is something you didn't want... but now that I'm getting married... it is something I want." I love this man
  13. Oh Morgan... your books are going to be so pretty! Love love love your pictures.
  14. Some of them you need to do 100-250... But for a lot of the products you can do a min of 48-50. Did you say hat? Sweet! Another excuse to look on the site... FOUND! Custom Promotional Products from MARCO - Brushed Cotton Twill Cap The min order is 48.
  15. Yippe!! I just have to post a few more that I think are amazing (I promise I'll stop geeking out here soon): Hand sanatizer on a leash: Custom Promotional Products from MARCO - Hand Sanitizer on a Leash Lip Balm on a leash... Custom Promotional Products from MARCO - SPF15 Moisture Lip Balm on a Leash Instead of luggage tags... little grip thingies... Custom Promotional Products from MARCO - Grip-It Luggage Identifier Cheaper than a travel mug -- get them a travel jug! Custom Promotional Products from MARCO - Coleman 1/3-Gallon Jug
  16. I was looking for other options besides a canvas tote bag and found a really cool site that has all sorts of types of promotional products. They mostly serve conference/event planners -- so they are the types of things you would get at a conference, which could be really cool. I found these cool messenger bags -- they are slightly more expensive than a canvas bag... but I think they could be very cute. Or how about this one that is currently on sale: I could totally see you putting a travel mug in there... and then clipping a key holder to that caribeaner... Anyway... Have fun... if you are promotional product geeky like me, you'll love this site: Printed Promotional Products, Advertising Specialties, Custom Imprinted Promo Logo Items, MARCO
  17. I hear ya!! Every night I ask my FI, "is it Feb 2010 yet?" ...apparently time travel is not possible.
  18. I'm totally going to do this around Thanksgiving this year. I had no idea this kind of perm exsisted (thanks!) -- and I talked to my FI and he thinks it would be a good idea! ... when I get it done, I'll be sure to post pics. I have had a hard time finding pictures of non-asian girls getting it done (understandably so).
  19. Oooh!!! I love how you did those. I always thought the pocketfolder invites were a bit much for a DW - but I love how you have that little corner pocket.
  20. Great review!! Thanks for all the pictures! It sounds like MP wanted to make everything right even though there was a hassle in the beginning.
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