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Everything posted by ashrose

  1. Oh that's great stuff! Do you plan on decorating the letters or leaving them as is?
  2. You made the right choice! Weddings tend to have little bits of ackward family tension and if I got seated at weird Aunt Mary's table with people I didn't like... man, that would be the end of me celebrating. We've tossed around the idea of putting a scrapbook page in memory of our deceased relatives -- since we are going to do a scrapbook guest book. But pictures on the table is an excellent idea as well.
  3. So I was rumamging through an old used book store looking for crazy craft ideas and stumbled upon a book of DIY tabletop fountains. I got to thinking that this could be an amazing idea for a centerpiece... it would bring in a lot of romance, ect. We'd need, of course, a battery powered fountain... For example, we could take this fairly simple fountain and decorate it with flowers/seashells/sea glass... ect... Amazon.com: Feng Shui Fountain Ceramic Blue, White: Furniture & Decor Or just DIY the whole thing. What do you think? Is this idea just too far out there to transport to say... Mexico for a ceremony?
  4. Oooh! Yummy. If you want a virgin watermelon drink... just take watermelon and blend it with ice... It turns out amazingly smooth and delicious. Not too sweet but wonderfully refreshing.
  5. Welcome Chris! There are LOTS of Dreams brides on here... so jump right in.
  6. Welcome Lisa! Your blog is really great!
  7. ashrose


    Welcome! Best of luck planning. Let us know which resort you choose.
  8. ashrose


    Welcome to the forum. Enjoy your planning process.
  9. Welcome to the forum! Good luck!
  10. I agree with Courtney... If he is trying to build his portfolio, a thank you note that talks about the experience doing the engagement shoot can actually help him if he posts testimonials on his site. You can also offer to be a refferal for him if other potential clients want to talk with one of his previous clients. If he goes WAY above and beyond -- I think that is when you should tip him. I don't believe the photography industry has its pay scale based off of tipping (like say, espresso or food service).
  11. One of my close friends does something similar in a RE/MAX office. She LOVES her job. At one point while I was in college she tried to recruit me to do transaction coordinating. I'd love to be an agent... but I can't not have a salary right now. Seattle is a cool place to be because we've got Redfin and Zillow headquartered here, so I do have options. I just need to wait until I get married and don't have to rely solely on my income.
  12. My grandma makes a zucchini soup ... its a cream based soup that is really good. I don't have her recipe... but this one looks kind of close: Zucchini Soup with Herbs - Allrecipes I know that soup freezes well because I do it all the time. I laddle about 2 cups in to a quart sized ziploc and then squeeze the air out and stack the bags one on top of another... it freezes them flat so they stack easy in a sometimes crowded freezer.
  13. You can certainly do that. My aunt and uncle, since it was their second wedding did a DW and their bill, including honeymoon was about 4k.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by AmandaR What a great thread! I work in Human Resources as a Recruiter and love what I do - every day is different, and there's great satisfaction in knowing that I have recruited a candidate for a hard to fill position, or just made a job offer to a candidate who was out of work through no fault of their own. In an ideal world, I would still do my day job, but also run a resume writing/critiquing business and write articles for HR publications. You should still do that!! I'm sure you could start that business online...
  15. ashrose


    Welcome to the forum!
  16. ashrose


    Welcome to the forum!
  17. I think seat yourself is fine. I went to a wedding earlier this year and there were about 100 people and the best man stood at the back of the room to welcome folks and let them know they could sit anywhere they wanted. It worked great.
  18. What a good question. Long ago, a good friend told me that the key to success was finding something you love to do so much you'd be willing to do it for free -- but you do so well you get paid for it. That being said, I love aspects of my job. These would be the competencies that they put on a job description (ie: working with account managers, managing projects). I'm a contractor at a large software company (ah hem) -- its been an interesting experience being essentially, a long term termp... but I've really grown to like the lifestyle. It pays well, I get to meet lots of people, and if I wanted to go full time at the company, I have a leg in the door -- my current team could even introduce me to other teams. I also have lots a of flexibiliy (I can go in to work at 10am and leave at 6 or 6:30) -- and I get to work from home once a week. It's not what I wanted to be doing (nonprofit management) -- but it definitely allows me a lifestyle that includes paying my ridiculous student loans.
  19. Here's a long list of potential fixes... Sunburn Remedies - Health 911 I'm thinking the bath with lavender sounds really good (and relaxing). Bonus: it heals your burn, and then you smell good.
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