What a good question.
Long ago, a good friend told me that the key to success was finding something you love to do so much you'd be willing to do it for free -- but you do so well you get paid for it.
That being said, I love aspects of my job. These would be the competencies that they put on a job description (ie: working with account managers, managing projects).
I'm a contractor at a large software company (ah hem) -- its been an interesting experience being essentially, a long term termp... but I've really grown to like the lifestyle. It pays well, I get to meet lots of people, and if I wanted to go full time at the company, I have a leg in the door -- my current team could even introduce me to other teams. I also have lots a of flexibiliy (I can go in to work at 10am and leave at 6 or 6:30) -- and I get to work from home once a week.
It's not what I wanted to be doing (nonprofit management) -- but it definitely allows me a lifestyle that includes paying my ridiculous student loans.