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Everything posted by jrodsgirl

  1. Sounds like all went well even with the rain. Thanks for sharing and CONGRATS!
  2. Hopefully everyone is having a good day. Weigh-in went alright I guess. It didn't go up but only went down a little....not even a pound. Trying not to get discouraged. Going to keep at it.
  3. Oh well, it was worth a shot to post. Thanks anyway ladies!
  4. I think you will be fine if you keep the weight light. If you increase weight I would give your body at least one day rest. At least that is what I have read. I used to alternate days before between cardio and strength. You could also do combo moves. For example, a squat with a press; a lunge with a bicep curl. Just a few thoughts from the top of my head.
  5. Today eveyone at work brought something in for breakfast and lunch....a potluck. Trying to be good. I brought in veggie pizza so I know what is in that. I few things I passed on which is a good thing. Actually thought to myself...do I really need this. I did exercise this morning and maybe if I have some time tonight I can squeeze something in. I can always still tweak dinner too. Before this I probably would not have thought twice about eating something so that is positive.
  6. Thanks for the pics. You look beautiful! The BM dresses and flowers look great also.
  7. Good Luck! You know you will probably be sore but it will be worth it.
  8. I am so very sorry for your loss. The only thing I can honestly say is that it will take time to heal. I lost my mother at a very early age. I was 11. It has now been 21 years and some go better than others. Each person heals differently. I was never very close to my father at the time of her death and we have since built a relationship. Sometimes it is good and sometimes bad. I wish I could have one more day with her. I probably always will. I may not know you or your FI personally but I would be pretty sure that he would do anything in his power to make the hurt go away. I know there are so many times I push my FI away because I might not think he can help me through the tough times. I am learning that he can and that he will always be here when I need a shoulder to cry on so to speak. I still have good days and bad days. Sometimes the loss hits me out of no where and I am sad. Other times I might burst into laughter because I remember something she said or did. There are many people in my life now that never had the chance to meet her. She was amazing. I share my memories I have and that helps. I won't lie though...sometimes I still get angry. I think it is all part of the process....my healing process. My thoughts are with you. Hang in there.
  9. To me....all a matter of personal preference. We decided that we were going to have an AHR after we come back as it is only the two of us going. Laid back party - nothing fancy (that is what suits us). We decided from the beginning to do this. Do what will make the two of you happy - not anyone else.
  10. Congratulations and I hope you have a wonderful time!
  11. Sounds like everyone is hanging in there. That is awesome. FI plays softball in the summer so Friday night there was a double header and then off to the sponsor (the bar). Did better then I have in a long time...drinking that is. In the back of my mind was all of you and the challenge. It kept me focused...so THANKS! Becksy - the beer games sound like a lot of fun. Enjoy! No exercise today....running around here and there. Hopefully tomorrow I can squeeze some in.
  12. Great pics. Glad to hear all went well....minus the rain lol. Thanks for sharing.
  13. Great news! Sounds like everything went well. Can't wait to see pics.
  14. Very sorry to hear about your loss. Thanks for posting the pic....very cute animal!
  15. Well, just got back from lunch with some co-workers. Went to Houlihan's. Had a 1/2 southwest chicken wrap (comes with chips and salsa) and a house salad with balsamic on the side. I'm trying to justify to myself that was not too bad. SgtPepperette - it too is really hot here. Going to hit 90 again. Very humid. Everytime you go outside it smacks you in the face.
  16. I'm ready for the week to be over and the weekend to begin. Thought I was really going to munch the night away last night, but instead went outside and did some weeding in the garden. This is the first time I have attempted one and everything is growing into each other. Maybe I will end up with some hybrid veggies. I did get some exercise in this morning so I guess that is a good start.
  17. May I have it as well too? [email protected]. Thanks so much for sharing the info.
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